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How best to achieve iPad, Macbook, iMac interoperation?

New Here ,
Nov 26, 2018 Nov 26, 2018

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Before I shoot myself in the foot, I'd like to find a good tutorial or other documentation on the best way to use my three computers.  I had been getting by with just a Macbook but recently acquired an iMac and rediscovered my iPad.  I have Photoshop CC and Lightroom Classic CC installed on both the iMac and the Macbook, and Lightroom CC (Mobile) on the iPad.  I also have the 20GB version of Creative Cloud and about 170GB worth of RAW image files, along with about 15GB of catalog.  What I'd like to be able to do is this:

1.  Use my iPad and my Macbook when away from home to finally do what I should have done long ago: cull, keyword, and in general better organize my 8000-image catalog.  Full-on editing will generally be limited to the iMac, due to the screen size.

2.  On the road, I'd like to limit my risk of loss by bringing only my iPad.  I believe there is provision for using the iPad  for capturing images and doing some initial editing for my blog (cropping and initial exposure and color adjustments), and then later syncing to my iMac.

3.  Finally, I'd like to take my laptop to local events for slideshows and maybe do some preliminary editing.

Where is the best place to learn how to do all that?






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