David Blatner wrote: It's extremely rare that you should need to reinstall software or downgrade to a lower version. I always recommend people try: David, I was on the phone with a Top Tier Engineer at Adobe. We went through all of those steps, sharing my computer, and far more, and he was unable to figure out what was going on. I sent him the document for investigation. He was the one who told me they had no fix for multi-column documents. I appreciate your suggestions, however. Yesterday, as my author and I spent 8 hours on the phone refining corrections, InDesign crashed literally about 100 times, sometimes 4-5 times on attempts to make one change. As a result, I'm quite sure my problems (can't speak for others) in this document has to do with a combination of footnotes (about 200), images (about 300) and multiple columns. One fix I discovered on my own was to add a blank page after the page I was working on. I assume this allowed footnotes and images to shift more easily, but am just guessing.
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