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Airline Slogans - your favorite ?

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May 16, 2011 May 16, 2011

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Who are they and what's your favorite ??

More experience than our name implies

Keep climbing

Fly the friendly skies

Work hard, fly right

Fly smart

The joy of flying

No ordinary airline

Up up and away




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People's Champ ,
May 16, 2011 May 16, 2011

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Korean Air: "Excellence In Flight"

The slogan isn't remarkable, but their ads are killer!





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May 16, 2011 May 16, 2011

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ALYAG* Airlines: "Sit down.  Shut up.  Keep your feet off of the seats and don't bother

the Flight Attendants."

*Act Like You're A Guest




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May 16, 2011 May 16, 2011

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*Act Like You're A Guest


and put those live chickens in the overhead storage !


Korean Air...beautiful commercials !    Here's a small turbo SAAB 340 out of a hub on taxiway recently..Sorry .standing room only !





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May 16, 2011 May 16, 2011

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plus there's room on top if you like fresh air.... and you can save a little by helping to taxi the plane into position....






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May 16, 2011 May 16, 2011

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Yeah, no fighting for overhead storage space in that ship!





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May 16, 2011 May 16, 2011

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virgin.... more experience than our name implies

nooooooooooooooooo !




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May 16, 2011 May 16, 2011

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Ah, that Sir Richard certainly knows how to get media attention!





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Adobe Employee ,
May 19, 2011 May 19, 2011

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Western Airlines, the ooooooooooonly way to fly.

Kevin Monahan - Sr. Community & Engagement Strategist – Pro Video and Audio




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May 19, 2011 May 19, 2011

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pan am

the world's most experienced airline !




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May 16, 2011 May 16, 2011

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Old Continental Airlines slogan, "We move our tails for you."

Older SW Airlines line, "You're now free to move about the country."





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Contributor ,
May 20, 2011 May 20, 2011

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"Up, up, and awaaaaay"

Very prophetic




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May 20, 2011 May 20, 2011

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I just heard yesterday on some news program that some airline is offering a new "coach" upgrade thing ...where for about $160 more per ticket you get 4 inches more leg room, and the seats go back 50% MORE.....

Yikes !  The guy in front will have his head in your LAP !  Might be like dominoes...where if the guy in the very front reclines, everyone in that row will also need to recline... ???

A Silly Story.. the punch-line never got to be an offical slogan ( unfortunately )

Years ago I was flying from NY to Denver via Continental. The airline had just had some kind of major problem ( bankruptcy and restructure ? ) and was now working with no more union employees at JFK... Also, they had no "gate" anymore.  All the other union affiliated airlines didn't like the Continental planes cause they thought Continental had done the bankruptcy thing in part to "bust" the union.  So at JFK that day all the people working for the other airlines... near the Continental plane getting ready to go to Denver ...looked at that plane and made faces and thumbed their noses etc.  Nobody offered the use of a "gate".  So we passengers were directed to some seating area and told to wait there.... We didn't really know what was going on.  We didn't know we were going to be escorted out a door, down some stairs onto the ramp, and then use some portable staircase to get on the plane... While trying to figure out where our plane was and what was going to happen all the other airline employees came by and made faces at us.  We saw nobody from "Continental" until finally one of their employees came into our area...( sorta between a couple gates ).. and YELLED AT THE TOP OF HIS LUNGS ..." ANYONE GOING TO DENVER ??!! "

I always thought that was a no nonsense way to get our attention and get us herded to the plane....and wish it had become a slogan...

" ANYONE GOING TO .......? "




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May 20, 2011 May 20, 2011

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That must have been in the Frank Lorenzo days. Continental was once a "proud" airline ("the proud bird with the golden tail"), but did fall on hard times. We used to fly it often from New Orleans, and they were working to create a real "luxury" experience. During that time, they bought several DC-10's (or maybe 1011 Tri-stars - just cannot remember, and they were very similar planes), and put in a stand-up bar in FC. The FC seating was "captain's chairs" around little round coffee tables - Neat! I photographed their inaugral flight from MSY to DIA, for their ads. The bar came about the same time that United (and others) went with the 747BC's with the little "piano bar" upstairs. Man, flying was fun back then. No passenger with their head in your lap!

Now, up-thread a bit, United has been up-selling their Economy Plus, if there are not enough Premiere Exec, or 1K fliers on a paticular flight. Depending on the ship, the Economy Plus can be a good deal. Now, United has reconfigured several 757's for their PS (Premium Service), and fly them between LAX & SFO and JFK & IAD. There is ONLY FC (more like BC on most ships) and Economy Plus, but the latter is not even close to the seating in Economy Plus on most other ships - a very, very bad joke. United has also recruited a bunch of "flight attendents from Hell" to work those PS ships. Most remind me of the character that Lottie Lenya played in a From Russia With Love. I will never fly a PS flight, unless I know that I will be upgraded.





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May 20, 2011 May 20, 2011

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haha...funny..I recall some of what you talk about.


That must have been in the Frank Lorenzo days

It was ( the continental flight to Denver ) to visit a friend dying from cancer in his mid thirties ( a freak thing )..younger than me by 5 years maybe...sooo, I would guess it was 1983 therabouts ?? My memory fades.

In the spirit of the occassion I flew first class round trip ( 1 week ) with the expressed condition that I not remain sober or allow my friend a sober moment through the week.  We accomplished that ( found a nice sweater of mine under his bed ( his wife found it a month later) that I thought I'd lost in some swanky place on Larimer Street ) -  this was when Denver was welcoming "Brooks Brothers" for the first time in that area.

ps.. I should explain....he was a State wrestling champion in his youth and we often had some skirmishes over some "art" issue ( we met in art school )

On the return flight ( first class and stewed to the gills ) I sat down in the FC area ( it was empty except for 1 other passenger ). That other passenger, after looking at me, his ticket, the stewardess, me, his ticket ....whispered something to the stewardess.  I ( meantime ) was trying to figure out where the bar was in this god forsaken airplane....and she said, "may I see your ticket sir ? "

I showed her something resembling the ticket and she said I was mistakenly in the wrong seat and in THAT gentleman's seat ( pointing at the moron standing in an entirely EMPTY FC cabin ) ...and I mumbled, " Oh, I must be in THE FRONT ROW..."  ( as aside re: the funny baseball commericials... )... at which time they both looked at me with stony faces ( not getting the joke ) and I moseyed over to the seat the stewardess led me to ( with grace at least ....she didn't just let me try to figure it out on my own...where I "belonged" ).

My friend died soon afterwards ( not from our week of insanity ) and wrote in his last letter, " If you ever want to do some REALLY good drugs.... GET CANCER ! "  ( hydromorphine will do strange things to friends .. .he didn't mean it ).


The bar came about the same time that United (and others) went with the 747BC's with the little "piano bar" upstairs.


we used to wear a suit and tie on those flights....not "mandatory" but you would never think otherwise out of respect for each other... it wasn't like '''' oh geez, I have to wear a suit ! ? '''  It was more like, " yipee...I'm going first class to Tahiti and I'm going to wear a suit ! "   Put on a good "face" for America or something ?


United has also recruited a bunch of "flight attendents from Hell" to work those PS ships. Most remind me of the character that Lottie Lenya played in a From Russia With Love.





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May 20, 2011 May 20, 2011

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In tribute to Bill, my best friend probably, I never DID pin him ( 3 secs with both his shoulder blades on ground ). but he never pinned me either. And we nearly destroyed quite a bit of furniture and high fidelity stereo stuff to prove this. God bless him.

ps. I was twice his size and weight and in very good shape !




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May 20, 2011 May 20, 2011

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We used to wear a suit and tie on those flights....not "mandatory" but you would never think otherwise out of respect for each other... it wasn't like '''' oh geez, I have to wear a suit ! ? '''  It was more like, " yipee...I'm going first class to Tahiti and I'm going to wear a suit ! "   Put on a good "face" for America or something ?

I recall those days. I still fly in a blazer, but that is so that I do not have to pack it, 'cause I'll need it for dinner. If I fly FC, or BC, I can get it hung up. If I fly coach, I usually try to charm the attendents into haning it up front. On that United PS flight, that was were the issues with the attendents started. One replied, "when you're back here, you don't get to do that." OK. Next, I order the "premium" Chardonnay for me, and for the wife. I was then told, "look, I'm too busy to get that. Back here you've got to take what I give you - no exceptions." It went way downhill from there. So much for "Welcome to the friendly skies... "





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May 29, 2011 May 29, 2011

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If I fly coach...


My favorite slogan is actually a tag line, which I have used several times -- "Wanna Get Away?"




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Guide ,
May 29, 2011 May 29, 2011

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My favorite slogan is actually a  tag line, which I have used several times -- "Wanna Get Away?"


LOL.. that's a good one...

reminds me of some job I was on where there were a bunch of 'burger king' employee shirts on set and I got one at end of job....they were very "cool" insomuch as they are meant to be worn in hot kitchen type area.. so the material etc was very nice for working on hot sets.

With the added bonus that every time I wore it on a job and someone asked me to do something I would yell, " OK, HAVE IT YOUR WAY ! "




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May 29, 2011 May 29, 2011

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Yes. You could always just turn, and point, when the DoP nixes your idea. Says talking.





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Sep 18, 2011 Sep 18, 2011

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Hope you get back from vacation soon , Bill....  and report a fun time etc

re: airline stuff ...this trailer should bring back some memories re: dressing up for flights and the general "designs" around in the early 60's.  Cars were distinctive looking back then and made of real steel ! ...

pan am trailer


cast -


the talent on show is great... good people, hard working, very talented and fun too..

hope show does well with audience

I think Kelli is my favorite... she is hilarious on set sometimes, but everyone is real nice...

its "looks" beautiful... with great costumes, hair, makeup, set design,  lighting, etc

its unusual for me to be so enthusiastic about a show.

worked 2nd unit as dolly grip on this Thu.. ...thu night.  Man what a night ...rain, tons of wind... ext / night in big parking lot area near stages...about a 200 foot x 60 foot scaffolding built to hold a green screen of that size ( will be JFK getting on airforce one - in Berlin - in final composite )...

Had to use wire rope to tie scaffolding off to tractor trailer ( rigging stuff on truck ) behind scaffolding, it was so windy... first screen put on ripped in half from wind in about 10 min.... had to put another one on...  was pretty hairy stuff... 20- 30 mph wind.

Plus temp went from 80+ in daytime to about 47 deg at night... was like being in desert or something, the temp swing was so severe. Good thing I had a sweatshirt in my car... was wearing shorts and rain pants...and froze butt off toward morning...legs were shaking from cold.

used fisher dollies and luma crane


for shots... plus a steadicam....  using alexa cameras, recording log C on sxs cards...fcp with powerbooks and gtech graid drives to check s x s cards after reloads on camera ( cards are checked quickly during the " check the gate" action when shot is done.. though now we say " check the chip " instead of check the gate ..if its digital ). To make sure the cards got everything and is transferred to hard drive backup ...fcp and powerbook and gtech drives is the thing.

Would love to see adobe instead. I do see maya on set sometimes for composites " live " during shots.. which is kinda cool.

started prelight 330pm thu, shooting started about 7:30 - 800pm...wrapped around 730am friday....  beat the XXX outta me...was sore and tired and slept all day friday , friday night ....finally feeling human again now.

show looks great !

My first wife ( got married around 20 years old ) worked for pan am after graduating from Katherine Gibbs Secretarial school ( in pan am building ).

Was exec sec for a VP of cargo sales , Asia.... so we used to go to the hot shot lounge for pan am on roof near heliport etc sometimes.... meet there after her workday ( I was working on wall st for merrill lynch then )... and we also flew all over the place on employee discounts... ( tahiti, london, puerto rico on weekends, nassau, etc )

pan am owned intercontinental hotels then so they slashed that bill in half on checkout... 

I wore suit and tie on flights back in those days... wasnt a grip back then .... the show brings back fond memories cause of this ....

I guess this show might be targeting the over 40 crowd.  There's some secret spy stuff going on, and maybe writers will dig a little into the history of the period ( JFK period ) and make it interesting beyond the usual " character driven drama".

Here's hoping its a success.... 




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Sep 18, 2011 Sep 18, 2011

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when watching video ( after commercial ) look at 49 secs into it...the ceiling ...for VFX...

This set has TONS of green screen stuff going on... and those "points" of reference are real important for camera match moves etc.

at 1:47, that plane is on a stage too.. this is all sets so far... no locations yet...

at 2:12, thats all green screen back there ...background.. we are still on set you saw in beginning with the VFX stuff on ceiling.

going back to the trailer....

notice in taxi ride ( girdle dialogue ) camera is low...looking "UP" out of cab windows so you dont see modern cars etc.

plane boarding ( will you marry me ? )... is parking lot of steiner studios...wind made by fans, plane is green screen...

stairway to plane is real.

lots of green screen stuff...is fun to pick it out as you watch ( IMO )


ps...  the alexa camera ( newest firmware update ) has a built in " angle" display. used to be you'd have to manually get measurement of angle of camera as one of your " input points " for match moves, green screen stuff ,etc in editing vfx ... in other words, camera now knows it is angled "up" at end of shot at 28.2 degrees... and displays that when asked... so camera dept can record that in notes on shots ( beginning and end of shots etc ). measurements are also taken re: lens heights ( on boom , beginning and end heights etc ).. and other measurements are made at green screen by putting markers on the screens ( X shaped or whatever on screens... ).  This is fairly "new" in film biz... to deal with this stuff so much. It used to be that only a star wars or avatar type movie would deal with this.. to see this on large scale on TV episodic ( boardwalk empire does some of this too ) job is pretty much breaking new ground for that venue.

Is interesting...  fun to figure out what is actually going on in post and so on.




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Sep 18, 2011 Sep 18, 2011

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Two observations:

It appears that in some instances, a few people see an advantage in proper tax incentives, and also Bloomberg is not talking about "rioting" in the streets.

I am glad that NYC is addressing the production issues, and trying to make it easier to film in the City.

Good luck,





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Sep 19, 2011 Sep 19, 2011

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Yeah, the tax incentive thing...not sure how that works....but I THINK it's the sales tax paid on stuff that goes to the production as some sort of "voucher". 30% from ny state and something like 10% from nyc.

I'm guessing the voucher(s) can be sold ( at a slight discount probably ) to another production thats gonna shoot in ny...or applied toward income tax of city and state by production..

but at any rate the lumber yards ( set building etc ), hotels ( cast , production), local restaurants ( cast and crew ), equipment rental houses, camera rentals, crew ( jobs for employees ) benefit from more work and they in turn spend more money, generating more tax revenue for city and state etc etc...

It sorta got started on an international level first ( canada, countries in europe, new zealand etc ) and then stateside between states and cities...like a sort of competition to draw the work there.

NYC can't handle much more work at this point for a couple reasons...one of which is that at some point residents get fed up with having their blocks and neighborhoods invaded by huge trucks and campers etc... so they can't park on their own blocks etc... or get sick of having bridges and roads closed by movie companies.. By and large most people are pretty cool about things, but there is a saturation point.




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Sep 19, 2011 Sep 19, 2011

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Do not know how it works with other states, or cities, but in New Orleans, and Louisiana, all state, and city sales taxes were waived, via an exempt status awarded to the production companies.

I do understand shutting down parts of a city. Though the productions in NOLA were a bit on the small size (some exceptions), there were always plenty of closures, and the merchants, plus the residents, always came out and complained.

Not that long ago, Washington, DC, shut down many of the routes into and out of the city, so that several news organizations could film/tape the cherry blossoms. Not sure who issued those closure orders, but several transportation companies raised a ruckus. Luckily for us, our limo driver knew many shortcuts, and was aware of all closures. This was for only a few parts of a couple of days, but caused some heavy backups - along with tour companies also trying to get tourists down certain roads to see the blossoms.





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