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New Here
‎Nov 25, 2018
12:49 PM
Thanks for the advice, perhaps the best option is to take each letter one by one and painstakingly put it into place, change size, put it into the right perspective, use marionette to bend it etc. I don't think there's a quick solution to this since it's too complicated for a quick solution. Every letter is unique regarding perspective etc.
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‎Nov 25, 2018
10:58 AM
First I created a path and then I put the text on it. This is just the text. It doesn't "fold" according to the path and no perspective (of course). Basically it doesn't look anywhere near to being printed on the paper. I have to change the perspective of the text and the letters have to follow the line and fold according to.
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‎Nov 25, 2018
10:30 AM
I have a (slightly) folded paper where I want to put a text so it looks like it's printed on the paper. The paper is not photographed straight from above, but with a little perspective/angle. I've tried to use a path, but the letters don't fold according to the paper, Instead they follow the path line. The letters become "uneven" and point in different directions and do not follow the shape of the paper (which is with a little bit of perspective). Using distortion is difficult and the letters become bent when I sometimes want the letters to change direction in a straight (not bent) line due to the folded paper. I've also tried the text shape forms, but they're presdetermined and not (of course) according to the folded paper. Anybody got any idea how how I can put the text on the folded paper so that it looks like it's printed on it? Do I have to use path first and then distort and change perspective on each letter to make it look right or is there a simpler way?
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