Hello Ann, Thank you for your response. I really appreciate it. Per your question about is the clip being captured at a 120fps frame rate and written to the card at 59.94fps, based on what I see, it is being written to the card as 119.88fps. See image below. Also, click here to see the techical data on the Sony ZV-E10 camera that I purchased. Just click on "Specifications above the photo of the camera. I have done a very quick trial run to see what happens if I insert a 120fps frame rate file and it seems to work fine. And, when I slow down to the max amount using the "Time Remapping" feature, any studdering is pretty much non-existant. But, at the end of football season, I plan on creating a video that will encoupas the best plays from 10 or 12 games which ultimatley will mean 60 to 100 clips over about 20 minutes. Will I run into a problem if I have probably 75% or 80% of the clips be a frame rate of 120FPS when the prject is set up for 60FPS. Further what are the drawbacks from setting up a project with the wrong frame rate? For example, Let's say that I film 24fps but set up the project as 60fps (or vice versa). What is the negative that will happen? There must be some unfavorable outcome otherwise they would not have the ability to set up a frame rate in the software. Sorry for my lack of knowledge. I am a dad with enough knoledge and desire to create really cool football highlight videos but I really don't know much about the technical aspects. Thanks, Rob
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