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Anyone using the new edit layout from the lab? What are your thoughts?

Enthusiast ,
Aug 23, 2023 Aug 23, 2023

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So far I just took a quick glance and thought, it takes longer to get to things. And the double stacked menu takes to much space away from the actual settings. 

Whats your experience? 







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Community Expert ,
Aug 25, 2023 Aug 25, 2023

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I'm loving it! Although there's an extra tap to get to the panels, that's balanced by there being a lot less scrolling left and right to get to the tools. It's much more consistent with the desktop and web apps, too. I suspect it'll grow on you if you've only used it for a short time.

Victoria - The Lightroom Queen - Author of the Lightroom Missing FAQ & Edit on the Go books.





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Enthusiast ,
Aug 25, 2023 Aug 25, 2023

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My biggest problem on the phone in portrait mode is that I have less space for the actual settings (and the photo is covered up more), now the selection menu is two rows, sides scrolling was never an issue. 


Also on the tablet layout the space is there and now unused with the new design. Even on the phone there is enough space for more than 3 symbols. 


When I'm in the settings itself they show less options while using more screen space, no idea how someone can think that's better. 


Never used the web interface. 





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Community Expert ,
Aug 25, 2023 Aug 25, 2023

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That's useful info. You're on Android? This is early release (e.g. beta stuff), so screenshots showing where you're having issues is really helpful. You should be able to turn the new UI on and off in app settings, but real world feedback is way more useful. On iOS I was complaining the exact opposite this morning, that there wasn't enough space for sliders, but I haven't seen Android on tablet yet. Adobe is listening to feedback so be specific!

Victoria - The Lightroom Queen - Author of the Lightroom Missing FAQ & Edit on the Go books.





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Enthusiast ,
Aug 25, 2023 Aug 25, 2023

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Yes Android, in good old tradition it could be entirely different on ios. And no it should not be necessary to send screenshots, the ui designers should get to these basic conclusions on their own and comparing old and new ("improved") designs. 





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Community Expert ,
Aug 25, 2023 Aug 25, 2023

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I'm not asking you to send screenshots for designers, although they might find them useful. I'm interested... I only have one android device (a Samsung S7) on which it looks great, so I'm interested to see where you're running into issues. This is a beta and like you, I want it to end up the best way possible. 

Victoria - The Lightroom Queen - Author of the Lightroom Missing FAQ & Edit on the Go books.





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Enthusiast ,
Aug 25, 2023 Aug 25, 2023

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Left is old, you get curves, exposure, contrast, highlights and shadows.
New one is further into the picture (but saves some space on top) and misses curves and most of the shadow slider (sill usable in the old design).
And I did not even search for this, this was the frist thing I looked at.



New tablet landscape layout could actually leave more space for the image, but for some reason it gets a black bar on the left. Also the tablet layout has all the space for an unstacked menu, nothing is gained by reducing it to 5 symbols.

2 taps to get to "auto adjustments", why?


They could give us the option to populate that menu on our own, with the acutal important stuff to each indivudal user. But hiding stuff deeper in the menu because they think "no one uses that often" sucks if you are the one using it often.





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Community Expert ,
Aug 25, 2023 Aug 25, 2023

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Oh brilliant screenshots, thank you! I've been wanting to see the new UI on Android tablets, as the iPad UI is closer to the desktop. As my Android phone is a test device, it's a bit older, so I'm interested to see how it holds up on newer devices too.


So the phone UI looks like it's gained some image pixels overall because it lost the top bar? And the curve button has dropped to the bottom of the panel? But it's showing 3 1/4 sliders instead of 3 1/2, so we could maybe do with a little more vertical space on sliders.


The tablet version is really interesting, I hadn't seen that before. The black bar on the right definitely looks better on iPad, where it has extra buttons for rating, activity, keywords, and info, which is very similar to the desktop. I agree it looks a bit sparse there. Is it better if you use the tablet vertically? I suspect there are some big user stats involved like people don't use Lightroom on Android tablets enough to justify a separate user interface like they do on iPad, but I'm interested anyway.


Out of interest, which bothers you more, the changes to the UI on your phone or tablet? Thank you for taking the time to offer feedback... I'm sure the engineers are interested, but I really am too!

Victoria - The Lightroom Queen - Author of the Lightroom Missing FAQ & Edit on the Go books.





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Enthusiast ,
Aug 25, 2023 Aug 25, 2023

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Rating on Android is a different viewing mode entirly for rating, with no editing buttons. You got "edit" which is shown on the screenshot, there you can't rate, an "info" screen where you can rate and put in keywords and get some basic file informations, the "rating view" where you can rate with swiping gestures quite effective, and the "activity" view where you can see likes and comments from shared albums (otherwise not visibile).


What you also don't get on Android  (what the web interface does) is a link to the album a photo is in, there is no way in finding that information on Android.


I always thought Android had a tablet interface, but it seems to be the same.


I think both bother me, I don't like clicking twice where once was always good enough.





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Community Expert ,
Aug 26, 2023 Aug 26, 2023

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Yes, I agree there should be a button on the toolbar for the Info & Rating view, like there is on the iPad, desktop and web interfaces. 


It would be worth putting in a separate feature request / idea for the list of which albums contain that photo.


Android did have a separate tablet interface a few years ago, it disappeared when things got simplified. I believe not enough people used a large enough Android tablet to make it worth maintaining a different UI. They decided to put that engineering time into speeding up progress on the main app instead.

Victoria - The Lightroom Queen - Author of the Lightroom Missing FAQ & Edit on the Go books.





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Enthusiast ,
Aug 29, 2023 Aug 29, 2023

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Btw I still use mainly LR classic where everything is available directly if there is the screen space. So I that's my reference point. 😉 





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