Thinking about Edius 6.5 !!!
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Why Premiere is behind from Edius in profomance wise, i've both on same system.
On 1080i timline the edius is more stable than ppro.
Why is that? I am patroling all over the web since for 2 months to get some facts on Edius vs ppro.
I've been working with ppro since 7/8 years..... Often people teased me that one day u'll going to switch to this EDIOT(edius).
Frankly i dont want to don't need to. But Adobe should have to work hard to keep the legend alive.
Back to my question why eduis works well than ppro?
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On 1080i timline the edius is more stable than ppro.
That is a very abstract statement. Can you elaborate on what you mean by "stable?"
Good luck,
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Bill's right. Some details about the specific problem you're having are needed before we can provide any answers.
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Sorry for that,
Project : 1920x1080i .mts files
Cs5.5 updated
16gb ram 1600mhz
i7 860
1TB x2 hard drives No raid
gtx 580
If i can get smooth playback on edius so why shoudn't ppro play it normaly on same system is there....... Premiere cs5.5 render times are good but iam not worried about that any latest editing software can do so,
So what is it with edius that premiere can't do.
sorry if i mis somthing iam new to these forums.
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For my home hobbyist, family movies (which means that I am not trying to recreate Star Wars with video effects or many layers) AVCHD editing is "as smooth as spreading warm butter on hot toast" (also the MP4 video from wife's Flip camera)
Asus P6 SE motherboard with Intel i7 930 CPU (built mid-2010)
12Gig Ram and nVidia GTX 285 to use Cuda/MPE
My boot drive uses under 60Gig for Win7 & CS5 MC & MS Office & several small programs, with my Windows paging/swap file directed to another drive
My 3 hard drives for video editing are configured as...
1 - 320Gig Boot for Win7 64bit Pro and ALL program installs
2 - 320Gig data for Win7 paging swap file and video project files
When I create a project on #2 drive, the various work files follow,
so my boot drive is not used for the media cache folders and files
3 - 1Terabyte data for all video files... input & output files (1)
(1) for faster input/output IF I had 4 drives
- use drive 3 for all source files
- use drive 4 for all output files
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16gb ram 1600mhz
i7 860
1TB x2 hard drives No raid
gtx 580
I'd expect everything to run very smooth with this system. There are a few things that might make it not run smooth. For example, do you have any effects applied? Is this a dedicated edit rig, or a general purpose computer that may have a lot of non-essential programs on it which could be interfering with PP? What Operating System and version? When you run PP, how many other processes are running? Just saying "updated" isn't very informative, what exact version of PP are you using?
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Premiere Cs (5.5.2)
OS Name Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate
Version 6.1.7600 Build 7600
System Type x64-based PC
Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 860 @ 2.80GHz, 2801 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 8 Logical Processor(s)
And just RGB curve is applied on timeline, in transitions just Film Dissolve,
This system is totaly dedicated to edit and i dont play games. No other irrelevant programmes were running while editing PS, AE, normaly.
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I'm not yet seeing anything that stands out as the cause of playback issues.
Run Task Manager and report how many processes are running when you edit.
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Read and reply with LOTS more information
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Well, I have used Edius ver. 5 and 6 a lot, but performance wise I think PPRO CS5 and beond I think is great with the right hardware (cuda card) fast discs etc. Even on my test system, an "old" quadcore with 8GB and 3 single SATA I discs, it is pretty fast on HD 1080i and stable as well.
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Edius rock in terms of realtime performance. It was hard for me to drop Edius in favor of PP (Master Collection). I think in some ways Edius is better than PP but the integration between the Adobe programs is what makes PP shine.
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medeamajic wrote:
... but the integration between the Adobe programs is what makes PP shine.
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I've used Edius 6 for almost two years now, and I can attest that it's way faster and more stable than Premiere CS6, while being a 32 bit program and is faster than PP CS6, without the need for an expensive CUDA card, since Edius only uses the CPU. It doesn't have many of the hiccups of Premiere, and you can play with JKL like crazy and it's responsive, which Premiere isn't. Premiere is much slower to respond to JKL keystrokes than Edius. On the monitor window, Edius displays footage smoothly, while Premiere does it with hiccups, at least at full resolution.
That said, what made me invest in a $280 graphics card with CUDA and $600 in a Matrox Mini MXO2 to edit in Premiere is that Edius is still kind of lame in the filters that it comes with, and keyframing levels is horrible. Not to be said that you can't do great things with it, you can, but Premiere gives more creative freedom, not to mention that being profficient at Premiere will give you more jobs than Edius.
But yes, for someone coming from the Edius world, Premiere seems awfully slow sometimes.
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I am a long time user of Edius and Premiere , both have there weakness and strengths,I use both in many of my productions, both run fine side by side on the same PC. The only thing which concerns me is hardware upgrading to keep up with Adobe software everytime new version is launched.
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That's hardly true. I've been using the same hardware since CS4, and it now runs CS6 like a dream.
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Do you have any experience in after effects and then taking that project into Edius. Denzil
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I dont think so. But its better to ask this to Edius user.
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I use cs5.5 premiere and edius 6.5 for 3d work. they both have merits. I genuinly thought I would be an edius convert but after about 4 months of editing I still prefer to edit 2D with premiere.
edius good points
You can take avchd footage (2d and 3d) and start to edit it using the proxy mode straight away. Trimming, editing is so much faster. I use macros during editing and edius seems to respond better for keyboard automations than premiere (ie inserting transitions with a single key press). It has a good masking filter which can have multiple effects put inside it so imagine a filter inside a filter (color pass inside a color pass for 2 color pass effect) and the mask is keyframable so it can be distorted and edited over time. Edius has superb multicam (timecode and recorded time) support - so much so that my multicam projects are lined up in edius and brought into premiere. I can only dream of this support in premiere - even with pluraelyes. 3D support is excellent and the 3D (side by side) blurays are superb. Imagine a 3d slideshow from exported 3D stills. Creating dvds and blurays from timeline is a painless process with or without motion menus. Edius can save transitions after they have been modified to be reused. Edius seems to be finetuned for easy scrubbing, realtime filter and transition playback over multiple tracks with minimal hardware and a slower cpu compared to premiere.
Edius bad points (compared to premiere)
On my i7 2.6 ghz - 12 gb ram win 7 pc raid drives exports are twice as slow (for SD) and 3 times slower for bluray exports, there are occasional hangs on complex projects during exports but most annoyingly the batch rendering in edius is part of the program so you can't start another project while it's taking a day to export a 3hr (asian wedding lol) bluray disk. Adobe through media encoder has background rendering for true multitasking. Edius lacks filter support from many top manufacturers and even the compatible boris plugins crash it in 3D. So the time gained in fast editing is lost in the final export and dvd authoring process.
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Adobe through media encoder has background rendering
That's actually background exporting. Background rendering is something PP has never had, but sorely needs.

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Dear Coredvideo,
You are 100% right that Edius 6 a lot more stable than Premiere pro. In these days time is everything. Edius is very fast, stable and Real-time than Premiere Pro. I am user of Premiere since version 5 but even today Premiere CS6 has some flaws. Premiere Pro is way behind the Edius 6 I am giving some of the Advantage of Edius 6.0 & 6.5 that Premiere Pro CS6 does not have.
Edius 6 Premiere Pro 6
Real-time without CUDA card Premiere None
Excellent Keyboard Editing without mouse Premiere None
Multicam Edit without Cuda and Proxy mode Premiere None
Color Correction before Multicam Edit Premiere None
Easy tweaking in multicam edit Premiere None
Matchig Clips/Tape in Multicam while editing if miss match Premiere None
while editing 1000s times without losing Multicam editig sequence
Full screen Views for every window and every monitor like: Premiere None
Source view, Program view, Multicam View+Program view
for both and Multi views and Capture view
Real-time editing, color correction effects and transitions Premiere None
Proxy mode editing Premiere None
Player and Program View in Same windows if editing in single view Premiere None
Fast Rendering Premiere None
Easy one touch sync with Plural eye software Premiere None
Editing Clips in timeline is very fast C for selected one or multiple clips Premiere None
and Shift+C for whole timeline in CTI rather than in Premiere Pro
manually selecting track and multi tracks
Switchig in 16:9 and 4:3 without closing the project Premiere None
High resolution display in source and program windows Premiere None
these are some examles of advantages of Edius 6
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If you like Edius better, use that. No one here is forcing you to use Premiere Pro.
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I am with you. I fail to understand a person, who has found the perfect NLE, for their workflow, and then insist that another NLE should be re-written to the specs. of their choice. The easy answer is "just use the one that works best for you."
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"Edius 6 Premiere Pro 6
Real-time without CUDA card Premiere None
Excellent Keyboard Editing without mouse Premiere None
Multicam Edit without Cuda and Proxy mode Premiere None
Color Correction before Multicam Edit Premiere None
Easy tweaking in multicam edit Premiere None
Matchig Clips/Tape in Multicam while editing if miss match Premiere None
while editing 1000s times without losing Multicam editig sequence
Full screen Views for every window and every monitor like: Premiere None
Source view, Program view, Multicam View+Program view
for both and Multi views and Capture view
Real-time editing, color correction effects and transitions Premiere None
Proxy mode editing Premiere None
Player and Program View in Same windows if editing in single view Premiere None
Fast Rendering Premiere None
Easy one touch sync with Plural eye software Premiere None
Editing Clips in timeline is very fast C for selected one or multiple clips Premiere None
and Shift+C for whole timeline in CTI rather than in Premiere Pro
manually selecting track and multi tracks
Switchig in 16:9 and 4:3 without closing the project Premiere None
High resolution display in source and program windows Premiere None"
these are some examles of advantages of Edius 6
A lot of these points are simply wrong, for example it is easy to color correct clips before multicam editing. You actually stated that Premiere doesn't have "Real-time editing, color correction effects and transitions". I do that every day. I can only assume that you don't really know the program or your system is out of spec. Are you using a plug-in rt card or something?
Switching in 16:9 and 4:3 without closing the project, wrong here as well. You can have multiple sequences with different aspect ratios and resolutions and framerates all open and easy to toggle between. If you can't, you have something buggy going on.
I think you need to see a demonstration of what premiere can do. I worked on a simple multicamera edit of a music video where I have each cam track color corrected, chroma-keyed and matted on a color graphic, and had sections scaled or repositioned. It all played in RT and was completely responsive during editing. Most of my experience with CS5 & CS5.5 has been similar.

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Hello All,
I am not debating that which NLE is best. I like both Adobe PP and GV Edius. I have just mention that I am a user of Adobe since years but why Adobe stills lacks some of the functionalities which some other softwares have. Discussing here does not mean to defend or down any NLE, rather to fix or enhance some of the functions in future. Since I have long association with Adobe so I want Adobe to resolve issues in further editions.
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I must agree wrote:
Hello All,
I am not debating that which NLE is best. I like both Adobe PP and GV Edius. I have just mention that I am a user of Adobe since years but why Adobe stills lacks some of the functionalities which some other softwares have. Discussing here does not mean to defend or down any NLE, rather to fix or enhance some of the functions in future. Since I have long association with Adobe so I want Adobe to resolve issues in further editions.

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