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Its MUCH more powerful than Premiere now and it has a ton more features. Its time to let Adobe go. They dont want to optimize their software because they are too busy to optimize their software for modern CPUS. Heck, they barely have GPU optimization. Davinci Resolve has it all!
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It would be interesting, if Resolve really outperforms Premiere in Playback. Sure it does with a single track as far as i have read. But when i watch the preview of 15 on their website it doesnt seem to run without dropped frames as soon as there are more tracks like 5+ or when effects like keyers are used. The Versatility of Premiere is really astonishing, but your're right with the statement "too busy in fixing their stuff" (every release the same buggy procedure, like this one again in Meda Browser :-))) ) That's rather poor. Funny about this is that Resolve has now implemented almost the features of Premiere Pro and as it is a "youngster" it had to grow very fast to stay in the competition for was a grading tool. But what will happen afterwards? I am working with at least 10 videotrack and up to 15 audiotracks in a project and often i am pissed of the bugs i have to work around, but then it runs more or less smooth....Pushing software to it's limits always ends up in a buggy mess as far as my 15 years of editing have showed. Is Resolve really that amazing grail when you edit with a lots of tracks and effects? Does it do the job do so much better? I am excitetd about your answers 😉 FCP isnt as it lacks a good audio unit and ist part of Apple, where nobody knows, what to pay in the next year :-)) Best, Sebastian
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Yeah...I just started a fairly heavy promo project with only 6-7 tracks of 4K video from a GH4 and some heavy After Effects footage rendered as Photo Jpeg/Animation and the playback was real-time other than a dropped frame here or there. Take ONE DAY and play with Resolve15. Its at least 4 times faster the Resolve14 in my opinion. The playback is flawless. The reason I tried resolve for this project is because Premiere 2018 was dropping frames at random. If I restarted the playback from the beginning it would only SOMETIMES playback without dropping frames so I tried Resolve. Resolve handled the project like a champ. Its VERY HEAVILY OPTIMIZED FOR THREADRIPPER!!! The 1950X loves Resolve but it seems to not work amazing with Premiere. Resolve uses your GPU like crazy and you'll see both your CPU and your GPU spike once you render or playback.
The thing you have to get used to in Resolve in the render cache. Set it to USER and if you have any dropped frames right click the clip where the playback stops and choose Render cache --> user to manually render it. I'm so impressed with Resolve I may not go back to Premiere. I'm very serious about this. Try it and see yourself!