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You know how sometimes you read a book that is sooooo good you wish it was also a movie ? Of course some books just should stay books cause they cant be improved by being a movie. But given the right treatment etc sometimes a really good book can also be a really good movie.
Most good books that get made movies have to introduce characters or voice over or something so that what characters only ' THINK TO THEMSELVES ' in the book can be delivered to the audience of the movie. Thats kinda tricky.
Anyway, this book I'm reading now would be a great movie if it could be treated well re: the above problem.
It is " The Mouse In The Moon ". It's the same author who wrote " Beware The Mouse " and " The Mouse That Roared ". The Mouse That Roared got made into a movie ( I think with Peter Sellers in it ? ) and was hilarious.
The Mouse In The Moon ( copyright about 1962 ? ) happens after the mouse that roared...
Grand Fenwick ( a little country started by some wayward Englishmen back around 1400 maybe ) which is between the Swiss and the French , sorta in a little valley between mountain ranges, needed some money in " The Mouse That Roared", so they decided to attack the United States with their Longbows and their small army of about 12 guys. So they sailed to NYC and attacked with the intention of LOSING quickly, so that the U.S. would then spend a ton of money to rebuild the country they defeated... kinda like Germany and Japan after WW2 etc etc.
Plans went awry however, because the little group found some professor who had just invented the Q-bomb and the plot thickened... and Grand Fenwick ended up winning the " war ".
Well, in the book " The Mouse In The Moon" , Grand Fenwick is applying for some financial aid from the U.S. to buy their Queen ( equiv of a Queen, as they are sorta Medieval even in modern times but with a parliment of sorts ) a fur coat ( Russian Sable )... and the professor who lives in Grand Fenwick now ( inventor of Q bomb ) is studying rocket fuel problems re: sending a man to the moon which the Russians and Americans are in a race to do ... and which threatens to "politicise" the moon territories, and space in general. Eg. If the Russians get there first will the moon be Russian ??
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mitch rapp.. the book to be written yet in the future.... moving on
after the next book that is like the star wars thing... where you go back in time to how it all got started etc... which is thrilling and absolutely interesting... there are currently some global dynamics that ( IMO ) demand the attention of the author... and I hope he is getting his pencils sharpened in preparation ... to keep us enthralled.
This map says it all... notice the little circle... It is Australia .. and it is the new U.S. Base for naval operations in the Asian Pacific... being developed. If Pearl Harbor was the main thing before WW2.. this is the main thing before WW3 IMO. This is the book that should be a movie... IMO... but ( unfortunately ) nobody has written the book yet.
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As to the "next" book, which will be #2 in the series, I do agree that some "fill-in" is useful, and kind of wish that I had waited for #2, before completing the other books, but could not hold myself back - glad that wife's Kindle (think I might have inherited it?) hold ~ 3500 "books," but do not know if that is ~ 3500 Little Golden Books, or otherwise.
With Malaysia and the Phillipines in such proximity, plus the escalating incidents from both, that base should be well-placed. While I have some issues with the Aussies, like gun-rights, I will say that they are one of the best allies that the US has, and a real breed-apart. I suppose that I should buy more OZ Shiraz, just to support them, while they support us.
What I wonder is if the real "next book" in the Mitch Rapp series will have him flying a Stearman, with an extra fuel tank, where the grain/chemical hopper would be on a crop duster. I mean with the just-announced military cutbacks, not sure that a small fleet of Gulfstream G550's will be in the budget. Heck, I can well imagine that the US Gov. will require that every second round in an H&K be a blank, to keep costs down!
While I firmly agree that much in the US Military budget could be trimmed, or at least re-allocated for better use of the $, I am then wondering, "what price freedom?"
BTW -Guam is getting a new base, but due to labor issues, it is now almost 5x over budget, and not being built very quickly. Hope we do not need it, anytime soon.
Started Tinker, Tailor, Soilder, Spy, as all I have are economic tomes on the Kindle, unread, but it's going to be slow going - sort of like P G Wodehouse. While I can speak "the Queen's English," I do not read it, quite as quickly. Some interesting sentence structure, and especially when characters speak - not unlike reading Eudora Welty, with much of the Delta dialect, except that I grew up listening to Delta-speak, so that IS easier for me.
Figured that I'd get a "leg-up," for when we see the film - probably on the flight from SFO to LHR in April. Maybe I should have downloaded the French version, as I am trying very hard to get wife to extend that trip, and head to Paris, when her board meetings are done.
OK, poor Jeff is probably debating kicking me off the forum for a bit, as I am skating on the thin-ice of politics. Sorry Jeff. I promise to do better. If you have to kick me off, can you wait until the end of April, early May, when I am out of the country anyway?
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hadnt heard about the new guam base... gotta check out the ol map and look at guam...
I find it kinda fun to look at maps when i get news ( even turn on computer and look at maps when stuff on tv talks about some news somewhere )... it keeps me sorta in tune with where things are. which reminds me... i have to check the map to see where iowa is...i havent got a clue !
ahhh, pg wodehouse.. probably my favorite author. am reading ' pen, sword, camisole' jorge amado , now..good translation ( helen lane ). translators make huge difference ( forget who translated gabriel garcia marquez but she was really great too ).
i think the new aircraft carrier china has is going to get planes soon and they want the south china sea for themselves.. so the base in australia is probably going to deal with that.
just watched the four feathers again.. alexander korda dir .. boy he did great stuff...hard to believe he did such cool stuff in the 1930's...
whatever happened to those cool flash gordon shows with the spaceships on strings ??? hehe.. those would be fun to watch again.
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Well, I have now read all of the Mitch Rapp books... through #12... plus the "tangent" book that bridges the time between the "before" 1st two and the "now" time
So... they are all on eBay as of 5-26-12 -
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plus the "tangent" book
Huh? What? Another Rapp novel? Where? GIMME!!!!
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Not a direct Mitch Rapp book... I list the 12 MR books at that link, plus the book [Setup "Now" = Term Limits] that is a bridge, of sorts, between the time period of the first two MR books (actually written before the time period of the other ten books, but after their publication date) and which establishes the characters in the "now" time period
Somewhat confusing, which is my eBay link includes a note to read in the "correct" character order, not the publication date order
So... there are actually 12 MR books... and one between the time periods... Term Limits
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Ah, yes. Term Limits was Flynn's first book, and does not feature Rapp.
(But it does have Scott Coleman, a friend of Rapp's and a fun recurring character in his own right.)
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John T.,
I found the same thing. I forget who told me to also read Term Limits, and where in the order, to do so (Jim maybe?), but am very glad that I did. I had started the MR book, that "follows" Term Limits in sort of chronological order, and I am glad that I stopped, as suddenly a few references made more sense. I found many instances of "character development" evolving throughout the entire series. Same for the Scott Harvath/Brad Thor books.
I do not recall the Amazon order, but if one JUST went with publishing dates, things could get confusing.
Until I had followed the chronological order, some of the statements in the Amazon (and other) sites, did not resonate with me. My confusion was that some characters from Term Limits did appear in the MR series, but MR was not involved. Some aspects of the reviews, and synopsis, just did not jell, until after I had read it.
Still, great series.
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For a while, I thought that Murdoch's team had tapped into the mic and Webcam on my laptop. However, after a month, all they saw was the FoxNews broadcast, and they already had that on a large monitor in their offices, plus full transcripts, so they moved on...
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Well, and with Jim Simon's guidance, I finished the Brad Thor books - all of them. I greatly appreciated the suggestion to do so, in order, plus The Athena Project.
Now, I am off to the Mitch Rapp series, and am enjoying things greatly.
I have rediscovered ficton (or maybe "faction"), and have been reading a book per week, or even more quickly.
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Oh, you're in for a treat with Mitch. He's one bad ass mofo that even Navy Seals have a 'healthy respect' for.
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So far, it's been an exciting ride with Mitch!
I had forgotten how much fun fiction ("faction?") could be.
Thanks for all the pointers!!!!!
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Well, and thanks to Jim Simon's recs., I am not about to finish the Mitch Rapp (plus an tangiential book) series, after having done the full Scot Harvath series from Thor. Whew! What a wild, strange ride it's been.
I am now awaiting the new Mitch Rapp book from Vince Flynn. It's actually #2 in the series, and is a prequle to the first published book. Not due out until 02/2012, so I might want to read a bit more slowly, so that I can just transition into it. As fate would have it, Flynn started with what is Book 3, in the chronological order, and then just did Book 1. I broke off the series, and grabbed it for some background, and then took the series up, where I had left it. Got to references to some characters and a story, and grabbed that tangiential book, just to fill in some blanks with the Mitch Rapp series. Worth doing, but wish that I had seen some sort of a "tree," and known to read it before what appeared to be the "next."
I also see that movie rights to Mitch Rapp have been sold. Have not read of any production, but at least someone see the potential. Somehow, I could see Clint Eastwood producing, and maybe even directing, but that is just me. Charlton Heston would have been a likely producer candidate, but, well the time is not right...
On film, I enjoyed the Borne Trilogy, though I did have a few issues with the films, and also with the main attraction's political views. Still, I put my mind into neutral, and sat back and just plain enjoyed. I could see Mitch Rapp, or Scot Harvath doing even better, though maybe not with some in Hollywood, as certain aspects of our society are NOT painted in black, as with most endevors nowadays.
I would vote both of those series as "top contenders," for movies.
PS - again, thank you Jim, as your suggestions were followed, as well as I could, and I appreciated some things more, because of it.
PPS - cannot come up with who should play either Rapp, or Harvath - any ideas out there?
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Rapp : Jeff Bellune
Eileen Kennedy: Ann
NSA Director: Bill Hunt
U.S. President: Curt Wriggley
U.S. Chief Of Staff General: Harm
U.S. Secretary Of State: Stan
FBI Director: Colin
hehe... " nothing but the facts ! " ( crack myself up sometimes )
Director Homeland Security: Jim Simon
U.S. Congressional Budget Office Director: John T Smith
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cannot come up with who should play either Rapp
The one critical factor I feel Hollywood will take 'creative license' over is that Mitch Rapp has a Middle Eastern look about him. If he grew out his beard, he could drop into any sand box nation and blend right in. It's a large part of makes him such an effective Middle Eastern operative. Knowing Hollywood, though, they're almost sure to choose a "white guy" for the role.
Having made my criticism, I now offer my solution. An excellent candidate for Mitch Rapp would be actor Alexander Siddig. He played Doctor Bashir in the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine series. He also played a terrorist in one season of Fox's hit show 24. He has the right look, he's an excellent actor, and though he was a bit thin on DS9, has since bulked up nicely, and would make an excellent Mitch Rapp.
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hair and makeup dept would make Jeff B. perfect for part...
dye hair black, cut shorter, pull corners of eyes a little with some rubber cement, darken skin tone a little...easy.
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Cannot recall the Bond book early in the series, where James dyed his skin (walnut dye?), to look Asian. Sean Connery pulled it off OK, on the big screen.
I am not familiar with Alexander Siddig, but think that Jim did hit on some important elements, and if he nominates Siddig, I feel that he's thought things out pretty well.
I cannot see Jeff as Mitch Rapp, but then will allow how a bit of creative makeup and prosthetic devices might save the day. Maybe the makeup department could suspend my disbelief?
Will be interesting to see what Hollywood comes up with, should they exercise the option.
Finishing up the series (until # 2 is released in Feb 2012 - hey, that's just around the corner!), I am not sure how I would pick and choose the episodes to film. One could rather combine a few, but there is so much material there, and it covers many years, and even venues.
I could also imagine some political issues from Hollywood, as the CIA is not portrayed as the "bad guys," and other organizations, like the FBI and Secret Service are often heroes, while the State Department, and some others, are cast in a less than flattering light - just not the style of Hollywood.
One thing that did strike me, was how Vince Flynn developed the character of Mitch Rapp, plus some other continuing characters. Though I read the entire Brad Thor/Scot Harvath series first, I now feel that Flynn did a better job, and especially if one looks at the chronology of the two series - Flynn got it down on paper first. Finishing Flynn's works now, I give the nod to him, and feel that much of his work might have been influential to Thor. I am glad that I did those two series in the order that I did, as had I reversed things, Thor might have been diminished a bit, yet it held me, and provided enjoyment. Still, some of Thor's work now seems derivative.
As an aside, I wish that Kindle had a function to sort by chronological order, as I kept having to look at my list, to make sure that I was not doing books out of order.
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You should never underestimate Hollywood's capacity to miscast leading characters according to how they are portrayed in the original books. Lee Child's 'Jack Reacher' is a case in point. In the books he is portrayed as 225lb and well over six foot, but for some reason the diminutive Tom Cruise will play Jack in the upcoming film ‘One Shot. Even Lee Child seems to have sold out by making lame excuses why TC will be suitable.
I have read all the Rich Rapp books and agree he would make a great film character. Along the same lines would Daniel Silva’s ‘Gabriel Allon’, and possibly Stephen Leather's Spider Shepard. I also think that Barry Eisler's Tom Rain would be right up there.
I love my Kindle. A thriller costs NZ$38 in New Zealand, but only a third of that on the Kindle. My only reservation is that I once tried to read the book notes for a title I was half way through, and bought a second copy with an errant click.
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I cannot see Jeff as Mitch Rapp, but then will allow how a bit of creative makeup and prosthetic devices might save the day. Maybe the makeup department could suspend my disbelief?
See... this kind of thing (statement ) is why you, Bill, would be perfect for the 'Director NSA ' role... you parse the information and allow for variations and typically think " outside the box " but also " connect the dots "....
If it weren't for Stan being the most diplomatic ( his doggy is also very diplomatic even in dog heaven ).. I could see Bill as filling the role of ' Secretary of State ', but with more of a ' carrot and stick ' approach to the role.
Never underestimate the power of hair, makeup etc.
His winning smile, his general appeal to women, and his many years experience as a policeman of the forums, renders Jeff the perfect spy ... seemingly nice on the outside ....and watch out when aroused ! You need someone who people " trust " on the surface.... yet fear when faced with reconciliation of personal immoral behaviour.. like selling arms to terrorists... .. or saying something inappropriate in the forums !
With regard to authors and movies..there is a sorta " reality " in that business that involves publishers, rights, and differences in " media "... one being print and the other being movies.
a) authors have their books edited by editors at publishing house. NOBODY writes a book and gets it published the way they wrote it. That's a dream.. and only after many years when rights revert entirely back to the author ( usually by some estate after the author is long dead and gone ) a book " might " get published the way it was originally written ( zane grey a good point of reference )
b) when a book gets " sold " to movie people it is the rights and for a specific period of time.. where basically the contract says this to the author and publisher ..." we will do whatever we want with this " book " as we use it to create our movie and if you dont like it you can suck eggs ! "
Really.. that's in the contract , Im not kidding !
c) casting is often done ( along with multiple other elments of a movie re: distribution, toys, dolls, games and record albums of sountrack etc ) LONG BEFORE ANYONE READS THE BOOK OR SCRIPT !
You might think this is counter intuitive, against the flow of normal product development in a country where quality and truth, justice and the American Way is of paramount importance...but really ITS ABOUT MONEY.
( and in this case, trust me... TC will have points and a piece of the production and franchise somewhere back there in the fine print ).
If nobody goes to see the movie when it's done... then things might change for the better someday.. where people actually read the books and scripts etc before the deals are made at least... but some wise person said my question " When in God's name will we stop working on these stupid COP shows ?? "....Answer: when people stop watching them.
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OH ! Here's a perfect example of what I'm talking about re: roles and actors and product etc....
Now, you may think this " girl " is really cute etc ( she has nice teeth despite getting kicked on mouth a lot )...and she is in fact going to be a " movie star "...despite the fact she never took singing lessons, dancing lessons, acting lessons or worked in a circus .
NO PROBLEM ! This is movie magic ! It is a world of it's own. There may have been some " book " this is based on ( say goodbye to your book , Mr. or Ms. " author ... it's out of your hands )...
If the NY Times has some article about this product already... you know that some very savvy people are getting behind this product already... even if they are moping around in San Diego feeling sorry for themselves....before getting the inspiration to DO THIS MOVIE !
thats the way the business works... you find out about stuff in the world of advertising and promotion and pretty soon you dont have to pay Jolie 10 million per film... you can pay this chic 5 million instead...and put some money in your own pocket to buy house in Cape Code ( if you like hanging out with girly men etc ).
( gulp.... Jeff might see this and pounce )
anyway, JETS ARE WINNING, ITS BEER THIRTY YIPEE !.. AND maybe Giants will beat cowboys later... ???
(burp, scuse me )
edit... ps... some of my best friends are girly men..if that's any consolation to forum cops ( just kidding --- if I had a friend she would be here making snacks for football game fun )
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geez... Jets bit the dust again... wonder what Giants will do later....
luckily its
And now that I think about it...and read more about whats up...maybe its time to alleviate my depression with ....guess what??? YES.... medical pot !
how cool is THAT ?? !!!
YOU ( the state of your choice filled in ) can collect TAXES on POT ! Wow ! Thats almost as good as taxes on gambling casinos and whore houses in your neighborhood !!!!! ( well, some politicians appear to avoid the tax on escort services out of state by sorta paying with cash etc... but you know what I mean... )
Meantime... while the tax collectors think about the legalization benefit of income from tax, and the obvious increase in POT USE by very depressed citizens increases... we as a nation of Truth, Justice and The American Way peoples ( me in particular ) wonder how the Giants will do ....
They dont do drugs or act crazy.. thank goodness.... they are pinnacles of exemplary behaviour and heros for our kids etc... I mean the Giants ... your own home team has its own problems and thats not my worry right now.
no offense... hope they have a great new year etc... and YOU too !
(burp, scuse me )....
(burp, scuse me again ! geez.. time to eat something ! )
in case you never smoked pot ( with inhaling - in case you got caught on camera doing it but dont wanna own up to it ) the first response your body does is COUGH.... like, you know... your body doesnt LIKE IT !.. this should be a clue !
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Well, I predict that the Giants WILL win. Heck, the Saints got it together, and then the Cardinals came through in OT (man, that Larry Fitzgerald is something, and a nice young man to boot). Only the Broncos let me down, but they did make the playoffs. Giants 28 - 14 over the Cowboys. [Gotta' call Craig in NZ, as it's already the day after tomorrow down there, and he'll know who wins, plus the score.]
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Hey, I did not do too badly there - Giants 31, Dallas 14. Close, but guess that I need to provide my own cigar?
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I conked out.. ate big dinner and keeled over on couch and missed the Giant game ! Now 130am and wide awake...yikes ...
Stupid Jets... so close yet soooo far...
Go Green Bay ! hehe...This should be an interesting and fun post season...any predictions ??