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Adobe CS6 - Breaking News!

Enthusiast ,
Nov 16, 2011 Nov 16, 2011

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Some members of the Adobe CS team(Dennis Radeke and 2 others - sorry, forgot their names, but they were PPro/AME team people) were in attendance at the Atlanta Cutters meeting last night. You'll all be happy to know that they revealed quite a bit about the next version - CS6. Here's the quickie info on CS6, I've quoted as carefully as I can:

- "It's coming in 2012"

- "It's going to be amazing"

- "It's pretty exciting"

I hope they don't get fired for revealing all of that info. I'm sure you all are very excited, as I was last night, to be able to gain such an early look at the next generation of video editing.

In all seriousness, they were very good at the one thing they were really there to do - convert FCP dissidents - and answered a few questions people had - again, mostly about migrating from FCP. Quite nice to hear my FCP friends talking afterward about how it's a done deal, Adobe is the here-and-now. All this in spite of the fact that Media Composer 6 is basically here now as well.

Sorry to get everybody all excited with the thread title...I really couldn't help myself. It was refreshing, though, to see not 1, not 2, but 3 reps from Adobe at a relatively small user group meeting in Atlanta (150 attendees, more or less) and this is after they've already been out here once this year. Says a lot about the development of the production community here in Atlanta for the last few years, but also says a lot about Adobe's committment to listening to their customers and working constantly to solve problems and develop new solutions that fit our various workflows. I still remember the old days where Premiere Pro was seemingly an unsupported piece of Adobe refuse, meant simply to fill a gap and keep people working with AE. Those days are as long-gone as they can be now, and the good times are rolling on.




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Jan 21, 2012 Jan 21, 2012

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Here's the part I noticed.

"coming in the first half of 2012"




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Jan 21, 2012 Jan 21, 2012

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I just want my bug fix and I don't want to pay for it.





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Community Expert ,
Jan 28, 2012 Jan 28, 2012

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This is NOT a direct indication that CS6 is "about" to be released... but an oddity

Before I am officially retired (end of 1-31-12) I went to the site my University uses for staff/student purchases, to see if there was something I just "had to have" before I lost my discount

When I went to the Adobe section of the store... it said there were no products... which could mean they sold everything and are waiting for a new order from Adobe... or could mean they are waiting for CS6

Like I said, not an announcement from Adobe, but odd that a sales site used by several Universities would be completely out of product





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Community Expert ,
Jan 31, 2012 Jan 31, 2012

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John T Smith wrote:

When I went to the Adobe section of the store... it said there were no products... which could mean they sold everything and are waiting for a new order from Adobe... or could mean they are waiting for CS6

Like I said, not an announcement from Adobe, but odd that a sales site used by several Universities would be completely out of product

Hey there John - that is a bit odd, but it sounds like the first explanation (waiting for order restock) because it's likely the CS6 release is still a ways out

Congrats on your retirement today!

(BTW, Adobe now considers documents dated within the past six months "current," so you may still be able to get that education discount down the road.)




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Jan 31, 2012 Jan 31, 2012

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As always, thank you for your attempts to help us all stay current!

@ John T, GREAT!!!!!!!!





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New Here ,
Jan 29, 2012 Jan 29, 2012

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having given up with endless bugs in Adobe software back in the days of CS3, I stumble across this thread (and similar)  only to find that nothing has changed.

Software still riddled with bugs, Adobe attempting to marginalise proficient users into believing they are the only ones to experience such problems.

Puts into context Apple's (and soon Microsofts?) rejection of flash.

I have no agenda here, however I am many $thousands better off than if I had loyally followed the upgrade path.

I just feel sorry for the poor sods that dutfully part with hard earned $ for buggy software from a company that doesnt respect its users.

Adobe - get with it or face oblivion

A relevant motto:

"Dont do a job unless you can do it right"




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Jan 29, 2012 Jan 29, 2012

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While I very much agree with your motto, I also find myself nicely earning a living using Adobe software.  It behaves quite well for my needs on my system.




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Community Expert ,
Jan 29, 2012 Jan 29, 2012

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I used to use CS3, with DV AVI video, and the ONLY problem I ever had was having to wait overnight for Encore to transcode to DVD due to a "not blazing fast" computer

I now use CS5 with AVCHD and a much faster computer, and I have ZERO problems

But... both computers were/are set up to DO video editing... having the correct hardware is a big part of success with Premiere Pro and Encore




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New Here ,
Jan 30, 2012 Jan 30, 2012

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Hey - dont get me wrong - no doubt there are many that do indeed make a good living from Adobe software and there will be some that encounter more bugs than others.

From my perspective I used CS3 pretty extensively a few years back and got fed up with seemingly never ending bugs (on very good hardware) so bailed out at the prospect of massive $$ to upgrade for a new set of problems..

I was considering coming backto the fold but this and other threads and the industry move away from flash all paint a picture of Adobe struggling to get on top of their issues and most partiuclarly respect for their users.

I realise this is the view of one developer in a big crowd, however it is shared by others I know and ultimately is to the detriment of Adobe.

I may still get a copy of CS6 when it is launched but unless Adobe have changed their ways, then no way will this become the core of my work again.




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Explorer ,
Jan 30, 2012 Jan 30, 2012

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Jan 31, 2012 Jan 31, 2012

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Can Adobe give us an automated bullet list in Illustrator CS6? Or can they...




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Community Expert ,
Feb 02, 2012 Feb 02, 2012

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>Illustrator CS6

Since this general discussion lounge is in the Premiere video editing area, you might want to talk about Illustrator in the Illustrator forum

How to Select a Forum http://forums.adobe.com/docs/DOC-1015




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Jan 31, 2012 Jan 31, 2012

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1. Saving smaller file size

2. Inbuilt Barcode plug-in

3. Improved rasterization of objects (like corel's)

4. Improved export capability (no more of this message "the combination of artwork size and resolution exceeds the maximum that can be rasterized")




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Community Expert ,
Jan 31, 2012 Jan 31, 2012

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Participant ,
Feb 02, 2012 Feb 02, 2012

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If they just optimized the speed of the interface and nothing else, I would be very happy. Look at Vegas, Magix, and others - working with the timeline, moving clips around, zooming in and out, it's so FAST. Premiere Pro just coughs and lags.  I'd love to see PP switch to non-destructive clip movements as well - like in Vegas and Magix how you can overlap clips at will, creating an automatic crossfade. 




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New Here ,
Feb 02, 2012 Feb 02, 2012

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I'm old enough to remember when Adobe did actually address version bugs (instead of compartmentalize their existence).  Long time, and more-recently reluctant, loyal customer.  Probably no longer though.  Kinda had it with them.  Otherwise I'm all fired up to see CS6.  Thanks for the info. 




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Community Beginner ,
Feb 13, 2012 Feb 13, 2012

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I couldn't help but add my own rant... -)

I also have been using Adobe products since the mid 90th. They always were in the for-front for desktop publishing software, color management and typography. They lost control once they started the CS dynasty and started caring more for their stockholders then their core customers.

So, Adobe, farewell to you. It’s been a rollercoaster ride but I got to the exit platform and going on new rides. Less bumpy I hope and cheaper to enter.

Maybe see you again in CS XII… 




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Enthusiast ,
Feb 14, 2012 Feb 14, 2012

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Hi Goomi...what software package did you choose to replace Adobe?




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Community Beginner ,
Feb 14, 2012 Feb 14, 2012

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Since most of my work is in web design and front-end development I am going to use Coda instead of Dreamweaver and Axure instead of Fireworks. I still use Lightroom 3 for my digital assets and use Premiere every now and then even though most of the features I need are build-in to iMovie and even directly in YouTube (if I upload content there).

I use CS3 now and can't find any reason to change.

In a freelance gig I currently working at I have a beast Mac desktop with 4 quad core xeon processors and CS5.5 has the same old buggy issues. so what's the point?




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Explorer ,
Feb 14, 2012 Feb 14, 2012

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Hope Adobe Premiere will listen to their customer base. We will keep the Adobe platform at least for one year more. Everythings depends on CS6, and I'm not telling about resources, but support, bug fixes mainly. I don't expect to get a bug free application at the release. But they didnt fix the audio loop bug while working with XDCAM HD 4:2:2, reported 8 months ago. Embarrassing.




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Feb 14, 2012 Feb 14, 2012

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Mac desktop...same old buggy issues

Works great on Windows, especially when you build your own.




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Feb 20, 2012 Feb 20, 2012

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Yeah, it works great when you don't use it for more than 30 minutes or so and you only keep one file open. Start using Dreamweaver for extended periods, if you don't experience one or two crashes a day you will be the first person I've spoken with who had that experience. I've run Dreamweaver on 5 or 6 PC's and a MAC. Two of the PC's I built, the rest bought. I've had issues on every one of them. Photoshop, however, has never given me a problem. Nor has Illustrator.  But Dreamweaver and Fireworks glitches occur regularly. I'm just curious why Adobe skips over so many cries for fixes, requests for interim patches, and basic updates to keep Adobe's web development products on par with their open source (free) competition. No LESS support? No Coffeescript? No jQuery support (jQuery Mobile, but not jQuery?? What were you thinking?). And what about apps? Adobe's version of "extensions" is so 1999. Adobe fanboys can write this off as a rant. But I'm speaking the truth, and I've spent long enough in the community that I can say with confidence that anyone who uses Dreamweaver or Fireworks professionally will agree. I personally paid $3k Adobe licenses this past year, and everything I'm mentioning is supported by virtually every single one of Dreamweaver's competitors: notepad++, textmate, sublime, WebStorm, and many others. And most of them are free. $3k folks. That gives me anyone a right to rant.

Adobe, please make good on your promise to people like me who want your products to work so badly that we paid seriously rediculous amounts of cash to use them.




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Enthusiast ,
Feb 21, 2012 Feb 21, 2012

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I think your general point is valid - if you pay for software, it should work. That is not a statement I'll ever disagree with.

Now, while I'm not exactly disagreeing with you, I do question one thing...you're telling me that all of these free or open source web developing software packages have a half dozen features that Adobe doesn't provide in Dreamweaver? I don't know whether this is true or not since I'm a video guy, so I'll take your word for it. I use Dreamweaver CS3 on an intermittent basis and it works fine for me and my limited usage. I got what I paid for, at least. So I can't speak to CS4 or CS5 at all, and for all I know you are 100% correct.

My only question, then, is why are you paying for Dreamweaver at all if it doesn't give you anything that you can't get already for free in other software? I know you're not just being a generous guy and giving Adobe your money for no reason. Dreamweaver's capabilities are usually spelled out pretty clearly on the website, so if it doesn't do something you need then you should hopefully have known that from the outset. Even if you did purchase without knowing Dreamweaver's limitations, you could have at least gotten your money back with Adobe's 30 day refund policy (assuming you read about the return policy).

This isn't all to say that Adobe SHOULD NOT include more and better features in each upgrade of Dreamweaver (or any software they sell). And like I said, it goes without saying the the software should work on the average system if they're going to be charging money for the usage of the software. I just can't figure out from your previous statement why you're even paying for Dreamweaver at all if you're already getting everything you need from free software packages.




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Explorer ,
Feb 26, 2012 Feb 26, 2012

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It isn't true, sorry.




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Enthusiast ,
Feb 28, 2012 Feb 28, 2012

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FWIW - Adobe announced the discontinuation of CS Review "on April 12th, 2012). So I'll draw the following conclusion:

1) The new Adobe CS Cloud service will be announced that day (just days before NAB)

2) The new Adobe CS Cloud service  - and the new CS6 - will be available on that same day (boxed products being available later).

Makes sense, given the timing of the discontinuation, the previous statements that indicated this exact timeline, the intent of Adobe to begin going to the digital download (and subscription route) and the fact that NAB is and has been a perfect launching pad for these things.

It ain't fact until Adobe sez so...but you may want to consider this bit of logic for your own purposes.




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