Which is More important and which would you buy first ?
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Lately in the recent moths even since last year Ive been aiming wanting to upgrade my video equipmemt and overall improve my image quality and speed of my editing so I can get video footage out and up.
Camera wise im looking at getting the AX53 Camcorder; from my own reasearch it seems like one of the best camcorders right now.
So that I can do some multicam composing on the spot rather than in post I'm very interested in MySlingStidio to so I can cut down a lot of my post editing.
Both things are around $1K. If you can only get one right now which do you say is more important; the cam to upgrade equipment and picture quality or the multicam Sling Studio to improve compositing and cut down post edit ?
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Moved to Video Lounge.
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Sling Studio had a booth last month at AdobeMAX and we liked what we saw -- so much, in fact, that we ended up buying it on-the-spot.
The Sling Studio interfaces really well with Premiere Pro CC 2018, and really cuts down on the post-production time.
If you had the same $1k to spend, I'd invest in your ability to have less time spent trying to get things "just right" in post, letting the SS do what it does best.
You can use an iPhone as a camera source with the SS, too -- a 4K input file from hardware you might already own.