‎Jul 06, 2011
10:57 AM
As I understand it, if you modify (edit) a PDF with Acrobat Pro, it will create a new reference table on save that coincides with the changes made. At that point a new "created" date is applied. If you don't want anyone to modify your PDFs, why not just lock and password protect them?
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‎Jun 29, 2011
02:06 PM
It's as up to date as up to date can get. And I am NOT in a corporate environment. Standalone home computer.
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‎Jun 29, 2011
10:27 AM
With Windows 7 Ultimate 32 bit (SP1), Reader X and a file named CR.pdf, I'm just not getting this error.
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‎Jun 28, 2011
02:18 PM
So you can see it, THERE'S the file I named CR.pdf. It was Chase Calendar 6-2011.pdf. I right click and select Open with>Reader X and it opens just the same as it has since last week when I made it. I'd think since this is happening all over your office, there is something specific on all those systems that is causing this.
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‎Jun 27, 2011
12:15 PM
That's interesting to know Dave. I'll keep it in mind for future posts. Funny thing though. I use FF 5 beta, FF6 "Aurora" and IE9 and PDFs always open with the toolbar enabled. I'm involved in a criminal case (not the defendant, thankfully) and have been viewing/downloading statutes since December in both browsers, but mostly Firefox, and I always have the bar to click when I need to save something.
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‎Jun 26, 2011
05:05 PM
Here's the thing. Once you click the "save" button and the dialogue box opens, you are no longer working in your browser or with the Reader plugin. When that dialogue box opens, you are completely in Windows Explorer. The proof can be found if, once that dialogue box opens, you press ALT+TAB. You can see which program is running foremost at that point and it will be explorer.exe, not firefox.exe or iexplore.exe or reader.exe. That may not sound like much help, and since the problem is happening with PDFs it may certainly seem like an Adobe problem, but Reader opens the document and provides the toolber with the icon to save it. At that point, it "hands off" the process to Explorer, and the crash is coming from something in Windows. Since you've reinstalled more than once, and it happens in two browsers, it should indicate that the problem is in the common factor in the save process - Explorer. Without knowing more about what else you've tried (maybe a system file check) It's hard to go further. About the only workaround I can offer is to right click and save the PDF instead of opening it in the browser. If you're going to save it anyway, why not? Have you had any troubles saving other files (pics, mp3s)?
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‎Jun 25, 2011
11:06 AM
Pressing F8 will toggle the toolbar on or off in either browser. Firefox should save whatever you set it to, displayed or not displayed. IE should too but since I hardly ever use it myself I can't speak accurately to that. It should save the setting though like Firefox does.
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‎Jun 20, 2011
10:15 AM
1 Upvote
If anyone's interested, I just got hold of a Pentium (166mHz) with Windows 95 on it, a whopping 2Gb hard drive, CD (No DVD or burning) Drive, 64Mb of PC100 SDRAM and it has Adobe Acrobat Reader 2. Since it has a 1400 BAUD rate modem, and I have no land line phone it's impossible to update it. $100 with13" CRT monitor. Any Takers? You'll never have a problem with updates... ever again.
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‎Jun 18, 2011
07:19 PM
Never used FoxIt myself, but then I've never had problems with Reader or Acrobat, or updates.
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‎Jun 18, 2011
12:57 PM
rjl-1 wrote: I like what Leroy-514 had to say. What do you all recommend to replace Adobe Reader? FoxIt PDF reader. If you're one of the few, the wise, the Mac OS X users, Preview uses PDF as its native format. You can do nearly as much with it as you can with Acrobat Pro.
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‎Jun 17, 2011
06:50 PM
JustinCase.ftw wrote: Because Adobe is using their Adobe Download Manager... ...as an advertisement platform. If you've watched it download then you'll notice that they're trying to get you to also download their "partner" products. In other words, Adobe makes money when you download something from one of these other providers. It's the same as that checkbox for the Google Toolbar on their download page. Presumably Google pays people, say, $1 if you install the toolbar for them. So if a million people install the Google Toolbar from their routine of downloading/upgrading an Adobe product then that's a million dollars for them. And so the more versions they make in a year... Someone flunked Business 101. Adobe DOESN'T make money when you download something from one of their partners, and Google/Yahoo/McAfee/Symantec are not Adobe Partners. In case you're brand new to the world of computing and business... Server space and bandwidth COST MONEY. With billions of people worldwide using Reader and Flash Player *because nobody else makes anything better) Adobe has tens of thousands of downloads every hour for these two alone. Since they're FREE, that server space and all that traffic are costing plenty. In exchange for allowing an optional download of some other product, Adobe gets the cost reimbursed by the vendor to maintain the servers and update the updates, as well as pay for the traffic. I know that doesn't say anything about why there are so many updates, but Adobe isn't the Lone Ranger on this. Every Wednesday, without fail, since April of last year when I installed Windows 7, I have had to download between 4mb and 180 mb of updates. There have been nearly twice the size in updates as Windows 7 Ultimate is in a DVD-DL. Not to mention the friggin' madatory restart nearly every single time. And it takes fifteen minutes to shut down as it "prepares" the updates, then another fifteen to "optimize" them on the reboot. It's a good time to go and make breakfast, read the paper, and take a shower. I'll take a reader update that doesn't suck up an hour of my day... any day.
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‎Jun 11, 2011
03:53 PM
You are aware that Firefox 4 is out now as well as 5 (beta), right?
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‎Jun 10, 2011
11:22 AM
When you change the workspace, if you right click on one of the toolbars that ARE visible and the menu pops out, is Standard checked?
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‎Jun 10, 2011
09:09 AM
Window -> Workspace Layout -> Default That should be for DW8. It's been years since I used 8, but I think that's correct.
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‎Jun 08, 2011
03:41 PM
915855abc wrote: There are viruses or trojans that will attach to other programs in order to seem like they are legitimate programs. I am no saying that adobe is distributing a virus but I had a concern about a process that was in the flash folder on my computer. USER I know nothing at all really seems that you really do not know anything. You have 1,581 posts in your profile and I can imaging what stupid advice you have posted. I wanted to thank USER eidnolb for addressing my concerns. I already updated the flash player. I had another concern because now I have the FlashUtil10n_ActiveX.exe and also the FlashUtil10s_ActiveX.exe files in the same folder mentioned above. Is this normal. Thanks in advance. Why thank you very much. I'll stand by what I said and add this IF YOU DON'T TRUST THE SOFTWARE, DON'T USE THE SOFTWARE. Take a computing class and learn a thing or two. I seriously doubt you'd know a virus if you had one, or how to get rid of it.
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‎Jun 08, 2011
01:42 PM
<sarcasm on> Being as Adobe has the worldwide reputation as the largest distributor of computer viruses in the known universe (it's what they do), it's safe to say that your computer has been permanently damaged by this virus and you will need to destroy it immediately to prevent spreading this malware to everyone you know. <sacrasm off> Honestly, do you think the world's largest developer and distributor of audio, video, photo and web design software would be able to unleash a virus on every Flash Player user on earth without anyone (news) saying anything about it, or anyone (government) doing anything about it? I'd apologize for the smart-***ed answer, but the question is just so far beyond ridiculous, it warrants it.
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‎Jun 08, 2011
10:53 AM
What does a system file check indicate (Start>Run> sfc /scannow)? If it's OS and can be self-repaired it could save you a lot of hassles, and money.
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‎Jun 08, 2011
10:41 AM
The problem is most likely in your Action Script. Therefore this question should be posted in the Action Script forum. This forum only deals with the Flash Player, which, in this case is running the script as it is written, and therefore, working properly.
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‎Jun 08, 2011
10:36 AM
1 Upvote
You are aware that 99.999999999999999% of BSODs are caused by 1. Critical OS problems or bad memory sectors. 2. Hardware driver problems. and that thrid party software only makes these problems manifest, right? I run Win 7 Ultimate on my desktop with the latest Flash Payer. Granted I'm on a 32 bit system, but this machine is four years old, has had XP, Vista Ultimate and Win 7 Ultimate on it without ever having a BSOD in ANY OS.
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‎Jun 08, 2011
10:25 AM
I'd have to agree with that. If it really was (or is) a virus, and you have anti-virus software that's worth anything at all, it would have identified it and quarantined it. Then nothing using Flash would work. Get it?
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‎Jun 05, 2011
09:44 AM
The way I do it is using a plug-in called DownloadHelper for Firefox. It saves the FLV wherever you want it. Then I run the FLV through Adobe Media encoder if I plan to use it somewhere else. If not I keep the FLV to play in VLC Media Player. There is also a "converter" that DLH sells so you can convert the video right after downloading it. It's $30 I think, but since I can do it with AME which I already have, I couldn't justify the expense.
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‎Jun 04, 2011
07:01 PM
CCleaner is good for Windows. I've used AppleJack since 2005 on three different Macs, and I'll swear by it. Message was edited by: I_Know_Nothing_at_all (Dang keyboard!)
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‎Jun 04, 2011
06:38 PM
Users\Library\Application Support\Adobe\Flash (or Shockwave) They are hidden by default though. Unless you use a pref pane like "Secrets" and can show hidden files, it may look empty. Are you looking to manually delete them?
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‎Jun 04, 2011
03:28 PM
1 Upvote
"waol" is waol.exe or the Windows AOL web browser, hence the name "waol". Basically it's telling you that you can't install the ActiveX plugin while the browser is running. Unfortunately, AOL is not good at closing the browser to install necessary downloaded files, without closing the installer too. I worked two years in AOL support and training. Aside from the present issue, you're using software that is by AOL's own declaration "obsolete". The AOL browser in 9.X is still IE 6.1, circa 2003/2004. It will access IE7, 8 or 9 when it has to, but the basic engine hasn't been updated in seven years and hasn't been supported for nearly five. AOL doesn't even exist anymore except as a website and mail portal. Unless you are using an AOL dial up connection and absolutely need to conect using AOL software, you're basically wasting nearly a quarter gig of your hard drive on software that can be quite handily replaced by Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera, Chrome, or Safari. Except for IE9 in some limited cases, you will have no trouble installing Flash Player in these browsers.
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‎Jun 04, 2011
03:16 PM
Thsi would be best addressed in the Flash Professional or Dreamweaver forum since this forum only deals with the Flash Player, and not Flash content design or Web integration.
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‎Jun 04, 2011
11:05 AM
CTRL + in Firefox will zoom the page (even a PDF) so it can be more easily read. CTRL - zooms it out and CTRL 0 (zero) resets it.
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‎Jun 02, 2011
09:16 PM
I see that all the time. A silver circle with a small f in it. I use a plugin for Firefox called FlashBlock which disables flash content until I choose to run it. Since I'm on a slow connection, it's a lifesaver. If Flash content loaded, buffered and started playing all at once, I couldn;t open any News site. Check your plugins for FlashBlock. Disable it and your problem will be solved.
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‎Jun 02, 2011
05:42 PM
"how does that file install_flash_player_ax.exe have the latest version without noting any version number?" Because Adobe doesn't go backwards with their downloads. If you downloaded it from the Flash Player downloads page, you got the latest version (as of the date you downloaded it) available. There is a version check built into the installer as well, so if you try to install an older version than you have, it will warn you that you are attempting to install older software than what you're currently running. I ALWAYS use the manual installer (saved to my downloads folder). I have never been a fan of "running" downloaded software as it downloads. If something goes wrong with the install in the middle, it can really screw things up. Imagine being in the middle of a 168Mb download and install of Norton Systemworks, and lightning strikes a transformer in the parking lot outside your workplace, shutting the entire building down until the generators could start. I toasted a $900 HP desktop for my former employer that day.
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‎Jun 02, 2011
05:34 PM
Need to post ActionScript questions in the Flash forum. This is for Flash Player only.
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‎Jun 02, 2011
03:33 PM
First thing to acknowledge is: BSOD crashes are 99.9999999% of the time due to critical OS problems or hardware. 0.0000001% of the time they are due to software, be it Microsoft or third party. If turning off the HW acceleration causes the BSODs to stop, I'd say there is a hardware problem (most likely) but there is also a slim chance that you have a memory fault your video card runs into when using software to accelerate the card. The BSOD gives information about the cause. If you have that it would help to point to the source of the Fatal Exception, and determine what steps youneed to take.
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