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Trouble on Updated Premiere Pro & Media Encorder [Mod:Title changed.]

Community Beginner ,
Sep 23, 2020 Sep 23, 2020

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I've been working on a project for a month with Adobe Premiere Pro. This morning I clicked on the update of it and medica encoder.

It has made it impossible to complete my work because it has rendered completion of the work impossible,    as a 'frame substitution recursion - error' message is coming up a 100 times a minute and it has blacked out footage that has been perfectly okay for the past month. Now Media encoder won't let me convert it to anything courtesy of it's upgrade when the previous version pre upgrade worked with all of the footage I am currently working on.

I need to seriously consider quitting my subscription to Premiere pro as the upgrade has rendered it useless, I have work to do and there are other software companies out there.

mark D 


[Mod:]This topic was replied to the "September 7th Release Notes" thread on the Using the Community board, but has been separated from the post and moved to Video Lounge.






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