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Missing links only when *I* open the file

Participant ,
Apr 12, 2019 Apr 12, 2019

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OSX 10.13.6, ID CC 14.0.2

A few days ago I started to have a strange problem pop up randomly, and now it seems that it is permanent.

Every ID file I open shows that all the links are missing, but when you follow the exact same file path to relink it, its still there.
I have uninstalled all Adobe products, deleted all prefs, run CC Cleaner tools, and reinstalled, and the problem still persists. I have had my coworkers open the exact same file and all the links are there for them, but when I open it right after they close it, all the links are missing.

This is hampering my ability to do my job, and I was wondering if anyone has any input at all on how to get this resolved. The only thing I can remotely think of doing would be to remove all of my servers that I link to and maybe reconnecting, but if restarts won't help this problem, I don't know what will.

Thanks for the assistance.






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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Participant , May 03, 2019 May 03, 2019

So after a few days of working on this problem, I *think* I have it solved. After conferring with IT and roping them into this problem, which they created, we have hopefully solved this problem.

They had us log in to different servers, but they had the same name. So somehow they rerouted and renamed one of the servers and so far, after a week, we haven't had any missing link drama since then.

I hope that this fixes things for other people as well. Thanks for your input on this.



Community Expert ,
Nov 05, 2023 Nov 05, 2023

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They do work properly. But how would you like the engineers to handle this? How long should the application wait until all the files are downloaded? What if it's a slow connection and a huge file with gigabytes of links?

By @BobLevine


This part - waiting for everything to download in full - is part of a job description of the user ....


User is responsible to make sure that all files are copied / synchronised locally BEFORE he opens INDD file ...


All services of this kind show this information in one way or the other ...


You can't open ZIP file before it is downloaded in full, right?






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Community Beginner ,
Nov 06, 2023 Nov 06, 2023

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Are these linked to dropbox? I have found an issue with dropbox that happened about a year ago with an update that I will explain more if you use dropbox.





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