I'm a pretty experienced AI user as of CS3, so I was pissed when I upgraded to CS6 last week and couldn't get an object path to snap to another object path easily. CS3 was perfect. But after a few hours of frustration I think I've figured it out. My settings are below, but read the last paragraph to see what I think the real solution is. Preferences > Selection & Anchor Display: Tolerance: 3 px Uncheck "object selection by path only" Check "snap to point" 8 px Check "control click to select objects behind" Preferences > Smart Guides: Check Alignment Guides Check Object Highlighting Check Transform Tools Check Construction Guides Check Anchor Path Labels Uncheck Measurement Labels Snapping Tolerance 8 pt But here is what I think really matters. Grab your object you want to move with the Selection Tool (V) and begin to move it close to the anchor or path you want to align it with. Then, and only after its close, press and hold Control, while still holding the left mouse. This should result in the desired precision snapping we got with CS3.
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