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Free Premiere Pro title templates

People's Champ ,
Dec 24, 2013 Dec 24, 2013

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Hopefully, each of us has people we look up to and admire. My #1 guy in the video world that fits that bill is Tim Kolb. He has been a source of information and inspiration for me since I first started shooting video. Not only that, but he has steered business my way as well.

Tim has a new blog and he is posting free title templates. He is about to release an entirely new type/style library also. He hasn't finalized a price, but my guess is that it will be inexpensive and a real no-brainer. It will likely be something that you buy just because it saves a bunch of time when you start creating titles.

In any case, check out his blog site here.

His older library has been available, for free, from my site for many years. You can still pick it up there. http://stevengotz.com/title_styles.html.html








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