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‎Jul 06, 2018
04:10 PM
You rock Peru Bob, after this next render, i'll try the above. Major kudos for offering me a hand out of the edit nightmare! I will post update.
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‎Jul 06, 2018
02:26 PM
Thought I found a solution of replacing the clips over the timeline. But random red clips still appear in the final export 😕
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‎Jul 06, 2018
02:09 PM
These red screens COME AND GO, one day, i can edit fine... the next day when i try to render... this happens. I have rendered COUNTLESS wedding videos on bluray/dvd. With the same 4k a7sii sony footage. None of the solutions posted on the discussion page solve my problem. I have tried disabling the h264 buffer option in media menu... NADA... I tried deleting the preview files, NADA. This RED SCREEN happens on two top of the line i7 computers, 1 is an Alien Ware. 1 is a 4k Lenovo Laptop. I hate to sound angry at the community, you adobe people are great. But this may be my last straw with Adobe Company if this continues. I've missed deadlines due to this seemingly random error. I am guessing it may have to do with RAM. But i doubt it all 3 of my PC's are 16g+ ram. I run a version of Premiere cs6 on an older i7 (yes i use 3 computers). And cs6 DOES not cause this problem. I will try installing cs6 from the Adobe Cloud. If that does not work. I demand to be relieved from my 1 year monthly contract. This program is ruining my business, and ruining any enjoyment I can get from editing. Adobe made it tough for me to find a complain section for this. so here it is on the community page. Sorry Adobe community has to read this rant. Creators <3, Adobe rage. With these red squares I may not be able to afford to pay for your software Adobe.
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