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Creative Cloud keeps moving all of my files into the trash can

Community Beginner ,
Apr 07, 2015 Apr 07, 2015

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Entire folders and files disappear from my Creative Cloud folder and they get moved to the trash can. Is there a reason this keeps happening? How can I prevent this from happening in the future?

File sync






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Explorer , Jan 17, 2016 Jan 17, 2016

Well- good news/bad news update. Good new is that the MAC I first reported on sync issue is fine after the support changed my permissions. But now, I am trying to sync on a Windows machine, and getting the deleting again. I guess I will report to support again and see what to do on Windows.. will keep you posted.

Adobe tech support- I hope you document the issue somewhere to help users?



New Here ,
Dec 14, 2015 Dec 14, 2015

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Well... after calling the CC support team in the UK around month ago, staying on the line for more then 45 min explaining this matter and how all our companies files on the creative cloud are mixed up and trashed in the ben.... they treaded the case as if it is something new! and as if this is an issue they just heard about!

After al the line just cut off, and no one bothered to reconnect, and even me i just gave up. so not solved

We just gave up using the creative cloud ... and created our own cloud station on our server!

I really wish Adobe solves this, cause users seems to trust and rely on Adobe, don't let us down!





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Explorer ,
Dec 14, 2015 Dec 14, 2015

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Unbelievable! I have the ear of a top tech person on a different matter. I found another bug, but not nearly as critical. I hope she will help draw attention to this. I can’t believe we are the only people using cloud storage?? I will keep you posted if something happens.





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Adobe Employee ,
Dec 16, 2015 Dec 16, 2015

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Hi Hind, Can you send me your log files please, so we can investigate your issue. Please alsp supply me the following information in your email.

Adobe ID:

Forum nickname:
Forum post link:
Creative Cloud Desktop Version:
What Operating systems are you using:
Type of internet connectivity (Ethernet/WiFi):
Using a proxy (Y/N):
Firewall (None/Corporate/Local):
Specific file or folder names that are affected:
Timezone of your computer:
How many computers you use with Creative Cloud:
Are you using Creative Cloud collaboration:

A detailed description of your issue:

Please send us your log files to enable us to better understand your issue.  You can do this by installing and running the log collection tool following the instructions on this page: https://helpx.adobe.com/creative-cloud/kb/cc-log-collector.html

Please email the logs to syncforum-communication@adobe.com

Accessing and sending CoreSync log files

Please zip up the entire 'CoreSync' folder at the location below and attach it to the email.


/Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/Adobe/CoreSync



'Library' on Mac and 'AppData' on Windows are both hidden folders. Please read these pages for help on showing these folders:

http://helpx.adobe.com/x-productkb/global/show-hidden-files-folders-extensions.html (Win)

https://helpx.adobe.com/x-productkb/global/access-hidden-user-library-files.html (Mac)







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New Here ,
Dec 16, 2015 Dec 16, 2015

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Sorry we are not using the CC storage anymore, and switched for using a Cloud Station on our server which we found more reliable

But thank you for following up anyway.

I think it is so important to solve this out for the CC users.






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Explorer ,
Dec 22, 2015 Dec 22, 2015

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Hello All. I have some promising news. My tech support guy changed permission of my cc folders to "admin" and I was able to successfully sync 1600+ files over 4 days. More importantly- with NO files deleted. I will watch this carefully and keep you posted.





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Explorer ,
Jan 17, 2016 Jan 17, 2016

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Well- good news/bad news update. Good new is that the MAC I first reported on sync issue is fine after the support changed my permissions. But now, I am trying to sync on a Windows machine, and getting the deleting again. I guess I will report to support again and see what to do on Windows.. will keep you posted.

Adobe tech support- I hope you document the issue somewhere to help users?





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New Here ,
Sep 26, 2016 Sep 26, 2016

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Hi there,

I'm experiencing same issue, as colleagues above. wharress​ I would really appreciate if someone from staff could investigate this.

I'm sharing workspace  with my coworker via Creative Cloud. I noticed that on each morning login to CC, some shared folders are being moved to the trash - owner of those folders is my mentioned coworker, all my folders are staying untouched. On the other hand, my coworker is experiencing same issue, but CC is deleting all folders which I shared with him.  After few hours, when we're both logged into same network, files are being synced back automatically (downloading from the cloud). We're experiencing this for last few days, each time when I try to manually put back removed folders into CC folder, I'm getting notifications about upload conflict.

I've checked CC via browser, and independently to the situation on our devices, all folders in browser are visible and nothing happens with them. Moved to the thrash folders on our devices are not showing in Archive.

I'm working on OSx El Capitan 10.11.6, and he's working on Windows 7 Home Premium.

Looking forward to hear about any solution.





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Contributor ,
Sep 26, 2016 Sep 26, 2016

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Same issue here with my team.

Folders keep getting put into trash.

Using OSX 10.12

Anyone have a fix?





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Adobe Employee ,
Sep 26, 2016 Sep 26, 2016

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To help figure out why files are disappearing please use the Adobe Log Collector Tool at https://helpx.adobe.com/creative-cloud/kb/cc-log-collector.html and directly email the logs plus an explanation of your problem to SyncForum-Communication@adobe.com. Provide the additional information outlined by Warner Harress in this Adobe forum post at https://forums.adobe.com/message/8385752#8385752.





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New Here ,
Sep 30, 2016 Sep 30, 2016

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Come on Adobe, when is this issue going to be sorted? - it appears to have been ongoing for well over a year now. This is a major problem and should be recognised as critical and given top priority. It is clearly happening to so many people and risks a huge number of your customers now defecting back to the likes of Dropbox because they cannot rely on Creative Cloud. There is too much at stake as we risk losing our own customers due to this isssue. Please please can we get a resolution now!





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New Here ,
Sep 27, 2016 Sep 27, 2016

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Exactly the same here. Only one of my two shared folders gets auto-moved into trash. This is the bigger folder containing much shared work and under no circumstances should be put at risk. I work on OSX 10.11.6 and those I share the vanishing folder with are Windows users (unsure of version). This has happened twice in four days, I see the message pop up in the top right of my screen stating 'xxxxxfolder has been removed'. The first time I had no idea where it had gone and checked with the co-sharers (different company) to see if they'd removed it for some reason. Obviously they hadn't and the Adobe support chap worked remotely and located the files in trash. Yesterday when it happened again I looked in trash and sure enough everything's there. I've sent to the log files to the SyncForum address above but wanted to highlight the issue here as clearly it remains a major issue for many users and is getting in the way of daily business on a large scale; not what we signed up for.





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New Here ,
Sep 27, 2016 Sep 27, 2016

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This is happening to me almost every day as well. My shared folders and regular folders keep ending up in the trash and I'm sure no one is deleting them. Our entire workflow goes through the CC. I am using El Capitan on a MacBook Air and an iMac. Please advise.





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New Here ,
Sep 28, 2016 Sep 28, 2016

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This has happened to me in the last hour.

Almost all of my files in sub directories have been moved to the trash, in no particular order. In total there are 1,650 files and folders now in the trash. This is spread over 79gb of work in 10's of client separated directories.

Further investigation shows that the files are also missing from the cloud directories on assets.adobe.com

I've not deleted anything.

Please advise asap as this is potentially a catastrophic incident for my business.





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Community Beginner ,
Sep 28, 2016 Sep 28, 2016

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For me, this problem is now in it's 4th day. I have contacted Adobe, sent them log files that they requested, and have requested a possible timeline for a fix.  I don't dare empty my trash as I fear that I would permanently lose work. I wish Adobe would advise what we should and should not do at this stage. Can we drag folder out of the trash into the CC folder?

Has anyone tried that with success.

Everyone that has this problem seems to be just waiting for Adobe to fix or at least communicate to their customers what is going on.

Yes, it is potentially catastrophic for my business to and many others.





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New Here ,
Sep 28, 2016 Sep 28, 2016

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You can drag the folder(s) out of the trash and they'll restore--BUT, if you have the same problem as I do, they'll disappear into the trash again.

I've put our entire workflow in the CC on hold for the moment as I wait for Adobe to offer a fix. My confidence in the program is shaken, no doubt.





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Contributor ,
Sep 28, 2016 Sep 28, 2016

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Issues for me as well.  My team of 11 peeps all having the same issue a mix of PC and Mac

We are all checking trash on a regular basis now before emptying.

Adobe fix please!!!





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Contributor ,
Sep 28, 2016 Sep 28, 2016

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My team pause all syncs and then move files out of trash back into Creative Cloud folder and then un-pause to re-sync.

Not ideal with 80GB worth of files, but at least we are all synced - I hope





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New Here ,
Sep 30, 2016 Sep 30, 2016

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Also been experiencing this problem too for 2 weeks now. I've been grabbing it out of the trash can and putting back in to my CC folder. What is happening?





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Explorer ,
Nov 14, 2016 Nov 14, 2016

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Wow.. i am shocked at Adobe that this is still an issue for users! And support is still asking for users to 'send their logs', send files, etc. Come on!

Especially as I reported that when I am pretty sure this solved it for me on the MAC. But it's been a while, and even though I tested it back then, I never trusted using sync again. I worked with support on the phone to solve the MAC issues. I called backed and did the same for Windows machine, but that did not work. I also asked support to send me an email with the instructions. So users- try this, but Adobe- don't support people talk to each other and log solutions?!


1.Please click on Finder and then you will find the Go > Go to Folder in the top menu bar of your screen.

2.a. Please type ~/library (with the ~ symbol) in the Go to Folder and navigate to Application Support > Adobe(you have to give permissions for both Adobe folders)

b. Please type /Library (without the ~ symbol) in the Go to Folder and navigate to Application Support > Adobe.

3.Please right click on the Adobe folder and select Get info.

4.Please click on the Lock icon and enter the Mac password to access the Get info Window.

5.Please click on the + icon to add the users.

6.Please select Administrator, System and User names in the List one by one.

7.Now click on every users in the selected List and give Read and Write permissions.

8.Please make sure that all the users in the list are having Read and Write permissions.

9.Now click on the Gear icon at the bottom of the same window and select Apply to Enclosed Items.

10.Click on the Lock icon to close the Get info window.


1.Please press Windows logo + r key together on your keyboard. It will launch the Run Window.

2.Please type in %appdata% in the run window that popped up and right click on Adobe.

3.Please right click on the Adobe folder and select Properties option.

4.Please uncheck the option Read only and select Apply.

5.Now click on Security Tab.

6.Now click on "Edit" button under security tab.

7.Select Administrator, System, Users one by one and check if the full control allow option is checked for all users( Administrator, System, Users ) under bellow square box?

8.Select "Users" , check the full control allow check box, click apply and ok.

9.Again apply and ok to close the properties window.

10.Select General Tab and uncheck read only.

11.Select Apply and Ok to close the Window.





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Participant ,
Feb 06, 2018 Feb 06, 2018

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Adobe, this is still an issue with the latest 2018 release of CC. Just experienced files disappearing from an After Effects project right in front of my eyes. None of my co-workers deleted the file.

This is atrocious for a service that we pay for every month. I won't even start getting into the issue we had with Team Projects corrupting our files. Disaster.





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New Here ,
Feb 15, 2018 Feb 15, 2018

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I (and at least one other team member) have experienced this today. Rather scary, It has affected my online files too, if I had cleared my trash thinking it only contained what I've put in there, I wonder how much work I could have lost. Reaching out to our IT team maybe they can make some headway. Not cool.





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New Here ,
Apr 16, 2018 Apr 16, 2018

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I am given access to a shared folder with a group and all of a sudden the other day a huge group of files were in my trash from the shared folder that I did NOT delete. This is scary, as I have recently had some files deleted from my hard drive that I did not delete either. Not sure what's going on. Is there a solution?





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Community Beginner ,
Jul 23, 2020 Jul 23, 2020

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We are having the same issue on our end. I share a CC folder with another designer. Neither of us are deleting files, but this is the second time a bunch of files went missing. I'm able to find them in deleted files and restore them. But then they don't all go back where they belong and I have to reorganize them. How do we keep this from happening? So frustrating.





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Community Beginner ,
Jul 24, 2020 Jul 24, 2020

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There is no solution. I just spent a lot of time on chat with a support rep. They cannot tell you why the files are deleted, even if you send them the CoreSync logs, so don't waste your time trying to hunt for them. We are making a companywide decision to stop using Creative Cloud. The support team was completely unhelpful and we have spent an enormous amount of production time trying to find and restore deleted files. Support also could not tell us how to prevent this from happening again. My advice? DO NOT USE CC FOR FILE SHARING! Use Dropbox or Sharefile or any service that is more reliable. We are sorely disappointed.





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Explorer ,
Sep 08, 2021 Sep 08, 2021

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im having this problem too, was this resolved? I see it occurred in 2015. I wonder if it has something to do with the new rollout of Adobes system of CC storage?





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