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Mouse Trap [fee to cancel subscription early]

New Here ,
Dec 11, 2017 Dec 11, 2017

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3 months ago I wanted to check out a program to color grade my Videos. I found Premier Pro the cheapest offering a month membership and the first thing that happened after starting the program after setup, was that the computer went down, -- happened ever since after 5 to 10 minuts. Today I wanted to quit my "plan" as I found out I did not just sign up to one application but a bundle I never wanted or used. So deleting my "Plan" .  I was told I was presented to a "possible fee" of some 100 $ --- Adobe seem to want a full year membership. Now on my way out to the Danish web to warn others, I was so stupid to click a button that promised me 2 months free use of the program case I did not want to leave my "Plan" anyway. As I were just looking for a way to escape this fraud as unharmed as possible I wonder how legal all this is under Danish Law. I will naturally ask this on the Danish web, but already fear being trapped in the Mouse trap.

Well my computer are to weak, but I know programs that check that before trapping potential idiots who don't read the small print, sorry not Idiots just pray. Though did it not say "You can leave your "Plan" at any time", yes I believe it did, but I know it did not say "if you pay the fee so we get the full year in our "Plan" with you.

So for nine months more I will be paying 186 Danish Kroner for a product I can not use, --- But the reason I write are that I fear I did wrong being scared by the tread of having to pay 886 Danish Kroner  (140 $) if I really wanted to leave now, -- that my wrong doing are to get "60 days free" by continue my "Plan". See I just wanted to get out.






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Community Expert ,
Dec 11, 2017 Dec 11, 2017

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Since this is not a request for help, I moved this to the Video Lounge Forum.





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