Correct, it has no settings applied. This was the .raf straight out of camera and it jumped right out at me on import. Then I simply exported this dng out of Lightroom. If I then re-import the dog back into Lightroom I see the same issue. Im using a 2010 iMac. Its not calibrated but, and correct me if Im wrong, wouldn't that be irrelevant as the issue seems to be that the develop and library modules treat the process the image differently anyway? Thats super interesting that you're not seeing any banding. Heres a .psd file with some cropped screen grabs. Dropbox - developLibrary.psd The bottom layer is from the develop module, and the top is from the library. As I switch the top layer on & off I can see the image change as banding comes and goes. Its subtle but its there. Anyway, so long as the develop is fine and I can export jpegs at 100% which are also fine then Im good to go. Thanks so much for looking into the issue. Im leaving on vacation now. Hopefully, I'll take some good photos! -A
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