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Premiere Pro CS5.5 is here...

Engaged ,
Apr 10, 2011 Apr 10, 2011

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Explorer ,
Apr 11, 2011 Apr 11, 2011

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More accurately, Premiere Pro CS5.5 is coming.

Any ideas when it will be available?





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Engaged ,
Apr 11, 2011 Apr 11, 2011

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I placed my order for the upgrade and got this on the confirmation:

Preorder Estimated Availability Date Monday, May 2, 2011





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Apr 11, 2011 Apr 11, 2011

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Not quite got my head round this yet.  If you have the education Master Collection CS5, I assume there is no upgrade offer - this is what has happened in the past.  However, with it not being a 'full' update (only 4 or 5 progs actually have anything added) is there an upgrade price?  Or do you have to buy the whole suite again despite duplicating most of the programs?





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Community Expert ,
Apr 11, 2011 Apr 11, 2011

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Yes, there is an upgrade price... go to PRODUCTS above and then the page for what you have

When I go to the page for Master Collection the upgrade is $549 to go from CS5 to CS5.5





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Apr 11, 2011 Apr 11, 2011

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Sorry John - you seem to have misread my post.  I'm referring to the education copy.  I can't see the upgrade price for this that you refer.

As I said, I assume there is no upgrade price for education.  But I was willing to be proved wrong seeing as it's not a full incremental upgrade.

Thanks for looking anyway.





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Apr 11, 2011 Apr 11, 2011

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Anyone have any idea the 5.5 upgrade is cominh out? Haven't read anything about a release date. Didn't it take month after NAB for CS5 to come out last year.

I'm not to impressed to much with the Premiere upgrade. I do want After Effects 5.5 badly. Also looking forward to the new Media Encoder. I wonder if ME gets upgraded if you don't buy the Premiere or AE 5.5 upgrade.

The rental idea if great though.






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Community Expert ,
Apr 11, 2011 Apr 11, 2011

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As far as I know, there is no such thing as an Education upgrade... each Education purchase is the full, current version... and any upgrade is at the commercial rate... so CS5 MC to CS5.5 MC is $549, even if the CS5 you have now is the Education version

As far as the question after your post... shipping for CS5.5 is "about" 30 days from today... Google for

CS5.5 announce





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Apr 11, 2011 Apr 11, 2011

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Does "Enhanced Mercury Playback Engine"mean an enhancement over what we have now with Cs5 xx?

I would have to comment that  http://www.adobe.com/products/premiere/features._sl_id-contentfilter_sl_features+by+version_sl_new+s...

is very short on detail in all respects.

I am also wondering how much more "Online ( Adobe Air , Flash)  intrusion will be incorporated into this release.





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Apr 12, 2011 Apr 12, 2011

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Todd's post Adobe Premiere Pro CS5.5: What’s new and changed « Premiere Pro work area is a pretty detailed write-up of the new stuff, both from a feature standpoint and a refinement standpoint. Marketing ought to hire this guy...





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Explorer ,
Apr 12, 2011 Apr 12, 2011

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In Japan for some reason it costs twice the American price to buy any  Adobe software, even if you choose to download the English version

A large factor influencing my decision to upgrade, other than how much money I have got at the moment, is how much it will be to upgrade from 5 to 6 compared to 5.5 to 6.

For the upgrade from CS5 Master to 5.5 it costs 90,000 yen.

However, to upgrade a whole version, ie. from CS4 to 5.5, costs 159,000 yen; about the same as what it cost me to upgrade from CS4 to CS5.

If I pay 90,000 yen to upgrade to 5.5, then I want my upgrade from 5.5 to 6 to cost me no more than that either.

If it cost 159,000 to go to each new version, plus 90,000 yen to get a point release then I would feel like I were being royally raped. I'd be paying 410,000 in a 3 year period compared to the 320,000 in a 3 year period of the old development cylce of 18 months.

Of course, in that case I'd skip the point releases, but then end up worse off in that I would have to wait 6 months longer than previously to get each new version.

I also still can't believe that it costs more to subscribe to something you'll never own, than it does to buy it outright. That seems like reverse logic to me. I can understand the month by month subsrciptions being premium priced, but the yearly rental ought to end up about the same as buying a point upgrade.





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Apr 12, 2011 Apr 12, 2011

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I've always been marginally gob-smacked at the inequality between USD and UK software pricing.  It's virtually GBP = USD like-for-like.

In the UK , the upgrade from CS5 is 388 GBP versus 399 USB.  That's the equivalent of those across The Pond getting the upgrade for 633 USD!  I bet you'd kick up a bit of a fuss at that.

If it was an equal pricing policy, and those in the UK were offered it at the equivalent dollar price, we would get the upgrade for 245 GBP!

What's going on Adobe?  Why the huge difference?





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Engaged ,
Apr 12, 2011 Apr 12, 2011

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J-MS wrote:

I've always been marginally gob-smacked at the inequality between USD and UK software pricing.  It's virtually GBP = USD like-for-like.

In the UK , the upgrade from CS5 is 388 GBP versus 399 USB.  That's the equivalent of those across The Pond getting the upgrade for 633 USD!  I bet you'd kick up a bit of a fuss at that.

If it was an equal pricing policy, and those in the UK were offered it at the equivalent dollar price, we would get the upgrade for 245 GBP!

What's going on Adobe?  Why the huge difference?

You might want to check how much of the differential is comprised of taxes/duties imposed by your government.





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Apr 12, 2011 Apr 12, 2011

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Taverino wrote:

-MS wrote:


I've always been marginally gob-smacked at the inequality between USD and UK software pricing.  It's virtually GBP = USD like-for-like.

In the UK , the upgrade from CS5 is 388 GBP versus 399 USB.  That's the equivalent of those across The Pond getting the upgrade for 633 USD!  I bet you'd kick up a bit of a fuss at that.

If it was an equal pricing policy, and those in the UK were offered it at the equivalent dollar price, we would get the upgrade for 245 GBP!

What's going on Adobe?  Why the huge differen


You might want to check how much of the differential is comprised of taxes/duties imposed by your government.

Don't think that there are that lot taxes.

It is comon praxis for American companies to sell software at a much higher price in Europe. Mostly, the argument is that the company needs to pay for localization and the European sales organization, but that argument is flawed, as you need to take away the costs for the Amercan "localization" and the American sales force.

May be Adobe didn't see that the USD lost in value since they fixed the exchange rate 10 years ago!






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Apr 12, 2011 Apr 12, 2011

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I also still can't believe that it costs more to subscribe to something you'll never own, than it does to buy it outright. That seems like reverse logic to me. I can understand the month by month subsrciptions being premium priced, but the yearly rental ought to end up about the same as buying a point upgrade.

Really? Rent a house or lease a car sometime--it makes perfect sense. You assume most of the benefits of ownership with less of the risk. This isn't going to appeal to shops that are solely or primarily Adobe shops--as you point out, it's a lot cheaper to just buy the software outright--but for a user or shop that has to crosstrain for a short period of time, e.g. a few months, it makes sense.

And of course the subscription will be at a premium price; if it wasn't, who would buy the software? I don't think the Bank of Adobe has opened yet, so if you need to finance the purchase and set up monthly payments for something you WILL own, there are credit card companies and vendors who are waiting for your call





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Apr 12, 2011 Apr 12, 2011

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There are economical reasons for rental versus buying:

  1. no inventory
  2. support is included (guess)
  3. temporary licenses
  4. what sense does it make to own software - I sill own a couple of MS-DOS, Turbo Pascal, WordPerfect, WordStar, CP/M etc licenses. They are all mine... Oh, and I think there are also some unused Adobe licenses around for InDesign 1.5 or GoLive and other Adobe products. They became obsolete, when we upgraded to the Suite. Not all licenses where used to upgrade...






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Explorer ,
Apr 12, 2011 Apr 12, 2011

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Colin Brougham wrote:

I also still can't believe that it costs more to subscribe to something you'll never own, than it does to buy it outright.

Really? Rent a house or lease a car sometime--it makes perfect sense.

Nice analogy. Only, there is a reason why you pay more to rent those things. The owner is paying maitenance and has to cover periods the the house is unoccupied.

As software users we are virtually subscribers anyway; we purchase every version or every other version  of the software, depending on our budget, as new features are introduced. My personal view is that Adobe would tempt more users to keep updating to each new version if subscribing worked out cheaper than buying a new version every 18 months.

In the big press release one of the reasons cited for introducing the subscription model was to target those that couldnt afford to buy outright. But if you actually intend to use the product for any length of time it would be silly to subscribe. It seems to me that only production houses who hire temps stand to benefit from subscribing. Everybody else is going to do what they have been doing, which is to upgrade if they can afford it, or wait a few versions if they can't.





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Apr 12, 2011 Apr 12, 2011

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Only, there is a reason why you pay more to rent those things.

Don't forget about flexibility. If I rent something, and decide that it's not for me, I can get rid of it relatively easily. Yes, I know that car leases and home rentals are constituted by a contract with a specific term, but that's still a heck of a lot more flexible than buying a house or a car and being stuck with it.

My personal view is that Adobe would tempt more users to keep updating to each new version if subscribing worked out cheaper than buying a new version every 18 months.

I suspect there is a whole floor full of bean counters at Adobe HQ who argued against this

In the big press release one of the reasons cited for introducing the subscription model was to target those that couldnt afford to buy outright. But if you actually intend to use the product for any length of time it would be silly to subscribe. It seems to me that only production houses who hire temps stand to benefit from subscribing. Everybody else is going to do what they have been doing, which is to upgrade if they can afford it, or wait a few versions if they can't.

Well, I think Adobe's logic is a little flawed there, but you reiterate exactly my point: there's no point renting if you're going to use the software "permanently." I wouldn't be too surprised if at some point in the future, the software goes totally to a subscription model, with incentives to those who set up long-term contracts.





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Apr 12, 2011 Apr 12, 2011

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The cards are on the table: But don't forget to look with the eyes of those who don't own Adobe software for now: It's cheaper to rent then to buy, at least on the shorter term. In addition there are those who have easyer times getting a monthly budget then a 2 or 3 year budget. Asking the CFO for the big money and then 6-12 month later again a quarter of that for an upgrade, you need to be good explaining that. On the monthly budget you will have the upgrades for free!

Independent contractors often work with different software, so this month they will rent Premiere Pro, 2 month later, they will need to work with FCP... We are all (still) free to choose...so this discussion is quite somehow senseless.

I would like to get the software for less cash, if you would ask me, but unfortunately Adobe employees need to feed their children and the CEO needs to raise the shareholder value. So I will need to pay a lot for the software... But fortunetly, we sell also goods that our customers would like getting for free (no joke), but they are paying a lot of money for them... allowing me to feed my children and my CEO to raise shareholder value...

Upgraders will need to do a different budgeting.






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Apr 12, 2011 Apr 12, 2011

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we sell also goods that our customers would like getting for free (no joke), but they are paying a lot of money for them... allowing me to feed my children

Really?  What market are you in?  I need to move there.





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Participant ,
Apr 13, 2011 Apr 13, 2011

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JSS1138 wrote:

we sell also goods that our customers would like getting for free (no joke), but they are paying a lot of money for them... allowing me to feed my children

Really?  What market are you in?  I need to move there.

Getting paid a lot does not mean that we get rich ... We build blast furnaces! And believe me: you wont like moving into that market...





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Engaged ,
Apr 13, 2011 Apr 13, 2011

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anyone know what the list of new supported graphics cards is going to be in 5.5 ?





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Engaged ,
Apr 13, 2011 Apr 13, 2011

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Supported NVIDIA graphics cards for GPU acceleration

  • GeForce GTX 285 (Windows and Mac OS)
  • GeForce GTX 470 (Windows)
  • GeForce GTX 570 (Windows)
  • GeForce GTX 580 (Windows)
  • Quadro FX 3700M (Windows)
  • Quadro FX 3800 (Windows)
  • Quadro FX 3800M (Windows)
  • Quadro FX 4800 (Windows and Mac OS)
  • Quadro FX 5800 (Windows)
  • Quadro 2000 (Windows)
  • Quadro 2000D  (Windows)
  • Quadro 2000M (Windows)
  • Quadro 3000M (Windows)
  • Quadro 4000 (Windows and Mac OS)
  • Quadro 4000M (Windows)
  • Quadro 5000 (Windows)
  • Quadro 5000M (Windows)
  • Quadro 5010M (Windows)
  • Quadro 6000 (Windows)
  • Quadro CX (Windows)





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Engaged ,
Apr 13, 2011 Apr 13, 2011

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ah that's an old list, those are for 5.x ... but 5.5 will have a lot more, including many laptop cards, but I haven't found a list.





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Engaged ,
Apr 13, 2011 Apr 13, 2011

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The list is old and new cards together.  Here are the new cards as stated by Todd Kopriva:


We’ve added many graphics cards to the list of cards that provide the  CUDA processing features in Adobe Premiere Pro CS5.5. Below is a list  of the cards added in this version. For a complete list, not just the  list of changes in this version, see this page.

  • GeForce GTX 570
  • GeForce GTX 580
  • Quadro FX 3700M
  • Quadro FX 3800M
  • Quadro 2000
  • Quadro 2000D
  • Quadro 2000M
  • Quadro 3000M
  • Quadro 4000M
  • Quadro 5010M
  • Quadro 6000

Message was edited by: {KMS}





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Apr 13, 2011 Apr 13, 2011

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Getting paid a lot does not mean that we get rich

It actually kind of does.

(Think about it.)





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