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AME cannot connect to Dynamic Link Server

Participant ,
Apr 21, 2017 Apr 21, 2017

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Hello everyone!

The Problem:

I updated to the latest versions of Adobe CC products yesterday, only to find that I cannot render from After Effects as I normally did – when I go to "File > Export > Add to Adobe Media Encoder Queue" absolutely nothing happens. When I drag a comp from AE to AME, AME gets stuck on "Connecting to Dynamic Link Server..." and won't proceed.

Does anyone have any suggestions as to what may have happened during the update to break AME's connection to the Dynamic Link Server?

My system:

27-inch, Mid 2011 iMac

2.7 GHz Intel Core i5


Sierra 10.12.4


After Effects 2017.2 Release, Version

Adobe Media Encoder 2017.1 Release, Build

Troubleshooting Steps Taken:

1. As I mentioned, both After Effects and AME are the latest updates, I've checked several times. It's bothersome to me that I have the 2017.2 version of AE and the 2017.1 version of AME, but that appears to be the latest versions of both.

2. I uninstalled AME, manually moved the leftover preference files from previous installs out of the way, and reinstalled the software using the CC tool.

3. I verified that I can connect via Dynamic Link between After Effects and Premier Pro (which I rarely use).

4. I ran a static file through AME with no problems.

5. I tried dropping and dragging an AE comp to AME, but as mentioned above, the file gets stuck on "Connecting to Dynamic Link Server..." and refuses to budge.

Temporary Workaround

I have resorted to exporting my After Effects files using AE's native Render Queue using lossless settings, saving the resultant .mov file in a watch folder which AME then picks up and processes to our specifications. This works, obviously, but takes longer and interrupts the workflow a bit and simply isn't as convenient as being able to export directly to Adobe Media Encoder from AE.

In conclusion… I'm sure I'm missing something simple here. If anyone has any ideas or suggestions I'd greatly appreciate ay insight! This software is very complex, issues like this will happen from time to time - I'm just happy that Adobe usually responds fairly quickly and always finds a fix.






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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Participant , Jun 09, 2017 Jun 09, 2017

To anyone interested in this thread, the Adobe team contacted me shortly after my original post and has worked with me several times since then to track down the issue. They truly are dedicated to fixing these sorts of errors.

I had found a workaround, and deleting various preferences solved the issue for me, but the underlying cause remained a mystery... Today I received this message from the Adobe folks:

I just want to give you a follow up.

I looked into this further and find out this problem h




Adobe Employee ,
Apr 21, 2017 Apr 21, 2017

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Could you tell me which version of apps you were using before updating to the latest version?

Was your AE project created with the previous version?  If you create a new project using the latest version, do you still see the same problem?  Can you send a encode job from Premiere Pro to AME?

If you have some time, could you uninstall the latest version (both AME and AE) and install the previous version that was working properly and see if it still works there?  Please refer to this link how to install previous versions.  https://helpx.adobe.com/creative-cloud/help/download-install-app.html#Install_previous_versions_of_a...

If you don’t see the issue there, could you update apps to the latest version again and could you retry?





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Participant ,
Apr 24, 2017 Apr 24, 2017

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Hello! Thank you for responding to my woebegotten plea for help - I very much appreciate it!

I've been trying to get through your list of suggestions, but unfortunately I've had precious little time the past few days. I'm hoping to be able to try rolling back to the previous versions of both AME and AE later today or tomorrow.

I did test the Dynamic Link using both a file created with a previous version of AE and a brand-spanky-new file using the latest version - neither one works. When I try to export to the AME queue nothing happens at all. When I drag the comp into AME and try to render that way AME will get stuck on the "Connecting to Dynamic Link" issue.

Premiere Pro will utilize the Dynamic Link to create or import an AE composition, but when I tried to export a sequence it locked up Premiere Pro (both times I tried I had to force-quit Premiere), and nothing gets sent to AME.

As I mentioned earlier, I'll try rolling back to the previous versions of AE and AME later today (I'd previously had the, well, the previous versions installed - I always keep all my software up-to-date, so whatever versions I was using last week were the latest available at that time). Thank you again for looking into this - I appreciate your time, and welcome any help or input you may have!





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Participant ,
Apr 26, 2017 Apr 26, 2017

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Hello - not to be a pest, but I'm curious if anyone has had a moment to look into this issue by chance? This particular issue is slowing my workflow significantly, sadly, which means I've not had the time yet to shut down production in order to delete the current versions and re-install the previous versions to test them as you recommended - I'm sorta hoping someone will have a less time-consuming option I can try first...?

Thank you - I appreciate your time!





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Adobe Employee ,
Apr 26, 2017 Apr 26, 2017

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While AE or AME is running, can you check Activity Monitor (under Applications > Utilities)?  Do you see "dynamiclinkmanager" listed there?

Also, is enough memory allocated to AE and AME?  Could you check in AE or AME Preferences menu > Memory?  Please try increasing "RAM shared by".  Also, does restarting your computer help?  I'm wondering if this could be some kind of memory problem.





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Adobe Employee ,
Apr 26, 2017 Apr 26, 2017

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If you don't mind, could you share your AE project file with me.  It may help narrowing down the cause of this issue.  If ok, could you post your file (only .aep file is fine) into Dropbox - Submit files ?





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Adobe Employee ,
Apr 26, 2017 Apr 26, 2017

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I got some suggestions from another team member here and listed below.

1. To start with, make sure all apps are in the default install location, and user hasn’t changed directory names.

Default install location should be under /Applications folder.

2. There is a know issue, that results in failure to connect to DL, if the comp has a 3rd party plugin, that is not installed on the users system.  We don’t open a warning dialog, it just keeps trying to make a connection.  So check that too.

3. Also check to see if the AE comp has any C4D layers.  That can also result in the symptoms the user is experiencing.

4. Check for 3rd party fonts, too.  That is another problematic area.

Does any of those points apply to your project and system? If so, could you try removing those conditions and see if it resolves the problem?





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Participant ,
Apr 30, 2017 Apr 30, 2017

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Thank you for taking the time to try to help me with this... Alas, nothing thus far has worked.

When I check the Activity Monitor I see that two instances of dynamiclinkmanager are working.

Screen Shot 2017-04-27 at 10.17.36 AM.png

I checked the memory - my Mac will only handle 16 GB, 12 GB are dedicated to Adobe. Is that enough?

Screen Shot 2017-04-30 at 10.22.31 AM.png

I've restarted my computer like a zillion times, so that's not the issue... I just shared an AE project with you as you suggested. My apps are all in the default location.

Screen Shot 2017-04-30 at 11.15.49 AM.png

I deleted ALL my plugins, and I don't even know at a C4D layer is so I doubt that's the issue. After deleting all my plugins I uninstalled both After Effects and AME using the uninstaller, manually deleted the preference folders and whatnot, and reinstalled the software - but I STILL have the same issue. AME refuses to connect to the Dynamic Link Server.

I have to admit, I'm getting a little frustrated - I have a TON of personal stuff going on, at least fifty commercials to design by the end of this week, a boss who takes deadlines seriously, and I just spent the last seven hours trying to fix this issue... What else can I try? Is there anyone I can call? What do I do? I appreciate your help a LOT, but this problem is driving me batty, and is adding extra steps and time to an already packed workload. Any suggestions are welcome! And again, I thank you for taking the time to help me with this!





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Community Beginner ,
Apr 30, 2017 Apr 30, 2017

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Im having the exact same problem. Logged a bug report here.

Feature Request/Bug Report Form

The more reports get logged the faster they will prioritise it so go log one yourself.

This happend during the last AE update. Exact same problem. Adobe released a patch update via creative cloud a few weeks later. Check your creative cloud each day until they get there s...t together.





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Participant ,
Jun 09, 2017 Jun 09, 2017

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To anyone interested in this thread, the Adobe team contacted me shortly after my original post and has worked with me several times since then to track down the issue. They truly are dedicated to fixing these sorts of errors.

I had found a workaround, and deleting various preferences solved the issue for me, but the underlying cause remained a mystery... Today I received this message from the Adobe folks:

I just want to give you a follow up.

I looked into this further and find out this problem happens when the following conditions are both met.

- AE Preferences > General > "Show Start Screen at Startup" is disabled

- AE Preferences > New Project > "New Project loads template" is enabled

We will look into why these settings are causing this issue.  Meantime, please avoid those setting combination.

Hopefully this will help anyone else who has the same issue...





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Community Beginner ,
Jul 12, 2017 Jul 12, 2017

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This worked for me, after hours and days of wasting time and trying everyting. reinstalling, permissions.





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Community Beginner ,
Sep 03, 2017 Sep 03, 2017

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I am facing the same problem on CC 2017 both AE & ME. Did you get an update from Adobe for a fix ? I tried the temp solution that they proposed to you i.e resetting the two preferences, as well as reinstalling both the apps but issue persists. No blocks by the firewall on my mac.

Frustrated !!





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Enthusiast ,
Sep 12, 2017 Sep 12, 2017

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Yes, just tried to render to AME and getting the same endless "Connecting to Dynamic Link Server". I love how Adobe works with one person (such as the thread above) and somewhat figures out a workaround, then apparently counts on that one person to disseminate this critical information to it's users.

Hey Adobe, how about YOU ADD THIS TO YOUR FREAKING LIST OF OUTSTANDING ISSUES WITH THE CURRENT FREAKING VERSION OF YOUR PROGRAM? How about you COMMUNICATE these issues to your users so they aren't spinning their wheels for hours attempting to fix them based on whether this forum happens to come up in their search?





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Community Beginner ,
Sep 13, 2017 Sep 13, 2017

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What worked for me was to add AME and AAE to the allowed list in the firewall on my mac.





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Enthusiast ,
Sep 13, 2017 Sep 13, 2017

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Thank you, will try this and get back with my findings.





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Explorer ,
Dec 06, 2017 Dec 06, 2017

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I've had a similar experience and it 'seems' to have been resolved by checking the right boxes in the settings. I wasn't aware there was a list of Outstanding issues for Adobe Products (mentioned in a post above). Please could you post the link? I'd like to bookmark it - Thanks.





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Explorer ,
Dec 03, 2018 Dec 03, 2018

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Weell - not for me. Have the same problem, but in preferences things are the other way around! show startup screen is ENABLED and load template is DISABLED that's the opposite of what adobe suggests buggers it up. DUH FFS adobe - i'm downgrading EVERY CC19 - cos photoshop CC19 brushes are crud too.





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New Here ,
Mar 23, 2021 Mar 23, 2021

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This worked for me too. Thanks!





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New Here ,
Jun 01, 2021 Jun 01, 2021

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It was not my case that settings in preferences, but same annoying problem.

Still AME 2021 can´t linkt from AE the composition if I send it from AE.

BUT! if in AME I OPEN the AE proyects & select the desireds comps to render, works ok.
so, SOLVED kinda of... I think (?)
Just in case, I clean databases and user preferences at shutdown.





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Community Beginner ,
Jun 28, 2021 Jun 28, 2021

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Since your post is very recent, and I'm still having the same issues, I'm curious (and sorry if this isn't directly from Adobe) How do You clean databases and user preferences at shutdown?





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New Here ,
Aug 02, 2017 Aug 02, 2017

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Hi Everyone,

If After Effects behaves as unexpected, you can reset AE Preferences, refer below link

Reset After Effects Preferences

Also important to note is Dynamic Link might not work if Firewall is enabled as it will block Dynamic Link feature between Premiere Pro & After Effects.


Chetan Jadhav

Lead Technical Support Consultant, Adobe





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Community Beginner ,
Sep 03, 2017 Sep 03, 2017

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Should i get the option to reset preference even if i am using a trial version. After effects is not responsive i.e i do not get the dialog box to confirm a reset despite me pressing the cmd+option+shift key combination on my mac when After effects starts.

I am facing the same issue i.e. cannot export from Adobe After effects to Media encoder and cannot import from Media encoder as well. I am getting the error 'Could not connect to adobe after effects. Please verify that Adobe after effects and and Adobe dynamic link components are installed'.

I am not facing this issue when i attempt to export from After effects to Adobe premiere pro. I am using CC 2017 version for all apps. No blocks on firewall and a reinstall of Media Encoder did not solve the issue.

Appreciate your input.







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Community Beginner ,
Sep 28, 2017 Sep 28, 2017

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Hey people... I've been using AE for a week, learning basically on YouTube, so I really appreciate a pat in the back for what I just discovered. It's is a long post, so if you don’t want to read the whole story yo can skip to the conclusion.

Discovery #1

Whenever I imported a AE composition to PP, Dynamic Link was dead and it can only update by restarting PP,  so I did this:

  • In the Project panel, I used "New item" to create a "Color Matte".
  • Once created grabbed it and dropped where I wanted to have it in my time line and set its duration.
  • I opt-clicked and selected "Replace with After Effects Composition"
  • An AE project file was created containing all the compositions embedded in the original PP project.

Discovery #2

  • DL was  working perfectly, then I mess something on the linked file and the Dynamic Link, so I deleted it and used "File> Adobe Dynamic LInk> Import AE Composition" and imported the composition from the previously generated AE project. It worked again, perfectly.

Discovery #3

Life was great, DL was working perfectly until I was trying to figure out masks and press who knows what and the file was unlinked. It was the third linked composition, so I did the same, erased and went to the Media Browser panel to locate the AE project, found the composition dragged and dropped it to the timeline and BAM!... nothing happened, DL was still dead. I erased and imported dropping it in the Project panel and trough File> Import. Since the other two compositions where updating normally I concluded this wasn't a bug nor a system failure.

Then I re-discover my first discovery and used "File> Adobe Dynamic LInk> Import AE Composition" and again, it worked perfectly.


I don’t think this is a bug. I think there’s two ways to import AE content to PP:

  1. Importing it as any other kind of asset, which will bring a copy of the last saved instance of said asset.
  2. Through Dynamic Link, which will live update.

It’s kind of the same difference between sending a rasterised file or an Smart Object from Bridge in Photoshop





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New Here ,
Sep 30, 2017 Sep 30, 2017

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Hi, i had the same issue since 4-5 days. i read this post and nothing worked.

i had the problem. i open the projekt in After effects - export in WME and the programm started and at this point stops.

I added WME and AE To the Firewall all. Restart Pc and resett AE and ME and that works fine! i render now 15 projekts without — dynamic link error.


32 GB DDr4 ram.

Windows 64 bit pro.

asus 1050 Ti.

After that rendering i closed my programms. want render another. and nothing worked again..

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New Here ,
Sep 30, 2017 Sep 30, 2017

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Ok, i think it works now. my problem was that i work on 2 Different Pc. 1. My home PC and 1 laptop.The documents whas synced over onedrive! I delete the adobe files in Documents and It works!! 2 Restarts. different projects everything works





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