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P: Petition for Drafts tools (like perspective) to photoshop?

Contributor ,
May 13, 2022 May 13, 2022

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Hello I work in film at major studio. I make backgrounds alot and I notice most of photoshops updates for this decade are geared towards portraits like selecting hair, or maniupulating the face to make them old, ect. I know you also added replace sky features and AI for landscapes too but mostly its focused on potraits, and selection.


As someone who designs backgrounds, like cities and buildings there are features in Adobe I would like to see added for all my designers out there, architects, concept artist, and cityscape photographers. I'd like to see a perspective grid /drawing tool added. I was happy when you all added symmetrical drawing tools because they are super helpful but I was hoping you all would keep going and add the rest of the draftsman toolkit most software these days have, like rulers and perspective drawing. Even if you're doing photo maniuplation of a city, having perspective tools would be handy.


I dont know who is in charge of making updates to photoshop, I realize you serve a big market, but it seems like whoever is incharge of the updates is doing mostly the same thing (selection, and AI, sometimes text) for the last 10-15  years. It makes me wonder are there any actual artist working at adobe, like someone who can draw? If you were to go into a major studio like Disney, Warnerbrothers, ect, and ask what do artist want, how can we help improve your workflow, what would they say? Autodesk 3D will do these things, and make tools to help their 3d artist but I feel adobe just does what they think is cool, like AI. So Im asking (since most artist dont go on forumns like this), would it be helpful to start a petition that different artist at studios could sign, to add perspective grid drawing to photoshop? (There's a small list of other things but thats a good start). Would adobe be willing to listen to pay attention to something like that?


I apologize if it sounded like a rant, but I use this tool everyday for work, and very passionote about it being better. I have been patient for a long time but see so much more potential for artist and draftsman thats being ignored, while photography (yes its PHOTO-shop) in paticular portraits seems to be the sole focus.

Idea No status
macOS , Windows






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Community Expert ,
May 13, 2022 May 13, 2022

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I've moved your post to Photoshop ideas (which can be voted on).

Photoshop does have the vanishing point filter but that is limited. As a minimum I'd like to see angled guides in the way that Illustrator can do.  So I for one will upvote your request - although it could use some refinement to say how this could and should work.







Community Expert ,
May 13, 2022 May 13, 2022

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"while photography (yes its PHOTO-shop) in paticular portraits seems to be the sole focus."

By @coreyarte



At it's core Photoshop is an image editor and when I first started using it photos were pretty much the sole focus. Over time the developers began adding other features as well, such a live text that could be edited (instead of being pixels on the current layer), vector drawing tools, and so much more.


You bring up some good points, and I'd love to see some of them find their way into Photoshop.


Adobe has another application called Adobe Illustrator that was released three years before Photoshop, and to follow your example, I'll call it "ILLUSTRAT-or" which was made for drawing and illustration. Some things it has include:


  • symmetrical drawing
  • the ability to use Construction Guides to draw a path on a predetermined angle, such as 18° or 117°
  • the ability to redraw a path while keeping the same angle: the Smart Guides will say "ON"
  • a perspective grid (1-, 2-, and 3-point perspective): shapes will draw, scale, and move in perspective
  • any path can be converted to a guide, so guides can be drawn with the Pen, Line, Rectangle, Ellipse, Star tool, etc. 
  • you can create your own vanishing point with angled guides — if you draw one shape, you can scale and duplicate it out to the vanishing point with a keyboard shortcut
  • new and improved ways to draw with the Pen tool
  • as you move or scale, a screen tip gives you the x and y distance


I'm sure there's more, as this is just off the top of my head. 


Another thing that has happened over the years is the ability to move back and forth between Illustrator and Photoshop has vastly improved and I love this. You can go back and forth between the applications and work in whichever one does it best. You can copy from Illustrator and paste to Photoshop as layers, paths, shapes, and more.


You can wait and hope for the Photoshop developers to add all of these features, although we don't know what else they are working on. Or a second option is that you can learn Illustrator and get started immediately.


I hope this helps, and I have also cast my Upvote for your feature request.






