This is indeed possible. If you choose a right-to-left language, the panes are on the right hand side instead of the left one. So it can be done with CSS magic. Though you'll need to make several changes to make it work for you. As a shorthand, I created a left-aligned CSS that you can use: - Google Drive This is a rough version and will require refinement is you want to go into production with it. Download the attached CSS and overwrite the existing layout.css in the Indigo layout. Then you're set. --- Below is for those interested in the finer details, and as a reference for future tinkering. First, you'll need the SCSS files to make it easy on yourself. You can download them from: RoboHelp screen profiles and layouts Use an application like Koala (Koala - a gui application for LESS, Sass, Compass and CoffeeScript compilation.) to compile this to a CSS file. in the CSS, you'll first need to left align the panes. Open the file layout.scss and search for: @include popup-sidebar($right replace all occurences with @include popup-sidebar($left Note: Unless you want only to change the desktop. Then don't replace all occurences, only the ones for desktop. Doing only desktop is much easier, as the menu buttons on mobile/tablet are also right alignd. For my sample, I've only updated the desktop version. (Note that you need to unmerge the selectors on line 836) Changing only a single device may cause strage flickering when moving between desktop to mobile versions. Next, change the topic content position to the right, as the panes are currently showing over the topic content. On line 392, change the right alignment to: #{$left}: $topic-sidebar-width + 1rem; And, on line 411, change the right alignment to: #{$left}: 0; With these modifications, the panes are left aligned. You will probably want to update the TOC book icon as it is currently pointing to the right hand side. Changing the mobile and tablet view as well, will require more work in updating the layout. It can be done if you want to.
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