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As the title says, this tool no longer works as it should. Photoshop is randomly changing the exact primary values that I enter.
How to replicate: enter/change the values, close the dialog. Reenter to check. Slightly different numbers accordingly to some internal algorithm.
For how long do you think you can keep playing and ruin perfectly working tools, Adobe?
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I just have to ask: why are you doing that?
This is integral to icc profiles and it's all handled in a standard color managed process.
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Its hard to understand why you'd want create your own RGB workingspace? Do you a care to explain why please.
I hope this helps
neil barstow, :: adobe forum volunteer
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Fosse, Neil,
I scan lots of slides containing wild colour gradients (light interference in thin films).
The Nikon LS-9000 scanner profile works perfectly fine for normal scenes but fails with extreme gradients due to its aggressive LUT.
In the absence of another tool, I used Adobe to copy the LS-9000 profile primaries and save a clean linear scanner profile. Changed the profile type using a hex editor and voilà — less color accuracy, butter smooth gradients. In time, I manually fine-tuned those primaries to compensate for the LUT absence to the point that now my images look like I see them on my light table while avoiding tonal loss.
Everything out there seems to be just another fully automated calibration and LUT creation software.
Could you point me to a tool that do just that — manual input for a device/sensor RGB primaries, no bells and whistles?
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so to understand better - has the custom RGB you made previously disappeared / become innacurate or simply ceased to work?
It's far from a the free solution you seem to have worked out earlier
But how about making a proper scanner profile using a tool like basICColor input and a decent target?
Maybe @TheDigitalDog will know of a currently supported working space editor you could use - Colorblind Edit could do that but it's an OS9 app. I don't have a supported tool right now unfortunately. If Andrew isn't able to help I think my friends Karl and Franz could make the workingspace for you to your specification. Karl designed the eciRGB.icc variants.
I hope this helps
neil barstow, colourmanagement . net :: adobe forum volunteer
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My custom scanner profile is working and I'm still using it for over an year.
A friend got his hands on a Microtek scanner. On paper, Microtek's sensor + conventional lamp combo is defined by a wider device color space. So I was curious how different Microtek actually 'sees' compared to my Nikon, both stripped of all corrections. That's when I discovered that Photoshop's Custom RGB tool is buggy.
About the basICCColor Input software:
Exactly a year ago I had the pleasure to exchange some very interesting e-mails with Joseph Holmes. Naturally, I was learning while he was kind enough to share his knowledge.
Without knowing that I already wanted to try it, he warmly recommended Franz's work in basICColor. Sadly, you chased/paused trading at that time.
Meanwhile, I concluded that critical to my thin-film interference work is not color accuracy but how strong a scanner's profile is trying to cover for it's not-so-perfect sensor/lamp spectral response - solved.
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Hi, just so you know basICColor is back up and trading.
I hope this helps
neil barstow, colourmanagement net :: adobe forum volunteer
google "neil barstow colourmanagement" for lots of free articles on colour management
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- to sum it up: I don't used this tool to create my own RGB workspace, (I work in Display P3), but as a limited option to define the primaries for a linear scanner profile.
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PS great forum. You can't correct your spelling or poor English. Set in stone.
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OK, fair enough 🙂
Andrew Rodney, aka thedigitaldog should be able to answer that.
Everyone, how do you "ping" other members? I seem to have forgotten how... 😕
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I think pasting the address should work … let’s try
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Ah, thanks. How do you do that, Per? I feel this is something I should know:-)
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When you type "@", suggestions will appear, and once you've typed "digitald", Andrew should turn up.
The suggestions appear a bit slowly, and I'm not sure if this works if you don't wait for the correct name to show up, maybe it does.
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I knew it was something simple. Thanks.
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Fosse, Neil,
Back to the Custom RGB issue. Can you confirm the bug?
I uploaded two videos. Maybe you can summon someone from Adobe?
Thank you.
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Besides RGB xy values jumping, white point also resets to D50, no matter what.
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You can report it as a bug here
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Do they require a different account just for feedback? I'm puzzled. They won't let me sign in to
Signed out and back to the Creative Cloud just to make sure my password still works.
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Photoshop 22.0.1. Tested on three machines, one is a Mac.
Same behavior: Jumpy RGB xy values while the white point defaults to D50. It's not just a refresh bug, saved profile reflects the displayed numbers.
That's what I get for turning on automatic updates.
Thank you all for helping.
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I get different behaviour on a mac, after selecting a custom RGB and making a change I seem to need to rename the profile as the filename is highlighted - but the renamed profile does not appear in the dropodown list
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To get a renamed custom profile to appear in the menu you have to go back to the menu and Save it. It will then appear. I made some notes and screenshots here (which was about creating a linear profile)
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Hi Dave
that "kinda" works because after saving the modified profile does appear in my profiles folder
I edited 'EBU.icc', changed the whitepoint to D50, saved it as 'EBU D50' -
BUT its not in Photoshop's pullodown list (even after restarting)
I guess this is why [SCREENSHOT BELOW], filename is EBU D50.icc BUT look what Apple's Colorsync Utility shows the internal name is 'Custom RGB':
This is confirmed here - See below in Steve's excellent Colorthink Pro - it seems that when saving - Adobe are changing the profile file-name but not the internal "displayed" name which is still "custom RGB" so that’s not ideal behaviour
this is happening in Photoshop Mac v 20.0.9
It DOES appear in Photoshop's list, with the saved modification intact - but as 'Custom RGB'
definitely a bug in Photoshop Mac v 20.0.9
I daren't even try v21
Is that what you see in a current version of PS?
I hope this helps
neil barstow, colourmanagement net :: adobe forum volunteer
google "neil barstow colourmanagement" for lots of free articles on colour management
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No mine appears in Photoshop's list with the correct "saved" name (Windows 10 v20H2 and Photoshop 22.) However I did have to close and reopen the color settings dialogue to see it in the list
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So that’s apprently a custom profile naming bug in Photoshop Mac v 20.0.9 not seen on Windows.
thanks for testing Dave