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The software is far from finished
I myself run it on 1070 ti, i7 3770k, 32 gb ddr4.
Some of my peers run it on the new macpro and imac pro and similar pro workstations.
Most terrible performance for the hardware it is running on. This application is so terribly written that it makes it impossible to edit in 4K (even with proxies/ingest) as of late 2018. Where amateur tools like final cut pro show no difficulties whatsoever, very, very disappointing fact.
As of latest update the app has been showing more bugs than ever in history, I already use adobe software sinds quarkxpress was a competitor of indesign. So you can just take my word for it, I know how adobe software is supposed to perform.
My conclusion:
If you are a new user and your reading this, consider final cut pro
consider affinity designer software, boycot the adobe software, because they are not working on the bugs they should be working on.
I lost thousands of euro's due to corrupted projects in adobe, lost 100's hours of lost work even with the autosave functions it is still very far from finished software...
I should be sending adobe an invoice of the damages made to my business by making this software available before it is finished.
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