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Oracle...Team Emirates NZ

Sep 05, 2013 Sep 05, 2013

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Who is supporting who ....come Americas Cup Racing ..starts in 2 days.

Go Kiwis!

Team NZ.jpg






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Community Expert ,
Sep 14, 2013 Sep 14, 2013

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The race  made it to one of our main newspapers today.

Sailing becomes flying:

sailing becomes flying.png





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People's Champ ,
Sep 14, 2013 Sep 14, 2013

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I am going to attempt to get that close today, from somewhere near that angle.

I thought I could do it from the island, but they were just too far away. So today I am going to try to use the long lens and concentrate more on the sailors than the boats. So 300mm lens at about f/8 and 1/500 if I can. It depends on the sunshine.

We'll see how it comes out.






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Engaged ,
Sep 14, 2013 Sep 14, 2013

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I think that you will have far more luck with your images that Team USA does beating the Kiwi's

On what we have seen so far Team USA suck, a very poor start to the defence, but there again cheats get what they deserve






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People's Champ ,
Sep 14, 2013 Sep 14, 2013

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I think that you will have far more luck with your images that Team USA does beating the Kiwi's    

It is hard to argue with that. It doesn't really matter who is in the lead as they pass by if the race is a blow-out and they are not in the same frame. But keep in mind that Team USA has Kiwis on it also, so .... while it is probably too late for the defending champ to recover from its "fall from grace", it is still possible. And wouldn't THAT be exciting? I would like to see it come down to a score of 9 to 8 just for purely selfish reasons. It would mean more photographs for me.

My wife isn't even questioning my need to go take pictures. She just assumes that I will and would worry about me if I didn't. You have to love a woman like that.

but there again cheats get what they deserve

In this situation, that certainly appears to be the case. The removal of some team members appears to be a devastating blow that crippled their effectiveness. It would have been more interesting to have the original team with the 2 point penalty. Or get rid of the penalty with the removal of team members. Combining those two looks to be insurmountable. Not that is was unfair, it just makes for a less interesting race. And for the same reason that I like a close score going into the last two minutes of a Superbowl, or a World Series that goes the full 7 games, I would prefer a close race. It gets the heart pumping with adrenaline, you know?

Once again, for purely selfish reasons, I would truly love to have a picture of a race where one team beat the other in a photo finish. Where the officials had to look at the official photo to determine a winner. Now that would be fun!






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People's Champ ,
Sep 14, 2013 Sep 14, 2013

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So there I was, too late for the first race. I missed the USA win and the near disaster for the Kiwis.

Time got away from me this morning. "No problem" I say to myself. There is a second race and I have a good spot in mind. And all day parking is only $5 - a huge bargain for San Francisco.

So I head up to the entrance of the Golden Gate Bridge, where people who are going to walk across park their cars. I find a spot after a short wait for someone to leave and walk down to set up my tripod.

I am a lot closer than last time but I can only really get good shots around the Windward Gate. There is a bush kind of in the way, but I can work around it.

I see them drifting around getting into position. I take a few shots, but the shots I want are of the boats up off the water going full speed, and then other shots where they are tacking around the gates. So I don't waste much time shooting what I am not interested in, in particular.

The race starts, they head down to the Leeward gate, I am ready to shoot them approaching and rounding the turn.... I am waiting, and waiting and waiting. All of a sudden the boats head to the finish line! What the ????

Keep in mind that I am up on a hill and I am in shirtsleeves. The wind is steady but not blowing hard. Yet they cancel a sailboat race on account of TOO MUCH WIND?????? All I can say is that 22.6 knots is not as hard a wind as I thought it would take to cancel a race. I was severely disappointed. I never even put on my windbreaker like I did last Sunday.

There are lots of boats sailing all over that bay that cost a tiny fraction of what those racing boats cost, and they seem to be able to speed around all over the bay.  Oh well. There is always tomorrow. I will get there earlier next time.












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Sep 21, 2013 Sep 21, 2013

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Like the Alcatraz shot.

Is it true that Ellison has bought it, renamed it Elba, and has told his crew that will be where they are exiled to, should they loose?






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People's Champ ,
Sep 21, 2013 Sep 21, 2013

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Is it true that Ellison has bought it, renamed it Elba, and has told his crew that will be where they are exiled to, should they loose?

Wouldn't do any good. The darned Aussies and Kiwis on the team are strong swimmers. They would be drinking and some pub in San Francisco before the end of the first day. Might work for the couple of Americans on the team.







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People's Champ ,
Sep 14, 2013 Sep 14, 2013

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I gave autofocus a run today. It is tough when the subject is small, and a lot of them don't look right. They look slightly double exposed. But when the subject was closer it came out pretty good.

I also did a better job at staying off of the lowest two f/stops on the lens, and at keeping the shutter speed fast enough.

In any case, if this guy can sail around, why can't a Billion Dollar boat? Are they that fragile?







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Sep 14, 2013 Sep 14, 2013

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Its very cool seeing your photos and knowing you were there!

Yes they are very fragile machines and they are very dangerous.

eg imagine standing un tethered on the deck of a truck at 60 mph

The wind speed is factored with the tide  speed as well and there is a considerable safety margin buit in.





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People's Champ ,
Sep 14, 2013 Sep 14, 2013

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there is a considerable safety margin buit in.

Considerable? Yes, that I believe.

If I had noticed the wind, maybe. If I had a jacket on, even. Sigh!

I was supposed to work on packing up the condo tomorrow for our eventual move to the house (in a couple of weeks I think). I am doing a lot of that tonight to leave time for taking more pictures tomorrow.






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People's Champ ,
Sep 15, 2013 Sep 15, 2013

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I promised my wife I would take her out to dinner.

This should hold you until I get back to post the rest.







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Sep 15, 2013 Sep 15, 2013

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I hope thats from one we won!

Its all becoming a bit heart stopping for me.

On race day I take one breath at the start of the day and thats it.





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People's Champ ,
Sep 15, 2013 Sep 15, 2013

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While I post my pics, here is something to keep you busy:

Now, I did not go there today to shoot video. However, I was looking through the camera to watch the race over near the Windward gate, and all of a sudden I thought I should push the video record button. I mean, after all, the boats were too far away for decent pictures, and I thought "My friend Craig might like this". I really wasn't set up properly for video, and the autofocus being set on contrast, on a hazy day, with the boat so far away, well, you get what you get. I had to lift the camera off the tripod to get over the head of the guy who all of a sudden pushed up to the front...So handheld is the best I could do.

I thought Kiwis were flightless birds. Not these Kiwis aparently!






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People's Champ ,
Sep 15, 2013 Sep 15, 2013

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I hope thats from one we won!    

Nope! That was from the first race today. 

Here are a bunch of pics. I had a good day. For the first race I had to shoot up and over a short guy with a long lens. but for the second race, the guy right next to us had to leave so I grabbed the corner of the dock. Not a bad place at all.

I did my best to be fair when I was shooting. I didn't want to have to explain why I didn't have many shots of Craig's team.



This next one is right in front of Alcatraz Island. It never occurred to me that taking an Alcatraz tour at just the right time of day might be a really good idea. See all the folks up there?


The shot I said I wanted was the one where I could see air between the bay and the boat. I would say that this shot qualifies.


I love the shots where they cross going opposite directions


I thought that Craig might enjoy a shot of his team leading...


I don't know much about sailboat racing, but I would be willing to bet that if they spent more time in situations like this, more people would watch!






You might think these guys were in a hurry to get someplace. Are these boats or planes? Are those sails or wings?





Notice the ever preset helicopter?







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Sep 15, 2013 Sep 15, 2013

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Notice the ever present helicopter?

We get live coverage from the choppers mixed with long lens shore and boat shots. 

Absolutely spectacular!

Have you seen any of the broadcast footage at all?

PArt of watching and understanding yacht racing is the broadcast graphics.

FWIW - graphics package is a New Zealand innovation used worldwide





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People's Champ ,
Sep 15, 2013 Sep 15, 2013

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Have you seen any of the broadcast footage at all?

No, I haven't. I have barely turned on a television since I got my camera. I have so much to learn I feel like I am wasting time when I sit down to watch TV.

I took the risk and upgraded the firmware in my camera today. That might have helped the focus a bit. But more important, I kept an eye on my shutter speed and stayed away from the wide open settings, staying at f/8 or higher throughout the day.

I was fascinated by the really large lenses on some of the cameras I saw out there today. My lenses are light enough to hang off of the camera but these monsters have their own tripod and the camera hangs off of the lens! The guy next to me had a lens that went from 70mm to 500mm on a full frame sensor. I don't even want to Google the darn thing to see what it cost. When the boats came too close today, I couldn't zoom out far enough to get the entire boat in the shot with my 100-300. Am I asking for too much? All I really want is a 7mm-1000mm parfocal lens. But I would rather have a roof over my head and not be spending time in divorce court.






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Sep 15, 2013 Sep 15, 2013

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Kiwis need 2 wins

Oracle needs 8 wins

Steven needs to see some real broadcast footage....but I envy that he is actually there.

This thing aint over yet!

Steven - beware of "chimping".





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Community Expert ,
Sep 16, 2013 Sep 16, 2013

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Steven needs to see some real broadcast footage....but I envy that he is actually there.

Too cool in person...

I don't get any of this on TV (no cable TV, just internet). But the image on the America's Cup app on my S4 is amazing. I about died when the kiwis almost capsized - what was that Saturday?





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People's Champ ,
Sep 16, 2013 Sep 16, 2013

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Steven - beware of "chimping".

No time to chimp with boats going by really fast. And the best shots are when they are going by really fast. 

For those playing along at home that are not photographers, chimping is when you look at the picture on the back of your cameras and say "Ooo! Ooo! Ooo!" sounding like a chimpanzee.

After the first race, when the guy in the corner got out of the way and I moved to to take over the spot, I booted up the laptop I carry for this purpose and sat down on the dock to look at the pictures from the first race to see if I could make any improvements in my settings or methods. Of course, being a bright sunny day and having no shade on the entire pier, I took my windbreaker (light jacket - do you call them that?) and put it over my head and over the laptop in a similar fashion to Rod's picture from another thread. I was able to see that I had some decent shots.


I have figured out how to use autofocus on the boats, by the way. I start with the bow, and by the time the stern goes by that point the camera has focused. Then I just recompose while still holding the button halfway down. That is better than trying to track a boat a few hundred meters away. I hope you can see the improvements in the photos from Sunday. And, of course, it helps that they were generally closer than in any of my other shots.

....but I envy that he is actually there.

While I am having fun shooting the race, having an audience for the pictures makes a huge difference. It helps provide a purpose.

This thing aint over yet!

I am sure Larry Ellison agrees with you, but I am just hoping to get out there one more time and if the Kiwis wrap it up on Tuesday I might end up missing it. I can usually schedule my work to have some reason to go into San Francisco on Tuesday. We'll see. If I combine my morning break, Lunch hour, and afternoon break all in one big block I will have enough time to park, get set up, shoot, take down and get back into the van and back to work. Parking is easier with a commercial vehicle because there are special parking meters designed just for us.






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Sep 16, 2013 Sep 16, 2013

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I have figured out how to use autofocus on the boats, by the way. I start with the bow, and by the time the stern goes by that point the camera has focused. Then I just recompose while still holding the button halfway down.

I am really surprised that Auto Focus "continuous mode" does not work for you!

That usually works so fast and is very effective but also at the distances you are shooting at...I would have thought you are mostly just on "infinity focus' anyway.

Can you let me know if there actually is any live TV broadcast of the event in San Francisco.

Free to view or subscription?





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People's Champ ,
Sep 16, 2013 Sep 16, 2013

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I am really surprised that Auto Focus "continuous mode" does not work for you!

It requires better contrast than what I have been giving it. The haze against the water, etc.  Also, I believe that you are thinking of video, not stills. I don't have a continuous focus on my camera that I know of when shooting stills.

I would have thought you are mostly just on "infinity focus' anyway.

I don't have any lenses with an "infinity focus". I don't even know if I can get one.

The best I can do is stop it way down to get a deeper DOF. But to do that I would have to raise the ISO or reduce the shutter speed. And with the dock vibrating the way it does with people walking all over it and jumping off of the viewing stands, I need the fast shutter.

I am going to try and get to the first race tomorrow during a late lunch. I am happy with my photographs so I thought maybe I would set up for video and play with that a bit. I won't even attempt any of the far off shots like the one I showed you from yesterday. I will just concentrate on when they come past me.

I will set up to use the extended teleconverter mode. That gives me an additional 2.6 times zoom without reducing quality. Something about using just the center of the sensor, pixel for pixel to get the 1920X1080 instead of using the entire sensor and shrinking it down to the size of a video frame when it compresses it. Makes it look zoomed in.

It is about time to shoot some video seeing as how I bought the camera to do just that. I have been severely sidetracked by the lure of still photography. I never expected that to happen. But, I have to say, I have been having fun.






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Sep 16, 2013 Sep 16, 2013

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Also, I believe that you are thinking of video, not stills. I don't have a continuous focus on my camera that I know of when shooting stills.

No ...thinking stills cameras...and...

My GH2 has MF, AFC and AFS

Manual Focus, Auto Focus Continuous, Auto Focus Single  Modes.

I bet your GH3 has the same.





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People's Champ ,
Sep 16, 2013 Sep 16, 2013

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Ah. That.

Without a decent contrast, it doesn't help. The haze on the water, or when the distance is just too great, it doesn't seem to work for me. Perhaps I have been impatient and should work on it some more. I will do some testing and see what happens.

What I have been getting is the auto focus goes WAY out of focus and I have to find some high contrast to get it back.

I did manage to get two appointments in San Francisco for tomorrow morning. I took them from the other tech. Believe me, he won't mind. I should be done by 12:30pm and set up on the dock by 1:15pm when the race starts. Tomorrow is video day. But I will shoot some stills with continuous focus on some of the other boats in the area. The boss has no problem with me taking my lunch and both breaks at the same time. He has always been pretty decent about our rearranging our schedules as needed.

I am thinking that I will track the boats as best I can for most of my shots, but I will set up to have the boat pass all the way through the frame a couple of times just for fun. It might look pretty cool. Don't know for sure.






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People's Champ ,
Sep 17, 2013 Sep 17, 2013

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Oh well. I got all set up after parking in an expensive lot, and they canceled the races.


I did get some footage, but I have no idea if it came out OK yet. I will get on it and see what's there.

I could feel the dock shaking though. The tripod was steady but the camera still got buffeted by the wind. Add that to the dock shake with people walking all over it and jumping down from the seating and I think I am in for a session with the Warp Stabilizer.

If I get a chance tomorrow (unlikely since I am scheduled to drive 180 kilometers inland tomorrow unless the customer isn't ready after all) I will shoot from a less advantageous spot, but on solid ground with no wind. Well, as solid as ground gets in California.






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People's Champ ,
Sep 18, 2013 Sep 18, 2013

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Well, it is down to one more win for Craig's team. And I don't think I will be able to get over there tomorrow.

I was hoping to get some footage from solid ground but it looks like that isn't going to happen.






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