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And one more complaint about the Adobe Community.
I had logged on, set the sort to latest (because why relevant?) which changes the URI:
But when I click the bookmark, the community SWITCHES IT TO RELEVANT, REGARDLESS!!!! So I change it to latest, and click the logon button, go through the logon process, AND THE PAGE IS SORTING BY RELEVANT!!!!
WTF, Adobe? Why cram relevant down our throats??? And who, exactly, decides what is relevant, anyway????
Again, lousy choices/decisions. I'm surprised Adobe is still in business.
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Since your post doesn't concern Dreamweaver, I branched and moved it to Community Feedback. I also renamed the topic Forum Relevance Filter.
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With all due respect, the thread that I was replying to also doesn't concern Dw. It was a "Welcome to the Dw Community" thread, which my rant was directly related to.
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I understand your frustration. But matters concerning this forum are not handled by the Dreamweaver team. If I left your post there, the concerned team would not see it. This way, at least it's in their court now.
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Not sure what errors and or problems you are having but the change to the Sort: selection box was changed months ago.
Once set to Latest, and I and many many others agree with you, from the inane Relevance sort option it has never changed. IE it is always on Latest.
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I occasionally have it reset, although not often recently. Maybe it's related to clearing or not saving cookies (or not saving the right cookies? i.e. third party cookies)
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Where I work, the PTB have deemed it necessary to clear all cookies on exit, and options are greyed out so we can't change it. But that's not the issue. It's that I have it BOOKMARKED with the sort URL parameter set to latest_replies, and the platform _still_ switches it to relevant. And then when I click on LOGIN, I don't know (wasn't paying attention) if the platform is changing that when it creates the redirect for after logging on, or if it is keeping it and ignoring it upon redirect.
Either way, I cannot truly express my annoyance with this without launching into a profanity-filled rant.
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What does PTB stand for?
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The Powers That Be. Top brass.
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PTB = Powers That Be.
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It's been almost a month, and nothing. Not surprised. Typical response.
And now, another reason to hate this platform. Even when looking at a forum sorting by latest reply, it still fails to actually sort by latest. I replied to a thread, and after I hit the Post button and was returned to the main page, my post appeared below a thread that hadn't seen any activity for three hours, vs the minute from my reply.
WTF.. why is Adobe sticking with this BS?
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I think it has something to do with your company setup.
I personally have never had it change back to Relevance since I set it to Latest a few months ago.
I did have it set back to relevance today when I clicked on a link in a post to go to some other post. In that post, and the URL the user posted in their post it had the Relvance flag set.
Once I saw it had been changed to relevance I set it back to Latest and it hasn't change.
So your frustration is noted and acknowledged as that Relevance sort option should of never been there in the first place. As you said in your original post Relevant To WHO? Certainly Not Me.