I am not able to share the document because of the terms of my contract with the client. That was a very generous offer from BarbBinder though! I appreciate all the time everyone is investing here to help me, and I'm sorry you really are flying blind. Thank-you AnneMarie, that did the trick. I went through and changed things in the style one by one until I found the offending setting. Apparently, the language had to be set to English Canadian or English UK. I should have tried that right away, but I'm still not entirely sure why that happened. Now that I look, the [Basic Paragraph] is also set to English UK, and if I change it to English USA, it suddenly can't hyphenate either. I thought for a second that this might be a problem with my copy of InDesign, somehow, but I just opened a few other documents and they are all hyphenating fine in USA. In this document, even if I place in an some entirely new words from another document, they have to be changed to UK or Canadian in order to hyphenate. Nuts. Thank-you all so much!
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