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Sick and tired of the bugs!

Community Beginner ,
Mar 07, 2020 Mar 07, 2020

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Some time ago, from experiencing down time from PP bugs, I alwasy complained to myself and told myself, some day I'm going to rid myself of Adobe Premiere Pro. 
Well, yesterday was the day. Premiere Pro is not working again. Not going to go into what's wrong, it's just not responind, severly lagging, play head won't move etc etc etc. Not to mention the hours and hours of down time and having to still pay for it, I am over Adobe.
Am now looking for an alternitive. If you are in my shoes, what NLE would you choose and why?

I've heard Avid is a good one. I don't have a mac so FC is out. What about resolve? 


Seriously pissed off






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Mar 07, 2020 Mar 07, 2020

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Sorry about your performance issues.  But I'm not so sure that different software will change your experience much if your workstation isn't all that it should be.  Working with video takes a huge amount of system resources, no matter which software you use.


Puget makes recommended workstations for Premier Pro users.  They also have a free benchmark testing kit you can download below. 



Nancy O'Shea— Product User, Community Expert & Moderator




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Community Beginner ,
Mar 08, 2020 Mar 08, 2020

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Certainly no need to be sorry Nancy. 

I have a very powerful machin these days to cope with using video on high end editors. My first editor was Power Director and had lots of issues but only because I was a newbie with an off the shelf computer. It couldn't keep up. A new powerful computer later, (36gbts ram, gtx 1080 ti, all that stuff) no issues at all. But I did learn real quick, I was going to need to upgrade to a more proefessional editor.

I had Vegas Pro for my next editor and loved that one, and no issues. 

Why I ever moved to Premiere Pro, now I don't know. I've lost count of the issues and down time. Gotta admit tho, love PP when it works. But From upgrading to the latest version and having yet more issues was the last straw. 

I've since cancelled my subscription (early annual cancellation fee! wtf) and won't ever be going back.

This morning I find myself back with Vegas Pro and no issues at all, right from the start. 🙂




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Apr 11, 2020 Apr 11, 2020

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I've also had a lot of problems with Adobe PE though, and it all started since I bought it. I also have a very powerful machine, not 36gb ram though (I have 16gb), but a ryzen 2700x and rx 5700 xt should be able to edit video files up to 1440p for sure, without any problems. And things such as crash/lags when editing mp4 720/1080p videos, should not appear, which it does all the time 😕... Adobe PE also change my video footage after export, it looks bad and not near the original footage at all, even though I use the highest export settings possible... (same as source). This has been tested on several of my machines, same output every time.

So I support and understand your decision! I also told myself after 2 years of problems with PE, that I'll NEVER ever pay for any Adobe software again!


I'm glad to hear that Vegas Pro is working fine for you 😉

I've been looking at Vegas software myself as an alternatie to Adobe PE.

Are you using the VEGAS Pro 17 Edit? Cause that version look like the right one for me and I guess and hope it is a lot better than PE, especially regarding the price.




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Community Beginner ,
Apr 11, 2020 Apr 11, 2020

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Hi erlend
I like Vegas Pro, but I don’t think it measures up to Adobe. I t could be I’, just not used to doing the same things so differently. I’m struggling with colour grading atm. So much easier in PP. Again, maybe I’m not used to it.
I purchased the latest version (17 pro) and not the subscription one. That was another thing I’m so sick of , the feckin subscription bs.
Good luck mate

Sent from Mail for Windows 10




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Advisor ,
Mar 07, 2020 Mar 07, 2020

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I would say resolve 15 ( with latest patch for 15), and NO NEWER VERSION. Newer versions need more powerful machines. Then you have to buy a couple manuals ( which are lessons with source material you download ) and spend about a year learning how to use it.







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Mar 07, 2020 Mar 07, 2020

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I work with a lot of colorists, who are spending a fair amount of time complaining of how Resolve is getting pretty buggy as BM has gone about turning it into a one-stop-shoppe app to compete with the Adobe CC video apps. Disappointing.


When they build these apps for a wide variety of uses with a wide variety of media on a wide variety of machines ... I don't think there's any way the engineers can test every possible interaction between the app, the OS, and every possible piece of kit & media. Talking with a few of the engineers at MAX, they were clear ... the percentage of users with bad performance is down. But ... the ones with performance issues are mostly having things they can't replicate in-house, and what they can't "see", they can't fix.


And with something with the massive user-base of Premiere, a "small subset" of users is still quite a few people. If you're one ... yea, that's crunch time.


Resolve might be a possible replacement for you. I use it myself mainly for occasional special color work, but also say when there's a long clip that has shifting brightness, Resolve has a couple 'tools' that can auto-adjust for such things, and I need that for just being able to use a clip. I don't like the editing process in that app though ... just feels weird. Others like it of course ... we all do everything differently.


Some times a rig that struggles with Premiere and certain media will do better in Resolve. Sometimes the other way around. And ... often if you're struggling in Premiere, Resolve may struggle more. It's something you have to test on that machine. Any way that works, you gotta get the work out the door.






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Community Beginner ,
Mar 08, 2020 Mar 08, 2020

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Thanks for detailed post mate. 

I don't do that much (paid editing) anymore and feeling that Vegas Pro will suffice for my needs. Also one time payment as I retire in a few years and would of cancelled anyway, but still need an editor for YT channels and the occasional work.


Thanks again Neil.






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Mar 08, 2020 Mar 08, 2020

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Moved to the Video Lounge.




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Participant ,
Apr 01, 2020 Apr 01, 2020

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Avid is the best but it's not so esay to learn as Premiere. Resolve is the way if you do a lot of color grading...




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Apr 01, 2020 Apr 01, 2020

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It's kind of interesting watching the post production discussions now. I work with a number of pro colorists on a daily basis ... and do tutorials for MixingLight.com, a colorist's subscription website run by three of the top teaching colorists. Plus of course 'hang' on the LGG forum.


Been to NAB for the last six years, very disappointed at no NAB this month. Four Adobe MAX events as a teaching assistant in the Premiere/AfterEffects tracks. So I've had plenty of chance to talk with different users.


A lot of colorists are frustrated to ticked off at BlackMagic over Resolve, as ... well ... up through 14.x, bugs that affected colorists got taken care of pretty quickly for the most part. Ok ... so BM has been terrible at fixing bugs even with the $30,000 advanced panel that have been around for years. But most of the working bugs for colorists got fixed pronto.


In the 15.x cycle, that ... changed. Clearly a lot of development time for both features and fixes went into the "other" pages ... editing, fusion, fairlight ... and bugs for the color and delivery page just sat there. And there seemed to be more bugs in general. Well ... yea, building the app to work on a wider array of gear and media, gee ... you will get more bugs. Can't help it.


So ... many of my colorist acquaintances who have been totally Resolve based are looking at Filmlight or Mistika as a grading app, simply because of the bugs and problems they're having with Resolve. Some have already jumped ship from Resolve to one of those two ... if not both.


And more people are using Resolve for basic editing and video post work than ever.






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Participant ,
Apr 01, 2020 Apr 01, 2020

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no offense but it seems that the forum is now only full of "adobe community professional" anwsering themselves...

You might switch to Resolve forum 🙂




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Apr 01, 2020 Apr 01, 2020

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I do check out the Resolve forum ... as naturally I use that app also. Nowhere near as familiar with it, and personal thing, the editing page just seems odd to me. Color capabilities there of course are pretty awesome.


I've put in the requests for Premiere's Lumetri (sadly, not nearly what we had with SpeedGrade ... ) to get something like the pair of auto-leveling tools Resolve has. Especially the one where you can select an area, and tell Resolve to lighten/darken as needed to keep that area constant brightness. When filming events where sunlight/clouds change, that feature saves your backside.


And I do resent the way BM locks down the Tangent panels ... at any one task in Resolve, at least half my Tangent Elements controls are 'dark' ... nothing connected. And you aren't allowed to change any mappings because of course BM wants you to buy their gear ... which is of course how they make most of their cash.


But BM panels only work with BM software. I use several ... so as far as BM is concerned, I should spend several additional grand to buy their panels and have to constantly move panels around, no thanks.


None of these apps are near "perfect" to me.






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