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Installation Error 105

Adobe Employee ,
Dec 28, 2022 Dec 28, 2022

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Error 105 can occur when the installer cannot modify or read critical licensing files stored on the computer. Failure to update these files will prevent the installation of Acrobat, Photoshop Elements, Premiere Elements, Creative Suite, and older Creative Cloud applications.


Error 105 can be fixed if you are logged in under a User account that has unrestricted access by following the directions listed in https://helpx.adobe.com/in/download-install/kb/unable-to-install-error-105.html.


If you are running macOS, make sure to locate the correct Library folder. Individuals running macOS often get confused and navigate to the hidden User Library and are unable to locate the caps folder or hdpim.db file. The hdpim.db file and caps folder are located in /Library/Application Support/Adobe/. This Library can be found at the root of the drive containing the operating system.


If you are installing Adobe applications on an organization's computer or network, then please contact them if the solutions listed in https://helpx.adobe.com/in/download-install/kb/unable-to-install-error-105.html are not effective. There may be restrictions in place that will prevent you from implementing the documented corrections and restoring necessary access.







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