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Dolby Labs Youtube: working in HDR roundtable

Mar 30, 2022 Mar 30, 2022

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For all those interested in starting or even already working in HDR, here's a roundtable discussion from Dolby Labs on working with DolbyVision. Nearly the whole discussion is usable in any HDR, though there are parts specific to DolbyVision.


Hosted by Dolby, with colorists Robbie Carman, Joey D'Anna, Patrick Inhofer, and Dan Moran.


An interesting discussion. Some takeaways ...

  • while for broadcast you'd still want the full reference monitor, there are options out there for reasonable cost to both "test the waters" and even do the main part of a job ... if you've got a bit of time booked in a room with a proper reference monitor for final checkout;
  • it isn't so much about being brighter as it is simply having a bigger crayon box. Far more color to work with, from the deepest shadows way into the highlights; and
  • it just makes it all more fun!


Along with many other worthwhile comments.








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