This probably won't exactly fit your situation, but based on the info provided it should be helpful for you to try it. First, I think you'll need to truncate your CSV file so that it only has the first set of data (Frame, Luminance and Cut). Import that file into AE (I've assumed the file name is "Glow.csv"). Drag the file into your comp timeline, so the expression will able to retrieve the number of rows. Then apply this expression wherever you need to retrieve the current, interpolated luminance value:
numRows = thisComp.layer("glow.csv")("Data")("Number of Rows");
curFrameVal = timeToFrames(time);
prevFrameVal = nextFrameVal = 0;
for (i = 0; i < numRows; i++){
prevFrameVal = nextFrameVal;
nextFrameVal = footage("glow.csv").dataValue([0,i])
if (curFrameVal <= nextFrameVal) break;
if (i >= numRows){
nextLumVal = footage("glow.csv").dataValue([1,i]);
prevLumVal = i == 0 ? nextLumVal : footage("glow.csv").dataValue([1,i-1]);
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