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Hello World,
I recently picked up an R.A.T. 9 mouse hoping the thumbscroller and other shortcut buttons would make for easier timeline navigation but alas it doesnt respond. Most likely because as it works out Mad-Catz dont offer the customisation software for the R.A.T. 9 - but do other models. I tried these softwares but they dont work. At all!
So I ask the Community what computer mice - and keyboard as we're at it (see below) - they have great results with please. Links absolutley welcome.
Re: Keyboard - I currently have a RedDragon backlit really quiet (for nightime work) which is great but doesnt have a button for [\] which would of course show the entire timeline so instead I have to get the mouse, scroll and double click the grey bars.
I've watched several YouTube reviews but I'd much rather recommendations from Premiere users first hand please.
Thanks loads in advance,
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Moved to Hardware forum
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Thank you for moving this.