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RH2017 Indigo - command line generation does not include usersettings.js

Explorer ,
Aug 23, 2018 Aug 23, 2018

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I am currently trying out RoboHelp 2017's automation capabilies via rhcl.exe

We use a heavily customized version of the Indigo layout for our online help. Generating the help manually via RoboHelp works great, all additionally used JS files in the template as well as the usersettings.js are properly added to the output. However, when I try the same thing via rhctl, all JS files (including usersettings.js) are missing.

At first, I figured it has something to do with our customizations to the Indigo layout, so I tried the same thing with the original RoboHelp 2017 Indigo layout.

However, the same problem persists: The "<output folder>/template/Indigo/usersettings.js" file is missing in the help output generated via command line, but it is properly added when I generate the same project with the same template manually from RoboHelp.

The missing usersettings.js file has the following effect:

* Search does not work - I can enter something in the search field, but clicking enter just makes the page flicker and then it stops.

* Glossary and Index panels cannot be opened.

* Favorites panel can be openend but not closed anymore.

* Filter button does not show up at all, even if it is enabled in the Indigo layout (default) and dynamic content filters are used in the output.

* Start page TOC items are misaligned (not in a grid, but just in a list of full-width color blocks)

My RoboHelp 2017 (version with Update 2 runs on Windows 10.

We put a lot of work into customizing the Indigo layout, so it would be desastrous if we cannot use it in our continuous integration environment to automatically generate the online help. Manually copying the usersettings.js file fixes the problem, but shouldn't be necessary for a product which provides automation capabilities.

Sidenote: For the Azure Blue and Charcoal Grey layouts, the generation via rhcl.exe works fine, in these, the usersettings.js file is generated properly. So this seems to be purely an Indigo problem.

Has anyone run into a similar problem with the Indigo layout before? Do I maybe explicitly need to mention the usersettings.js file (and our additional files in the customized version of the layout) in an .fpj or .apj file somewhere?

The files are correctly displayed as Baggage files of the "Indigo" Screen Layout in the RoboHelp application in the "Output Setup" pod.






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Community Expert ,
Aug 23, 2018 Aug 23, 2018

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Not my area but this thread seems to be related. Let me introduce you to each other.

Re: RHCL for Responsive HTML5?

See www.grainge.org for free RoboHelp and Authoring information.


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Explorer ,
Aug 23, 2018 Aug 23, 2018

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Hello Peter,

I was already aware of the thread you linked, but thanks anyway . I posted a link to my thread in that thread to increase transparency.

Cheers, Birgit





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Enthusiast ,
Aug 23, 2018 Aug 23, 2018

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"Manually copying the usersettings.js file fixes the problem, but shouldn't be necessary for a product which provides automation capabilities."

I very much agree with your statement, but rhcl and HTML5 layouts don't always play nicely together it seems. I recommend filing a bug through Adobe's bug reporting feature and then adding something into your automation approach to also copy the .js file into the generated output folder. That's what I had to do on the other thread.





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Explorer ,
Aug 23, 2018 Aug 23, 2018

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I have filed a bug: Tracker (RH-2344)

Yes, for now we will probably try to have the missing files copied to the output folder automatically in a different way in our build process.

Thanks for the suggestion.





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