I don't know what it's called... I've tried numerous times to pin down exactly what it's called; it's NOT the trim window, but the trim window like display that appears when you use the rolling edit tool... it often causes a HUGE lag in the project that I have to wait for to clear just to keep working... which is ULTRA annoying considering I get this spit edit video appear even when I'm rolling the audio around. This seems like something new (and annoying), how can I turn this off when I don't want to see it? Like especially when I'm just EDITING AUDIO???!!?? One thing I learned about while looking for an answer is an old abandoned shortcut "e" which used to be "expand to playhead," which you can still assign in the keyboard shortcuts, I now have it assigned to Shift+E, that way I can automatically move an edit in a roll like fashion to the playhead.... but still... how about a way to turn off the annoying split screen I'm not looking at 90% of the time?
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