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Feature Request - Rush and Lightroom Integration

Explorer ,
Oct 15, 2018 Oct 15, 2018

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I have a lot of videos in the cloud from Lightroom CC. Why don’t they show up in Rush. Also I have 1 tb of cloud storage already. Why would I want to buy another 100 gb just to get unlimited exports. What the heck is going on...I was really looking forward to Rush and now I’m so disappointed.


Mod note: Title was changed and Feature Request label was added to reflect the feature request.

Feature request




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Explorer , Oct 16, 2018 Oct 16, 2018

That’s too bad. There’s no point in paying for Rush until the bridge it built and I can actually access my videos.

Seems weird that the whole point of the creative cloud is to have all your files accessible everywhere and Rush can’t do this.


Adobe Employee , Oct 16, 2018 Oct 16, 2018

Okay, so let me restate the problem and propose a solution:

  • Problem: you uploaded video content to Creative Cloud using Lightroom, which keeps media in a special partition of your CC space, and Rush cannot access media stored in that LR partition.
  • since you're not committed to uploading your video to Creative Cloud via Lightroom, you could move that content from the LR partition to the main CCFiles location. I think this would entail re-uploading manually (which will be easiest from a desktop syst


Adobe Employee ,
Oct 15, 2018 Oct 15, 2018

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Welcome to the Rush forum, Brad. We unfortunately did not complete the bridge between Rush and Lightroom. As you've likely already observed, Rush lets you browse to content stored in Creative Cloud Files. Lightroom stores content on Creative Cloud but, as I understand it, they do so in a way that is essentially hidden. There's a way for an app like Rush to get to the Lightroom library, but we were not able to build that bridge in time for our release today.

As to having to "buy another 100 gb just to get unlimited exports," that does not accurately reflects the essence of a Rush subscription. The subscription is principally to have full access to Rush; it happens to also include 100GB of storage.




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Explorer ,
Oct 16, 2018 Oct 16, 2018

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That’s too bad. There’s no point in paying for Rush until the bridge it built and I can actually access my videos.

Seems weird that the whole point of the creative cloud is to have all your files accessible everywhere and Rush can’t do this.




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Adobe Employee ,
Oct 16, 2018 Oct 16, 2018

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I'm afraid that's the nature of 1.0 releases. If we waited to release until we had implemented every feature that every potential customer thought was essential, then Rush would never see the light of day.

I encourage you to log a feature request through UserVoice.

And may I ask why you import your video into Lightroom? In my limited experience with that app, it does not support editing videos.




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Explorer ,
Oct 16, 2018 Oct 16, 2018

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Its not that I want them in Lightroom necessarily. I want all my pictures and videos and files in the cloud and then want to be able to access them from the 1 spot in the appropriate program like Google Drive does.

I switched from Google Drive to Adobe because I wanted a proper photo editor and a proper video editor but now it's seeming like the Creative Cloud is much more limited then I thought.




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Adobe Employee ,
Oct 16, 2018 Oct 16, 2018

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Okay, so let me restate the problem and propose a solution:

  • Problem: you uploaded video content to Creative Cloud using Lightroom, which keeps media in a special partition of your CC space, and Rush cannot access media stored in that LR partition.
  • since you're not committed to uploading your video to Creative Cloud via Lightroom, you could move that content from the LR partition to the main CCFiles location. I think this would entail re-uploading manually (which will be easiest from a desktop system), then deleting the assets from your LR catalog. Of course, if your only copy of the videos is in the LR cloud, then you'll first have to download it. Apart from the time it would take you to move the content, it doesn't sound like this would cost you anything functionally because you're not using the videos in Lightroom.
    Photographs are more problematic. If you intend to use photos from LR library in your Rush projects, then about the best workflow I can think of is to export the photos from LR either directly to your phone or tablet or to the main CCFiles area. While that might be marginally viable if you will be using a small number of photos in Rush, it would be painful and limiting if you planned to include lots of photos in your Rush projects.

FWIW, I'm sure that the Lightroom crew had good reason to keep media in a sequestered partition. My guess is that one reason is that everything in the main CCFiles area automatically downloads to every desktop system that's logged into a given CC account, and LR wanted to avoid that and keep the content in the cloud. A downside is that additional work was required on the Rush side to provide access to that partition, and we just didn't have time to get that done for 1.0.




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Explorer ,
Oct 16, 2018 Oct 16, 2018

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Thanks for taking the time to respond. I really don’t want to remove the videos from Lightroom as I have lots of albums with them and I share them via the web links with family and friends.

I kind of of want to be able to access them from both spots so when I make something in Rush, it changes in Lightroom and when I download through Lightroom it’s availabel to edit in Rush.

It seems like your implying that Rush will eventually be able to access these Lightroom folders...if that’s the case then I will wait till this is implemented as this would save me a huge hassle of downloading and re uploading etc.




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Adobe Employee ,
Oct 16, 2018 Oct 16, 2018

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Yes, I expect we’ll add acc to Lightroom eventually, but I have no clue how long it will be.




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Community Expert ,
Oct 24, 2018 Oct 24, 2018

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I’m hoping for this also, for a number of reasons:

1. You mentioned earlier about LR sequestering its files separately, and I suspect the reason for this is that LR keeps track of edits nondestructively in its catalog database. Thus, in order to properly render a photo, for example, the original file is rendered with the adjustments and settings in the catalog, and a result is produced that can then be handed off or exported. Other Adobe mobile apps (Sketch and Draw, for example) have the ability to work with LR, so I hope this bridge can be facilitated using existing technology.

2. iPhone, in its default state, will “optimize” photos and video, replacing full resolution originals with low res proxies (the originals are still kept in iCloud, and can be re-downloaded, but by default these are swept away quickly to save space on the mobile device). If you draw from the camera roll, you run the risk of getting less than you may be expecting. Being able to draw the full resolution files from LR would be an advantage.

3. I like to intermingle video and still images in my creations. All my still images, without exception, are maintained and adjusted in LR. As I was creating a Rush video sequence just now, I had to export images from LR Mobile back to the Camera Roll to gain access to my adjusted images. Even if I can’t draw video from LR, it would still be great to be able to get my full res, adjusted and edited images from LR Mobile.

I’ll add my comments on UserVoice, as you suggested above.





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Community Beginner ,
Mar 17, 2020 Mar 17, 2020

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Hey! Any update on this feature request? I see there's a ticket in UserVoice still under consideration (since oct. 2018). Maybe people can help add their voice to get this prioritized 🙂 https://adobe-video.uservoice.com/forums/916423-premiere-rush/suggestions/35733526-lightroom-cc-as-s...


I don't really understand why this isn't prioritized though. Adobe has a fully fleshed out cross platform photo and video editing ecosystem, ranging from basic to professional tools. But I can't find a good workflow to upload (cloud backup) photos and videos in this ecosystem. If I use Lightoom (Mobile) to upload videos, they're stuck in the Lightroom cloud partition and can't be used for anything. If I use Premiere Rush (Mobile), I have to upload videos manually and purchase additional cloud storage separate from Lightroom, driving costs through the roof for a my simple hobby requirements (also robbing me of the great sharing options in Lightroom). Are there any other options?


The current Adobe cloud partition mess forces people to subscribe to either the Google or Apple photo/video ecosystem for mobile backup. Then the added value from Adobe's mobile app offerings looks quite poor. Adobe is in a position to compete directly with cloud subscriptions from Google and Apple but isn't going all the way!




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Explorer ,
Jul 06, 2023 Jul 06, 2023

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Why is this STILL an issue? It looks like it was a relatively simple feature (Bridge) Abode Rush team could have added before release 5 years ago - but still haven't! I need this soo much. I sync all my videos through lightroom then clear my phone to save the space (it doesn't have an sd card slot) but when I want to edit them in Rush it is SUCH a faff!! Just to be able to access that LR partition would be so helpful! 




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