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Just ONE toggle switch to turn it off.
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press Ctrl + \ (will increase the workspace and restore the workspace before introducing a new bar).
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Why are you screaming at me? What header bar are you referring to? And why are you so angry about a header bar? Copy my picture and doodle likeThisCloseToPiratingIt did to show me why you're so angry.
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Well since it won't allow me to reply to the other guy...I appreciate your shortcut to remove the header bar. I don't think it made that much of a difference. But thanks for helping me out.
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This message was intended for you and not Baffy19...
Why are you screaming at me? What header bar are you referring to? And why are you so angry about a header bar? Copy my picture and doodle like Baffy19 did to show me why you're so angry.
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Control + \ is already in use here.
It's this infuriating header bar, highlighted in red, that wastes incredibly valuable real estate that is impossible to turn off. But thank god I can click between "import, edit, and export" despite already having shortcuts AND menu options for these exact things.
I'm stupefied by this UI choice.
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Oh that header bar. I get it. So who on here submitted a fix and the Adobe Engineers said, "Hey, cool, let's add a header bar and only put 3 things on it and waste all that screen space to the right of it! They'll love it." NOT!!
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Then just wait for a reasonable solution from the developers so that you can collapse this panel and use it if necessary. Previously, this was possible with workspaces (hover the mouse cursor up on the border of the panel to hide it). There are things that should be fixed in the next update release, but, alas, the developers consider this normal.
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OH THE DEVS THINK IT'S NORMAL. well then I guess I should just jump off a gosh darn bridge. How silly of me to question the devs of arguably the most abysmally optimized poorly coded professional product ever released. This should have been fixed in the PREVIOUS update the moment people started asking them to get rid of these abortion of a UI choice.
Moderator note: Please avoid profanity, even if implied. We have minors reading here.