Contrary to Lightroom Classic, Lightroom CC doesn't automatically stack the two photos of a RAW+JPEG pair together. This creates quite a bit of clutter. Could you please implement this feature? Thank you.
IdeaNo status
Chrome OS
iOS: iPhone
I was quite bumped by this too. Hope it comes soon. Can't deal with all the photos twice. I also want the raw one as a backup in case I wan't to go further with one but I don't want to go trough duplicates all the time.
They don't tend to announce their release plans in advance because... well, life happens! This post should get updated when it as added. In the meantime, it is possible to stack manually, but of course that could take some time. Or you could just import the raw files, after all, do you really want duplicates taking up space in the cloud?
_______________________________________________ Victoria - The Lightroom Queen - Author of the Lightroom Missing FAQ & Edit on the Go books.
Makes sense. I’m just trying to make the voice louder that’s asking for this feature 🙂 More people showing interest helps product prioritize their backlog :)
I don’t want duplicates, but I don’t have time at this moment (we just had a baby 🙂 to go through my entire library and organize things such that I’m confident that loosing all the jpegs won’t be a problem. I’d love to upload everything as-is and manage it all later, if that makes sense!
I’m personally having a hard time understanding why one would need to work with both raw and jpeg files at the same time.
If you shoot raw but prefer the in-camera jpeg look, the color profiles in the newest Lighroom are amazing and mimic the in-camera jpeg processing perfectly.
I think different people have different use cases. For me, sometimes I just want to rip the pictures off my SD card and post them somewhere without doing any post processing, so grabbing the JPEGs off my camera yields better results. But I still want to have the RAW files so I can do edits at a later date when I have time. After I process the RAW files from a “photo shoot” I’ll then delete the JPEGs, since I agree that there’s not much point in working with both formats at the same time.
That's true, but (i) at the time I wrote this suggestion, CC didn't yet support profiles; (ii) in my Olympus camera I have about 7 picture modes and like 14 art filters — Adobe only provides 4 "equivalent" profiles for those; and (iii) I still want that stacking option for the photos I took back in the days before I shot RAW only but RAW+JPEG instead. I think it's a valid request we're expressing here. Some people like to shoot both.
I think different people have different use cases. For me, sometimes I just want to rip the pictures off my SD card and post them somewhere without doing any post processing, so grabbing the JPEGs off my camera yields better results. But I still want to have the RAW files so I can do edits at a later date when I have time. After I process the RAW files from a “photo shoot” I’ll then delete the JPEGs, since I agree that there’s not much point in working with both formats at the same time.
I need JPG and RAW together because I shoot fuji mirrorless. There are two solutions that would for me.
1) Read the film simulation I used when I shot the photo, and apply it to the RAW file. Lightroom just added support for all the Fuji film simulations. But, setting these 1 at a time is not feasible when you take a thousand photos. This is the best solution. I could skip JPG all together and just shoot RAW. I've found a plugin for classic that applies the film simulation to the RAW file, but that doesn't work for lightroom CC because it doesn't support plugins.
2) stack RAW and JPG. I can review my JPGs, then grab the RAW if I need more room for adjusting exposure.
I didn't realize the new Lightroom doesn't do this, and now I have tens of thousands of "duplicates" in my library from our month-long vacation with no easy way to even filter them, nevermind stack them
I am just about to switch over from Apple Photos to Adobe Lightroom CC but I can't figure out a way to migrate my photo catalog that both includes RAW and JPEGs. The past few months I have shot in both formats, but previously I have only used JPEG, meaning that I can't just exclude all JPEGs from the import either...
Hey Joel, been there, done that. First of all, it’s essential that you download all the photos in your Photos library to your local drive and that you turn your iCloud Photo Library off once completed. This is the only way to make sure that you have all the originals as Photos might store your originals in the cloud otherwise (i.e. if you have the “optimize storage” option turned on). Also make sure that all the photos taken with iOS devices are uploaded to the iCloud Photo Library and then downloaded to your local hard drive.
Once you’re sure that you have all your original files in your Photos library, you should right-click on the Apple Photo Library and choose “show package contents” from the dialogue. You’ll then see a “Masters” folder in the finder. That’s the one you want to import to Lightroom as it should contain all your original photos (raw AND jpeg).
super curious / disappointing that this is NOT supported! please .. how are we supposed to work on the jpg for most cases and declutter the dupes in library view?
I'm about to make the jump from Lightroom Classic CC to Lightroom CC. Having over 200,000, many of which I started shooting with JPG + RAW (+ once accidentally), this would be a nightmare to organize manually. Please add stacking RAW + JPG please!
Just a note, if you migrate your Classic Library, it will only import the RAW files (I learned this only after the import happened). At least that is how it is handling it now.
Jon, were the JPEGs showing in Lightroom? Or hidden as raw+jpeg pairs? The former sounds buggy, the latter less so (but an excellent point for documentation!)
_______________________________________________ Victoria - The Lightroom Queen - Author of the Lightroom Missing FAQ & Edit on the Go books.
Can somebody please follow up on this issue? Either enable users to import JPEG/RAW only, or at least enable filter by file-type so it can be easier to delete all JPEGs post-import.
I have to shoot RAW+JPEG because of WiFi/Smart device transfer requirements for JPEG files, but any time that I actually want to interact with photos in LR, it's almost always RAW.
I found that searching my recent import for .jpg allows me to quickly select and delete all of the JPEGs, e.g. if I only want the RAWs for that import. This of course doesn’t solve the problem if I want to keep both but not see both separately.