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How to Activate CS5.5 Offline!

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Nov 17, 2019 Nov 17, 2019

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I have a legitimate copy of CS5.5. Recently an MS update BSOD'd my SP4 (3rd time in two years - Grrr). I've reinstalled my CS5.5 (Acrobat and Dreamweaver only), but cannot activate online. I believe this is because my ISP now uses CG-NAT, so in effect I am double NATed and as a result CS5.5 thinks that I'm not connected to the internet - I AM, I'm posting this.


I was directed to an offline activation page, but CS5.5 does not generate activation request codes (it was designed in the days of telephone activation). CS5.5 only provides me with information that was meant to be given to adobe to validate the product. So how can I perform an offline activation for CS5.5?







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Jan 17, 2020 Jan 17, 2020

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I'm not sure I know the difference between registering and activating; as I can do neither! The product I have installed now has one option "Product Registration"  and a greyed out deactivate...so.... it appears I am unactivated and unregistered 😞

Are you still unactivated?






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Jan 17, 2020 Jan 17, 2020

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The greyed out "deactivate" suggests that you are not activated 😞


Activation is authorising the software at a software level. There also used to be a system where you needed a CS Live Account Subscription. Adobe promised all sorts of goodies and extra's through it. It shut down after a few years because of a lack of support for the system. The older software still tries to get you to create or connect to an account on that system. See one of my earliest posts here for a screen shot of that and Jeff's response - it will help clarify things.


As for me, no, I am not activated. Adobe have been ignoring my active support case since early December (okay after my nagging emails, they did respond and ask for me to produce log files in the middle of December, which I promptly provided and then nothing, but theres been no real attempt to support me since early December). Now my Surface Pro 4 battery is swelling :(, so I'm working on a different computer altogether. I've given up on Adobe and do not expect any support or response now.


Edit: FWIW, I started this thread in mid November, after spending a couple of weeks before that getting nowhere with support etc. I figure two months on that Adobe aren't going to do anything.





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Explorer ,
Jan 17, 2020 Jan 17, 2020

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Have you contacted Microsoft about the battery swelling, because I wouldn't be happy about that, and there should be some form of consumer protection to make sure computers don't fail with that sort of problem. A battery is a consumable that eventually needs replacment, so should be able to be easily replaced, and shouldn't cause the failure of the entire device.





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Jan 17, 2020 Jan 17, 2020

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I've done some online reading about the problem and can see several cases where MS have the same attiude towards that problem as Adobe does to us here - it's called "get {expletive deleted}". MS want AU$800 to fix an SP4 that is out of warranty and I could purchase a new SP6 for AU$1700 (same config). Plus I'd need to freight it to them and a swollen battery makes it difficult to freight a device to anywhere for service as it's a "dangerous good"  - definitely no air freight allowed! I've read one case where someone freighted it to them with an RMA and then they refused to repair it or return it - go figure.


I've located a small local operator who may be able to replace the battery - he definitely replaces screens. Unfortunately he's on leave until the end of the month, but if he can do it for around AU$300 then I'll get him to replace it, otherwise, I'm learning the joys of running a 4K screen at 1920 x 1080 😞 using a 10 year old Dell Optiplex.







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Community Beginner ,
Jan 17, 2020 Jan 17, 2020

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sad, sad, sad... I wish Adobe would either fish or cut bait (as is said when someone is on the proverbial fence) why continue on with all this time wasting nonsense... if you don't want to help/support your legacy users just say so!! 





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Jan 17, 2020 Jan 17, 2020

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What I think they need to do eventually, is to provide all CS5.5 users with the non activated version of the software, so we can just go away, and not have to contact Adobe ever again about having problems trying to activate our licenses through their online activation system. It will also save them thousands in future activation support, as well as save customers all this wasted time and frustration. I have wasted a good 20 hours in total dealing with support, remote installs etc, then again dealing with support trying to get them to escalate it.   They will however need to notify us when they have such a version available, because they didn't do this for CS3 users, some who now have no way to install their software since they turned off their activation server. That is what I am concerned about in the future, because it is very likely at some stage the CS5 server will be switched off. This has been a lesson to me about not trusting cloud based systems will always be there. Especially when things such as help and instructions for CS 5.5 no longer exists for things like premier because the they were webbased, and Adobe has since removed the webpage for the help file. It was a lot easier when all the help files were installed locally





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Jan 17, 2020 Jan 17, 2020

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I think they are actively avoiding providing the non-activation system that they used for CS2 and CS3. My guess is that those activation codes would work on any computer and hence provides a way for people to obtain free copies of the older software. Definitely my CS3 Dreamweaver non-activation code worked when I had to revert to this older computer. So that will likely be why Adobe do not want to make the same system available for CS5/5.5 as the software is still highly functional.


The real answer is for Adobe to modify their new activation process to accept the old CS5 requests for activation - this should not be that hard. Look at the activation request and if it's length is 25 chars, then use one process otherwise use the 45 char activation request process. In either case, the request code has to be valid. How hard could that be?


Instead they really just want us all to give up and go away. By ignoring us this will work eventually and they know it. And by being seen to have attempted to support us, they avoid running foul of consumer protection authorities getting involved  - these authorities rarely take on individual cases against the larger powerful corporations unless you can show active refusal to assist. By keeping us divided and allowing ongoing active investigations they can defend their approach on a case by case basis.






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Community Expert ,
Jan 19, 2020 Jan 19, 2020

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Keep your copies of CS2 and CS3, as they will not be available anymore. Other activation servers have not been switched off, so if activation does not work, it's not because of the servers.


As it is sad that older software sometimes does not work anymore, there is no obligation for Adobe to provide support for installation and activation of products that old. There are simply to much changes that occured to all systems involved to keep track of all possible causes of failure.


ABAMBO | Hard- and Software Engineer | Photographer





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Jan 20, 2020 Jan 20, 2020

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As I have prevously posted above, Adobe support have already told me that they are aware that there are problems with the CS5.5 activation server. I was was also told by adobe support, that DVD version will no longer activiate after changes adobe had made to their activation server. So only after beig provided with that download versoin,  along with a new  serial number, only then would some of the software then activate, but not all of it. Adobe support who remote installed it for me siad it would actviate over time, but they weren't sure why it wasn't all activating, and they were confused as to why the 'deactvaite' link on some software titles were still greyed out.





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Community Beginner ,
Jan 20, 2020 Jan 20, 2020

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Hi all, I´m facing the same issues with "not being connected to the internet" stuff and I will follow this thread. I tried to chat with the support, but I was asked to hold, to be forwarded to some other department or something, and then I waited for about 1 hour. I left the computer and came back later - no reply. I am also finding it incredible hard to navigate on the site, I always end up at the page I started on. I guess Adobe doesn´t want us to use this software and buy the new ones and pay them for a subsription for all eternity.


I bought a new computer a month ago, and I wanted to deactivate the software on my old one, but I can´t. Luckely for me, my old computer is still pretty powerful and I can easily keep it running for a couple of more years. And by then, I really hope some alternative products has hit the market. 


But should I create a support ticket too? I´m guessing the more people complaining about this issue, the bigger the chance they actually do something about it? 


Best regards,






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Jan 20, 2020 Jan 20, 2020

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I have an open ticket since last week. No workable solutions have been offered. Adobe is actively shutting down all Legacy requests for support and sending instructions that do not work. I've spent the better part of a week trying to communicate. My time is nothing if you read back. Adobe has been gaslighting everyone in this thread from the beginning. Bottom line; they want you to upgrade to cloud software and pay the monthly subscription fee.





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Jan 20, 2020 Jan 20, 2020

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Depending on what you need, there are some pretty powerful alternative products available already. Replacements for Indesign, Illustrator and Photoshop are all available and very economical. The rules state: "However, services or products (free or paid) that meet a need can be promoted in replies to questions, if and only if they are legitimate solutions to the customer's question. When directing customers to these services or products, you must be explicit if they are free or paid. Promotions will be considered as spam if they are not directly related to the original question."


I'll be happy to post the alternatives I have found if someone specifically asks me about what non-subscription alternatives I have found. I believe such a question fits within the rule given above. Otherwise I fear running foul of the rules, hence why I have not specifcally mentioned what alternatives to the CS subscription model I have found.





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Community Expert ,
Jan 21, 2020 Jan 21, 2020

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I suppose everyone can do a google search... 🙂

ABAMBO | Hard- and Software Engineer | Photographer





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Jan 21, 2020 Jan 21, 2020

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I'm sure that they can and do not doubt my colleagues determination, but Google searches such as "Best alternatives to Photoshop" for example, can turn up a lot of irrelevant and out of date stuff. A better but unexpected search such as "Best Apple Apps for 2019" and realising that there's a desktop and PC version of some of that software is unexpected. And yes that search will reveal a gem.


Regardless, I'm over this and the wasted time. I wish everyone well with their ongoing attempts to resolve their software activation. I still maintain that any company that requires software to dial home for activation has an ethical obligation to ensure that the activation part of that software continues to function and is not broken by their own back-end changes. I'll repectfully disagree with you Abambo about that.


I'm signing out now and will not recieve further updates to this thread nor be watching it.


Cheers everyone and thanks for all the likes etc.





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Community Beginner ,
Jan 22, 2020 Jan 22, 2020

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Thank you for starting the thread and sharing with people facing the same issue. Appreciate your effort at engaging ordinary users like us as well as the official representatives - even if it led nowhere. I wish you all the best. 





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Jan 22, 2020 Jan 22, 2020

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I was told by Adobe support several weeks ago that they had escalated my case, and I was promised I would hear back within 24-48 hours. I did hear back within 48hours, but it was an automated email to say that they hadn't heard from me and they would be automatically closing my case. I replied again to ask them why I had received it, and still no reply from them a week later. Is there something going on with Adobes support, as it is not good and it is all incrediably frustrating? I wish they provided those USB dongles for activation which other software companies provide, or some form of offline actvation system that still works. That would eliminate the need to ever contact Adobe about this type of problem.





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Community Beginner ,
Jan 24, 2020 Jan 24, 2020

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Adobe just called me to explain that Adobe does not have any tech support or teams for anything other than cloud service software. The Solution can only be found here, in community.adobe.com... so if anyone figures out how to continue using Legacy software post it here for all of us. 🙂

one final love note:

"Your Adobe Customer Care Case Is Closed"

good luck everyone!






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Participant ,
Jan 25, 2020 Jan 25, 2020

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Ask them to escalate it. You should be able to activate the license you paid a license for. The probelm is that once they close a case, they won't reopen it again, and you then have to open a new one and re-explain it all again.   They said they would escalate mine, but they still haven't repled several weeks later. Infact I just got another email from them saying they are waiting to hear from me, and they will close my case in 5 days. But I am actually waiting to hear from them!. The email also says


We have escalated the case and working on your case. We will revert you soon 


I am not sure what 'We will revert you soon ' means, as it isn't English. But if I google that term, it says it is a common thing they say in India.  I am guessing it is supposed to mean that they wll eventually reply, even though a few weeks ago, they said the same think, but that time they said I  would hear back with 24-48 hours, and noone has ever gotten back to me since then. Since then they have tried to close the case several times


Then the email says


Please reply to this email or log into your Adobe Account to view your open cases and send a reply back. Your case will automatically close in 5 days if we don't hear from you. 


But I am waiting to hear back from them, so I am not sure why I have to reply yet again.. It seems they are just trying to waste my time, by wanting me to reply and log back in again. Really I am at a loss to understand what is going on with them, as it is not how customers should be treated





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Community Expert ,
Jan 27, 2020 Jan 27, 2020

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Adobe's response is not correct. 


It is true, Adobe does not provide technical support to older software like CS5.5. BUT activation problems still need to be handled by Adobe. Please note that activation is different to installation or running the product.


However, support personnel tends to respond immediately to go to the fora when you name older software, as that is what they are used to say... 

ABAMBO | Hard- and Software Engineer | Photographer





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Jan 27, 2020 Jan 27, 2020

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Hello all, it seems that our collective voices have been heard.  I seem to be able to activate my CS5.5 a couple of minutes ago when the usual prompt asking you for activation pops up. The attempt to establish internet connection miraculously worked this time round. You guys might wanna give it a go too! Keeping my fingers crossed that this is the fix we've been eagerly waiting for (the deactivate button under "Help" is now no longer greyed out for me).





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Jan 27, 2020 Jan 27, 2020

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The problem is, what happens when the decide to turn off their activation server? This has been a bit of a wake up call . Reinstallation or reacvtiation is quite normal beucase sometime the licensing file seemed to become corrupt after doing an adobe acrobat update, which is what happened to me.





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Jan 28, 2020 Jan 28, 2020

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Currently the CS2 and CS3 activation servers are switched off for a reason unknown to me. I can only speculate that the hardware or software running those servers got obsolete. CS3 is from 2007 but I have no idea when the servers got switched off, but I could imagine that after 10 years the servers reach their EOL.



ABAMBO | Hard- and Software Engineer | Photographer





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Jan 28, 2020 Jan 28, 2020

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I understand the CS3 ones were switched off a couple of years ago, and they then provided a version of the software that didn't need activation for about 2 years after that. But they never notified cusomters about that, so there are people posting on here who now can't install their software, because adobe won't now provide them with the speical version that doesn't need activation. So I wouldn't want that same thing to happen to CS 5.5  cusomters, as it doesn't appear Adobe will notify customers if they do eventually  turn off the server, and there is no way we woud know unless we try to reinstall it again, and get an error.





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Jan 28, 2020 Jan 28, 2020

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For CS2 Adobe offered a version for download without formalities. This has been misunderstood by the people as a public domain version. It never was.


For CS3 Adobe offered a special version on request, when you could prove to have acquired legally a liciense. But this too go abused. It's no more available and I doubt that Adobe will make other versions like this available. And any update may render your license unusable. 


With CC this is no more a problem as you are anyhow limited to the time of your subscription. 

ABAMBO | Hard- and Software Engineer | Photographer





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Jan 28, 2020 Jan 28, 2020

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Why don't they just contact each user, with a unique download link tied to their license key, and then that will be the end of it. Otherwise what is stopping them just turning off the activation server now, and not providing any way for people to install their software, which is the situation some CS3 cusomters are in? Or do they say, well you have had 10 years from your software, now you can start paying for a subscription. Even though we purchased a license that doesn't have any expiry date. When I purhcased mine, I expected to upgrade every 3 or so years, but they stopped offering paid licences, and I don't want to rent software, which also works out as significantly more. Also I don't think there is anything in the new versions I need to use, cs5.5 is pretty full featured. I think I still have an old macromedia version that should still work, as I don't think that needed any activation to work. But I wouldn't want to be going back to that





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