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separate SSD setup for AfterEffects and Premiere

Community Beginner ,
Dec 26, 2019 Dec 26, 2019

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 Hi. I’m trying to figure out where to spend money on my setup to get the most bang for my buck. Currently I m using a MBP i9 32RAM 500GB Nvme / 4GB Pro Vega 20.

In the future, I’m planning to edit BRAW and ProRes HQ Footage in AE, PrPro and Resolve. I am using a lot of VFX, colour grading etc. for my projects. The size for both codecs is around 270 MB/s at 4k Res 60fps. Total footage size is usually around 350 to 400GB. At the moment I store everything (Caches,Footage and Media Files) on my internal Nvme, wich is also running my OS. Now I know that this is pretty suboptimal and after doing some research, I would set up my configuration this way:


500GB Internal Nvme: OS, Apps

500 GB SSD: Disk Cache

500 GB Nvme: Footage, Projekt Files


I'm planning to store my footage and the Project Files on a fast external Nvme like the X5 (Samsung). The Disk Cache on a regular SSD like the T5 (Samsung). Is the X5 to overkill to store my footage on? Is that high amount of speed even used or beneficial compared to a regular SSD (T5 Samsung). Does it make any noticeable difference? Because if not, I would get a regular SSD instead of a Nvme wich is more than double the price. Is a regular SSD fast enough for Disk Cache?


If I m on the go and don’t want to carry two external HD´s with me (OS/Programs - internal and  footage, caches, etc. on a single external), would a nvme be better then a regular ssd in this case? 

CPU , Hardware or GPU






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