I love the paint-along path tool, it's amazing, But I have one gripe. I have a library of paint tools that I would like to use on a path, but as far as I can tell, that isn't doable. Paint tool presets only apply to paint and path presets are separate, so in order to use existing brushes I'd need to redefine all of their parameters again manually and set it up as a path preset, which means I'll have doubles of tools in my library, and there's no clear way to even differentiate between a path tool and a paint tool in the list.
Seeing as how the only difference is two extra parameters in the path presets, I was wondering - wouldn't it make sense to merge them so that presets can be used for both?
If there's some underlying issue that makes this impossible, the next best thing would be a way to allow dragging a brush preset into the path tool panel to apply the brush settings, similar to how you can drag materials into the material mode slot.