It's not ignorance it's reality, anyone who says it's not is in denial, maybe because they have been brainwashed or just don't want to accept they are nothing more than a robot deploying pre-programmed concepts, quite possibly both. There's craftsmen and then there's master craftsmen, the elite who think for themselves. I know which one l would like to aspire to be. By @osgood_ These are huge statements by someone who, over more than a decade, has never shown any of their projects. Are there any???? By @BenPleysier You've answered your own question. l'm not or have never been proud of the work l produce/produced or need the ego boost, to me its never good enough, l'm never good enough in my opinion. You obviously think yours is and need the ego boost......... l wont critic yours as it would take too long but if that is the standard you aspire too and which pleases you then congratulations. Just to remind you, l said "aspire' not that l will or have ever reached what l aspired to.....but l tried damn hard. As an aside note, as you well know for over a decade lve helped and provided 100s of solutions in this forum, written bespoke code, php, css, html and javascript to help those who require it, so l must be a little bit OK.
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