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I've been using Adobe for years including Captivate, Photoshop , and Premiere. I have a fantastic laptop with quad core and enough RAM I shouldnt have to struggle EVERY SINGLE TIME I EDIT A VIDEO. The lag time is horrible. It stutters and audio plays along while video is stuck in a repeating loop. Actually, I've had this issue with Premiere on my past 2 laptops. I just can't take it any more. Adobe has forced my hand and I'm going today to purchase a Mac with Final Cut. I've read forums where the same issues I've just laid out are being experienced on the Mac OS as well. I refuse to pay yearly ad infinitum for software that makes me want to scream every time I use it. I just came to say my peace even if just 1 person sitting in a coffin-sized cubicle at Adobe reads it
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Moved to the Lounge as there is no question.
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A four-core laptop is an older, low-resources machine compared to what any of the pro NLE's need now. You're getting a new Mac, which will of course have more cores and vastly updated hardware.
One thing to understand for any complicated app like an NLE: there are thousands of users ... and how many actually post on a forum? A very very small percentage. So seeing "scads!" of reports of something may indicate a widespread issue ... or something a few hundred or a couple thousand people have an issue with ... out of several hundred thousand total users. And could as easily be the users have something on their machine that is the cause of the issue.
There was a period a year/two back, where ... on some Win10 machines, the simple presence of the Windows utility library file for their OneDrive "dropbox" type service ... onedrive.dll ... on a machine might make Premiere do all sorts of odd things.
But ... only on some machines, a fairly small percentage of the Premiere users on Win10.
Rename or remove the file, Premiere was fine. That's how odd some of the interactions can be.
As someone who deals with colorists daily, I'm very familiar with Resolve. Which is oft touted as vastly superior to the Adobe products. Yea ... right ... so ... why were there post-production houses that never found a single 15.x version of Resolve stable in their shop, so went from the last 14.x to perhaps 16.1? On LiftGammaGain, the thread on fixes needed for Resolve is a long one.
Is it a good app? For the vast majority of users, yes, ... IF on a system built for the hardware Resolve needs. Which is a bit different than a system built for Premiere or a system built for FinalCut-X or Avid or whatever.
The vast majority of Premiere users ... and it is by far the largest pro NLE out there ... are doing fine. Some are getting by with pain in the tush issues, and some are hammered with something that simply won't work.
They are all just tools ... fancy hammers. Every one works a bit differently, everyone needs different hardware and setup processes to work best for that app.
Use whatever hammer works for you.