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You know how sometimes you read a book that is sooooo good you wish it was also a movie ? Of course some books just should stay books cause they cant be improved by being a movie. But given the right treatment etc sometimes a really good book can also be a really good movie.
Most good books that get made movies have to introduce characters or voice over or something so that what characters only ' THINK TO THEMSELVES ' in the book can be delivered to the audience of the movie. Thats kinda tricky.
Anyway, this book I'm reading now would be a great movie if it could be treated well re: the above problem.
It is " The Mouse In The Moon ". It's the same author who wrote " Beware The Mouse " and " The Mouse That Roared ". The Mouse That Roared got made into a movie ( I think with Peter Sellers in it ? ) and was hilarious.
The Mouse In The Moon ( copyright about 1962 ? ) happens after the mouse that roared...
Grand Fenwick ( a little country started by some wayward Englishmen back around 1400 maybe ) which is between the Swiss and the French , sorta in a little valley between mountain ranges, needed some money in " The Mouse That Roared", so they decided to attack the United States with their Longbows and their small army of about 12 guys. So they sailed to NYC and attacked with the intention of LOSING quickly, so that the U.S. would then spend a ton of money to rebuild the country they defeated... kinda like Germany and Japan after WW2 etc etc.
Plans went awry however, because the little group found some professor who had just invented the Q-bomb and the plot thickened... and Grand Fenwick ended up winning the " war ".
Well, in the book " The Mouse In The Moon" , Grand Fenwick is applying for some financial aid from the U.S. to buy their Queen ( equiv of a Queen, as they are sorta Medieval even in modern times but with a parliment of sorts ) a fur coat ( Russian Sable )... and the professor who lives in Grand Fenwick now ( inventor of Q bomb ) is studying rocket fuel problems re: sending a man to the moon which the Russians and Americans are in a race to do ... and which threatens to "politicise" the moon territories, and space in general. Eg. If the Russians get there first will the moon be Russian ??
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Just picked up Full Black myself. But you read much quicker than I do. My next Harvath novel is The First Commandment, so I'm a few behind.
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I was surprised at how quickly I finished most of the Scot Harvath books. I actually had to pick up a few, while in transit.
This was my first foray into fiction (faction?) in too many years, and I just burned through the books. Guess that I had too much time on my hands, and some rather nasty weather around th globe, so brewed a few espressos, and grabbed a book. Man, fiction goes MUCH more quickly, than a technical manual...
Gotta' try some of the others, that you mention. They sound quite good, and I have now done all of Thor's books. Why I did not get to any fiction, much earlier, is a mystery to me. Guess that I could redo my Thomas Pynchon, or maybe my James Joyce, as those would likely not go so quickly. In the last month, I have completed over 3000 pages, but they WERE exciting and very enjoyable - if one does not think too deeply about them.
Thanks for the tip, as I now see exactly what you were talking about. I would have been lost, had you not pointed me in the right direction.
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Glenn Beck's The Overton Window.
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I would love a book that I have just read to be turned into a movie. Woman Vs Womaniser "This is the Book Men Do Not Want Women to Read' The book is the best book I have ever read. I stumbled on it last month here -
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Welcome to the forum.
Have not heard of that, but then being a guy, perhaps my wife has kept it hidden from me, especially considering the sub-title?
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Here’s the problem with “research”:
Initially an issue is black and white (good/bad, more expensive/less expensive, etc.) when first presented.
Once you begin to research, you begin to see shades of gray. The issue now becomes more complex. The answer/solution may become less obvious.
Ultimatly, knowledge is paralyzing.
But getting back to books to movies, I just finished reading Tom Clancy’s new book, “Against all enemies”. That should be made into a move. (And maybe I should play the lead character?)
This book in not part of the Jack Ryan saga. It has all new characters. However, it is just as exciting as the other series.
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Issues only become more complex when you haven't found the real Why of something.
Once you have that, things invariably get simpler.
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Not (quite) on the order of international spies and assassins, but I've read a few articles about Rupert Murdoch and the spying his newspaper(s) have done in the UK and maybe in the US and other places
Now that the lid has been taken off what was happening, it's like watching ants scurry about when you lift a rotten log to expose their nest
Pretty much like some of the political scandals here in the US... rich/powerful men (mostly... a few women, I guess) thinking they can do anything they want, and all "surprised" when they are found out
The Mitch Rapp novels are (???) a bit on the extreme side of showing political corruption... or maybe not extreme at all... but the books SEEM true to what often comes out of US politics, so it may very well be that there ARE politicians that ARE that corrupt... anyway, the books are a good read (I'm now on #4)
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Wow, you're moving right along there.
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Another observation on the Mitch Rapp series
Besides US (and other) political corruption, the author has some balance in discussing the complexities of the situation in the mid-East
Yes, he has Mitch Rapp using his Arabic fluency to go after terrorists... but he also "shows" the mindset behind the terrorists, and how a child can grow up to be a killer based on the totality of life in that area, and the decades long war between Isreal and the surrounding Arab world
As I said... interesting read
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An interesting divergence from 'books that should be movies' might be ' news events ( historical events ) that should be movies....
I'm wondering how long it will be before a star studded cast is hired to do " The Fall Of Tripoli " ( maybe start in the early1800's with pirate ships etc off the northern coast of Africa attacking U.S. merchant ships ? )
Anyway, that said as an example of a good movie for historical events, it will become important to figure out how to spell the leader of Libya's name... which reminds me of === Let's Call The Whole Thing Off lyrics ===
=== you say tomato and I say tomato
=== you say potato and I say potato
Because, maybe the way you spell the leaders name has to do with how you actually 'pronounce' it ??
first pic just an action shot to get in the mood for spelling bee.
notice the water bottle the camerman left on table in foreground...after he told these guys, " Hey, drive through my frame here... looking triumphant etc, OK ? "
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Cannot cite the commentator, but someone on FoxNews listed over a dozen spellings of the Colonel's names, as used in contemporary news media. I do not recall ever seeing how he signs his name, as that might be helpful - though not 100%, as the infamous Alfred Packer spelled his name several ways.
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I've been re-reading some pg wodehouse stuff ( a collection of his work ), and I loved the jeeves and wooster pbs stuff years ago ( the actor that plays in " house " was bertie wooster ). I would love to see more of wodehouse stories made into movies.
lighthearted humor and complex "farce" ... wouldnt it be great to see lord ickingham ( sp? ) get pongo into all sorts of messes ? Or even more of the longer jeeves and wooster stories.
or some of his "golf " stories ....hehe...would be fun to watch.
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Have not done any Mitch Rapp, but Scot Harvath also points out some of the background thinking, regarding terroirsts, plus "in-fighting" with US agencies, as well.
Guess I need to read more "faction," and fewer Adobe manuals, in flight?
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fiction or faction....manuals, magazines, or in flight movies... I admire that your flights at least actually take off and go somewhere...
today I had a window seat when I could take the time to sit at all...and the plane I was on stayed in one place on a stage.
what it looks like is another thing entirely.
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You know, after the last month, and then projecting to this one, I would trade places with you - just sitting on the set, smiling at the stewardesses (they were called that, way back when), and smoking my pipe, contemplating the air travel.
Actually going somewhere, via airlines, is not what it once was. Still, one does, what one must do, and I should not complain. At least we usually are upgraded to FC, so get free, cheap wine, and more pretzels...
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Yep, it's funny being on an original plane seating plan ( factory design of time ) with the 'service'... see if you can remember this....
no overhead bins...just a shelf with pillows and blankets.
tons of leg room
bar cart with real glass full size bottles ( 5ths ) of scotch, gin, whiskey, etc and real glasses ( including martini and wine ) ...
no little single "shot" pre-measured bottle things...
olives and onions etc in glass containers so they stay fresh....
food that is actually least compared to many quick meals and fast food things common in chains etc.
stainless steel ashtrays with little "top" to seal it the armrests...
switch to window seat or any other seat you want that is empty once airborn...
stewardesses who are cute and actually say, " yes sir " ...when asked to find a copy of the new LIFE magazine.
======and one thing I've noticed a lot ========
because air travel has "gradually " gotten more and more common and geared toward "discount" ( cheaper )...including more seats in same space, faster food service or none at all, overhead bins for storage and so on...all this stuff has happened in steps over the really dont notice how extreme the difference is until you get on one of these planes and see it with your own eyes....
To me it brings back memories of flying pan am from 69-72 ( flew braniff after that out of denver on employee discounts )...when all other airlines also accepted employee discounted tickets cause reservations were through airline mostly back then ( tour groups and packages were mostly the fare of travel agencies back then )...
So from nyc to tahiti was ( fc for $100 round trip ) ny - sfo pan am. sfo - tahiti quantas.... and back the same way.
I truly hate flying now and I haven't even been on plane since 9-11 with all the extra stuff now which I would not like very much I dont think.
My hat off to all those who do it and are good at it so that it is as comfortable and decent as possible... it is now an art for a passenger to actually have a good flight !
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food that is actually GOOD....
That brought back memories. Though I am not a fan of baked chicken, back when, Eastern Airlines had the best baked chicken, that I have ever tasted. I was flying from Philadelphia to New Orleans (flight went on to Mexico City), with one stop at Friendship Airport (Baltimore, MD), where they took on the food. One one flight, on a very snowy night, the flight was delayed. Many people got off the plane, which was only about half-full at that time. Suddenly, the pilot got clearance, and they announced that the flight was about to take off. There were maybe only 4 people, who got back on. I had already camped out, back in Coach, and had not deplaned. They shut the door, with only about 25 passengers total, and took off. At Friendship, ~ 5 got off, and maybe 2 got on. They loaded the food for the full plane, and we took off. Once at altitude, a stewardess came back to Coach, and invited us all up to FC. It was now nearly full, what with the stewardesses and the ~ 22 people. They began to serve the FC meal of beef tenderloin, which was quite good, but I asked if their baked chicken was available from the Coach meals. It was, and I got two plates of it. By the time that I reached MSY, I was full, and the free drinks had been flowing. Luckily for Eastern, many more people got on in New Orleans, for the flight to Mexico City, but I think that most of the food had been eaten, and most wine and liquor consummed, so do not know what they had left? For a poor student, flying standby for the price break, it was a memorable flight. Just looking back at the empty Coach section was eerie, to say the least, as the 707 streaked through the night.
Good days!
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edward hamilton books ( CT )
great place, been using for eons...all hardcover unless specifically says " paperback".
great prices... one shipping charge ( about $5) no matter how many books you order in U.S.
sample search at their website for flynn, vince ( author ) -- note: click search... return key wont make search happen... in pic below... lots of his books available... hardcover...
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For a while, I thought that Murdoch's team had tapped into the mic and Webcam on my laptop
( almost choked on my beer when I read that )
how about the cam in the tv set you buy ? AAAAAAAAAAAA ! talk about paranoid what? they see me sitting here having a beer and trying to figure out how to make a fun movie for all people to enjoy...and I dont do anything stupid in front of tv... like touch myself if I'm lonely .... who would do that anyway ?
I think those muslims and mormons and whoever else is involved in moral issues based on punishment if you screw up.... are good for the world... we need hitler and stalin and people like that to keep us in line IMO.
its beer thirty so at this point I put my thumb to my nose and wriggle my fingers like a moose with antlers on my nose.
I think my attitude is based mostly on being audited by tax people at the moment... but also based on being punched in nose by various cops in the forum when I said something " pointless " or " wrong ". OMG !
After spending hours figuring out how to help someone.. whats the point if you get beat up by your own jerk friends because the par went from .0999 to .1 from cs3 to cs4, based on PAL standard... ?? I mean really, give me a freaking break !
hehe.. anyway, this is a love letter to all those who teach me things.. and if I happen to spit in your direction dont mind me.
Mitch Rapp helps me deal with that anger and frustration. So do a lot of other characters ( james bond not so much anymore because he lost the cool humor that was part of the beatles era and making 'fun' of the world in a decent way )
we need to keep a sense of the absurd and humor in our lives and yet be real about the criticism... so we honor our parents and frankly ... ourselves .... and not for nothing maybe find a nice girl to hang out with
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The other day, I found out that the IRS had hacked into my laptop. They turned on my Web-cam, and were monitoring my activities. Luckily for me, I was wearing my old cargo shorts, and a very frayed Tommy Bahama "Island" shirt. They panned to my wine bottle, but it was a cheap Zinfandel (doing tasting notes), so nothing there. The panned to my cigar, but luckily, it was not one of my Cuban Cohibas, or Monte Cristos, just a cheap La Gloria Charemange. They looked about, and gave up with their monitoring.
Now, had it been Mitch Rapp and Marcus Dumond, they would have seen the Ch. Latour (for me, after the TN's were done), the big negative-edge pool, overlooking the golf course, and maybe a Cuban ready to be fired up, and known that there was much more to be seen. As it was, I dodged a bullet. Though, if they had seen my Bulldogs, they would probably have thought, US Marine Corps, and let me slide. However, even if they decided that I was a "target of opportunity," they would have had to get past my chain gun towers, and that would NOT have been easy. Even if they got past those, the coyotes in the arroyo would have been formidable challenges, and then there would have been more surprises. Of course, Mitch would have known that I was a patriot, so I would have gotten a pass on the wine, the cigars and even the pool.
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being a patriot makes difference. If not to others , at least to self.
and doggies too.
( if lucky to wives too )
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Yes, the term "patriot" can be appied to totally different sets of folk, and with diametrically opposed mindsets. Still, it is usually a great title to have applied in most cases.
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reminds me... when the movie " the patriot" came out... on sets some crew people were calling it " lethal musket"
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Now, THAT is a good one!