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Man goes into shop looking to buy a car

New Here ,
Apr 26, 2018 Apr 26, 2018

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Man goes into shop looking to buy a car - sees one he likes the look of. It has everything he wants and for some time runs very well - it tends to be a bit over-complicated but he can live with that as when he needs some instruction he goes off to the trusty internet to find some helpful advice. Unfortunately one day it simply stops working, whenever he turns it on and puts it into first, (or engages drive), the engine turns itself off. He tries to go back to the dealer but they ignore him, they don't answer their door, nor their phone so he has to resort to his trusty internet again. Then he finds out that the beautiful and very expensive car that he bought seemingly is not always suited to driving on the freeway/motorway. Some people suggest that it should only be used to drive in the city, others that it should only be used to drive at night. One or two suggest that it is his fault for not buying a brand new garage to put his car in - although he did buy a brand hew high spec garage to put said car in. Some suggested that his car would only work occasionally and that he should be thankful to the car seller for making him a car. Others suggested that he can't expect his car to work all of the time or that sometimes the rain stopped it from working or that whilst his car may not work theirs does and therefore it must be his fault that his car doesn't work. The car seller??? well they said nothing - afterall, they have his money and they don't have to bother fixing his car because no one seems to mind that they sell dodgy cars.






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Engaged ,
Apr 27, 2018 Apr 27, 2018

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Your analogy is flawed.

That man can be as angry as he likes... but in his world, very few people drive (edit videos) and instead, take mass transit (watch videos) which is far, far easier.

There are very few automobile manufactures, (Avid, Adobe, Apple, Blackmagic) and so, innovation in the industry is slow. Those few who drive are still driving Model T's or some equivalent. These cars are special snowflakes. They need constant maintenance. Owners must understand their automobiles inside and out, since break-downs in-route are commonplace. The manufacturer will shrug and say, "Have you considered upgrading to this year's model?" You know it'll be hardly better. Some issues will be fixed, but others will be newly introduced. Better to stay with the older models, whose flaws you are at least familiar with, and can work around.

In this world, driving will never gain mass appeal. If you choose to drive, you can go many places that other people cannot, but you'll have to drive problematic cars until the day you die.

Be as mad as you like. I certainly am. I've even complied my own extensive list of issues with Premiere.

But being mad about it doesn't fix the situation.





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Apr 28, 2018 Apr 28, 2018

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Attending NAB the first time was an experience ... definitely many folks that have a strong pref for one or another NLE, for instance. But every group could give you a long list of the painful things needing fixing in their preferred NLE. And why they thought everything worse than that in the others.






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