Can't post reply: Spurious error "Post flooding detected"
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I got this error when I tried to post a reply - I certainly haven't tried to post it more than once!
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This happens to me occasionally, usually when the first attempt to post has failed.
I've found that making a small change to the post, like adding a space at the end of a paragraph, will let me post without having to wait 6 minutes.
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Thanks, I did try changing several words in the post but still got the same error message.
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Yeah me too, having that exact same issue.
I tried ending the post with different variations and still get this random error.
I appreciuate trying to cut down on spam, but come on, the people that set these measures up don’t use these forums. Shoddy.
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And again:
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I met same flooding detection when using restricted word: Red spots in photos when I export
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When that happens to me, I copy my reply with Cmd/Ctrl+C and hit F5 or Ctrl+R to refresh my browser which usually clears the errors.
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I tried signing out, quitting the browser and restarting, to no avail.
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Which browser?
Did you try using a different browser that accepts cookies and does not have ANY script blockers?
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It was just Chrome, and I don't haven't installed any script blockers.
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It's happened several times since, most recently just now. Switching from Chrome to Firefox didn't help, but then switching to Safari and changing about 20 words let me post the reply.
(Just documenting this for reference by Adobe if they ever decide to take this bug seriously.)
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And again just now. Switching from Chrome to Safari and changing 6 words didn't help. I switched to Firefox and changed a couple dozen words, and it succeeded.
Very annoying.
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And again just now. I tried changing half a dozen words and switching from Chrome to Firefox, then to Safari, to no avail.
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And yet again. I changed at least 25 words in a longish post before trying in Safari after it failed in Chrome, but it didn't work.
If this keeps up, I'll stop contributing to the LR forum.
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Yes, making small changes to post might have worked few days back; however, this is no more working. I am facing the same error, please add your valuable remarks to get this problem resolved.
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Twelve hours later and I still can't post the reply from yesterday, after adding a new paragraph and swithing to another browser.
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Sorry but I can't repeat the problem.
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Which OS, anti-virus and firewall do you have?
You might test with a friend's web device from another internet connection.
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Mac OS 11.3.1, with no firewalls or anti-malware installed. Chrome, Firefox, Safari.
It's intermittent (as it is with the other two who have posted here), so unless I can predict when it will happen with strong likelihood, testing with another connection for an hour or two won't indicate much.
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Mac OS 11.3.1, with no firewalls or anti-malware installed.
You like to live dangerously, don't you?
Maybe, just maybe, your computer is infected with malware. 😉
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I live like the overwhelming majority of Mac users who don't install third-party anti-malware and firewalls. Maybe Per Bernsten and sage5EE4 are also infected with malware.
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I'm on Windows 10, with no third party protection. It appears that the built-in firewall, anti-virus and -malware are doing a good job – in the 18 months that I've been on Windows 10, there have been no reports of any malware or virus, and the computer has performed flawlessly.
I haven't had the post flooding issue for some time now, but I 'm pretty sure that it's caused by an (intermittent?) bug in the forum software. And/or, it only happens on some computers for some unknown reason. For the record, I use the Opera browser.
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And it happened again just now.
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Other threads reporting this bug:
6/24/21: Cannot reply to a post
6/2/21: Trying to post a response on this forum without success
6/1/21: Can't reply in my own Dreamweaver forum thread
4/21/21: Can not reply to answer
3/27/21: I can't reply to posts here today.
3/26/21: Cannot post
3/25/21: Unable to see my Reply added to a Post
3/20/21: Post flooding denial
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I'm having the same problem. I've only made a single post in on the Adobe forums so I'm not quite sure why it's happening.
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