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Sound pops in tineline at 48000 Hz

New Here ,
Jun 05, 2019 Jun 05, 2019

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I have a main timeline for a project that has sound files that were recorded at 48000 Hz.  If I set my timeline setting to that number, there are random pops and clicks all over the place.  It will also export with these pops. If I set the timeline at 96000 Hz, it plays fine.  The timelines that I synch my footage in are set st 48000 Hz, and they play okay too. It's only when I load up on effects and fades that it struggles.

It was suggested to me that my windows sound setting might be wrong, but I checked and it is also set at 48000 Hz.  Should I just keep the timeline setting (and export setting)at 96000 Hz?  I don't know why that would he what works if the sound files themselves are 48000 Hz.

Any information would be appreciated. Thanks.






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