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Jan 05, 2020 Jan 05, 2020

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I'm not expecting to have my problem resolved because I know that you guys at Adobe don't care. I have been a paid user of the Creative Cloud Suite since 2016. I am a video creator that uses Premiere Pro as their primary tool to edit videos and all the other tools that Adobe has to compliment my video workflow.
I think that the program it's a very powerful editor when it works, but I don't know why it's getting worse and worse with each upgrade, and it's just getting super frustrating. It's not a cheap subscription to have, and it's just only sad that I can't work faster because of the program crashing all the time or not working correctly.
I work with Sony Codecs mainly (A7 III and FS5). I'm talking easy codecs, nothing crazy like raw footage or 8K. And I work on a top of the line iMac pro from 2018. It's ridiculous the number of times that the program has let me down on critical deliveries with my clients.
Right now, for example, we are cutting a 15-minute documentary that needs to be delivered for tomorrow, and the program has crashed more than 30 times in the last three days. Disappointing.
I'm just writing this just in case someone from Adobe sees it you can add me to the long list of unsatisfied users. The service's only getting worse and worse. I hate you Adobe.







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Community Expert ,
Jan 05, 2020 Jan 05, 2020

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This is a public forum with "some" Adobe staff participation, use the links below to make a report or request
-for Video & Audio & Animator programs https://adobe-video.uservoice.com/





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New Here ,
Sep 04, 2020 Sep 04, 2020

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I couldn't agree more. I'm editing with proxies on a maxed out apple computer purchased this year- the best the consumer market has to offer- and premiere has crashed on me about 10 times in the last single day of editing. Pathetic.





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Guide ,
Sep 05, 2020 Sep 05, 2020

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Preiere Pro has some cool features and could be the best NLE. That being said I do agree the bugs are getting worse and some of them are not getting fixed. Like many others I miss the days of the CS VS the CC. The creative cloud would be much better if Premiere Pro was $4.00 per month. Audition $2.00 per month. AE $3.50 per month. Photoshop $3.00 per month Prelude $1.00 per month etc.





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Community Expert ,
Sep 05, 2020 Sep 05, 2020

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Adobe knows these applications need work. It sounds like you really want someone from Adobe to see what you’re saying. Since this is only a user forum, Adobe created at least two more ways to improve the situation by getting feedback in a more formal and direct way:


  • One is the Premiere Pro UserVoice site that John T Smith linked to. The difference between this forum and UserVoice is that on UserVoice, specific problems are tracked, users vote on them to help prioritize them, they are discussed in public, and if Adobe decides to respond they do go into the threads and post an official status. If you go there you will see the Premiere Pro product managers personally responding to users.

  • The other is the new public beta program (FAQ) for the video applications. Adobe recently started posting public beta builds of Premiere and other video applications with fixes and features that are not yet in the official releases. This help Adobe verify that they are actually improving the thing (if not, you tell them), and for users, if Premiere Pro is having a problem with the current release you have the option of seeing if the problem is fixed in the beta build. Part of the reason for a public beta is to get feedback on betas from a much wider range of system configurations and use cases than any company can reproduce in house or in a small private beta program; in theory it should help figure out those crashes that happen on some systems but not all of them.


There may still be lots of problems, but they are making an effort. They know that the success of these applications depends on their reputation.





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New Here ,
Mar 09, 2022 Mar 09, 2022

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Yes, same here. always error on PC Wn 11 Pro and MacBook Pro, Please Fix this. i can't work if always like this.






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New Here ,
Jul 11, 2022 Jul 11, 2022

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I was using the program today, and I cannot switch between tools anymore, which means I cannot edit anyrmore. HOW MANY YEARS HAS THIS PROGRAM BEEN FULL OF GLITCHES?? Also I can't use the timeline scrubber and cannot zoom in or out lol. I guess will save and quit and pray. Give me Final Cut Express or Pro anyday over unstable, unituative programs. 





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Jul 28, 2022 Jul 28, 2022

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I'm glad you mention Final Cut Express and Final Cut Pro classic.  While I don't miss the "General Error" that would pop-up in Final Cut Pro classic a little too often, I do miss each of these aaplications.


Fortunately, we can leverage the same thing that made editing so responsive and less likely to lag or  to crash in FCE and FCP in Premiere Pro:  Apple ProRes.  With ProRes source and matching ProRes Sequence Video Previews, editing in Premiere Pro is pretty smooth and often faster.  This would have benefited @jose mariob82820772 back when this thread was started in 2020 and was trying to force native formats from A7 III and FS5 to behave like editing CODECs.








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