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[Duplicate, locked] Image use and license

Community Beginner ,
Jun 26, 2021 Jun 26, 2021

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Dear all,


I would like to ask a couple of questions an hope you can help me with.


1) I am making magazines, brochures, flyers, business cards, etc. for various clients. I would like to know if I can use Adobe Stock images, graphics, etc. in the magazine which I create, but the magazine owner is the client (I only do the graphic design, put images into articles etc.). Can I use Stock resources in the articles as well as magazine cover? There are also client´s / authors´images in the magazines, so the Stock images wil be in some parts only. Is this usage OK with a standard licence? The magazine is printed approx. in 20,000 copies and it is put on client´s website in PDF file.


2) What if I use brochure or flyer design for the client. There will be some client´s text so is it necessary to modify the design or is it possible to use design without any modification? It will be printed max.in 10,000 copies (I do not know if the client put it on their website). Is standard license OK?


3) Same as point 2) is for client´s business cards. Can I use the design as it is with the standard license? Business cards will be printed in 2,000 copies a a max.


Are these 3 points covered with a standard license?  I have read the license terms, but as I am not English native speaker, I am not sure and I do not want to break any law. I didn´t find any direct contact to Adobe to ask this, so I hope that someone from Adobe Company answers my questions here.


Thank you in advance for your reply,




[moderator locked this thread.]

Licensing , Terms of use






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Community Expert ,
Jun 28, 2021 Jun 28, 2021

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License terms are also available in other languages. It looks for me like standard stock applications. Please note that the print count is cummulative, so PDF dowloads count for the print run. 


1) looks like a standard license.


2) assets and templates may be modified as you wish, with a few exceptions, not probably, except if you are in the adult industry. I do not think that templates are available with a standard licence, but as I'm not especially looking for them, I may be wrong.


3) There is no different rule for business cards and other stationaries.


Look here for more information on licensing: https://community.adobe.com/t5/stock/links-for-licensing-terms/td-p/11366788
(Disclaimer: As always with licensing, this is my interpretation of the rules. I think they are correct and advice is based on reading and interpreting the licence terms and on fair use for both the buyer and the artist/stock company, but I cannot rule out that my interpretation is wrong. I'm not an Adobe employee).

ABAMBO | Hard- and Software Engineer | Photographer





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